The Immortal Player

Chapter 164: Pedro's Idea: Using Trade To Rebuild Kagat Village!

"Well deserved rest... What do you mean?" Antonio asked as his brows furrowed. His eyes starred towards Pedro--waiting for his response.

That said, Village Chief Antonio knew what Pedro trully meant, consequently making another layer of sadness in his heart. 

Madame Soledad was close to the hearts of many Villages and Kingdoms because of the selfless acts that she did in order to help them. Be it economy, safety, or other things, she was the type of person who would try her best just to help people without expecting anything in return.

That is why her loss would be painful, especially to those people whom she has helped in a lot of ways like Village Chief Antonio. 

On the other hand, Pedro simply stole a glance in response towards Village Chief Antonio without saying a word. He did not want to talk about Madame Soledad, what much more about her death.

At first, he just played the game like how he did in his past life. Kill monsters, do quests, level up, and get stronger. 

However, Things just turned out different in this second life.

That feeling of being treated like a hero after saving the wife and daughter of Antonio, the bond that he was starting to build with Madame Soledad and his Seniors from the Karakoa Fleet, and even just listening to Faunia's storytelling...

These had all made him attached to the NPCs even more. As if they were his real-life acquaintances that had contributed well to his development as a person. 

Thus, whether it Madame Soledad, or if it was just Faunia, he does not want to talk much about them. Because for him... Losing them is like losing a close relative in real life. 

"I-I see..." Antonio said. Then, he averted his gaze to the ground and took a deep breath--releasing all the sad feelings he felt deep inside.

On the other hand, Captain Aks could only grip his hand and look down to the ground, thinking that humanity had lost a kind-hearted, strong, and helpful person--who helped those who are in need without expecting anything in exchange. 

It took them a few minutes to process everything and to ease the sudden heavy feeling that they felt deep inside. At this moment, Village Chief Antonio walked out of the Village Chief's office and glanced around the desolated area. 

'It was supposed to be lively.' Antonio remembered how noisy the streets were at night as the day shift soldiers cheered for another day passed, while the night shift soldiers would be teased for being unlucky. At the same time, women and children would have joined their laughter as they all eat dinner together.

With another sigh, he arrived at one of the chairs that Pedro had prepared and sat on it. Then, he remembered Pedro's offer to join the Karakoa fleet and said, "Sadly... I am too old to join Soledad's fleet. So... I'll pass in your offer young man. But... Perhaps Aks might still be able to join."

"What?!" Captain Aks cried as he and Pedro glanced towards Antonio with a frown on their face. "I won't leave you, Brother! If you choose to stay in this village, I'll stay here with you!" 

"Respected sires... Please forget what I said." Pedro said--interrupting the discussion between Aks and Antonio that was about to happen. Then, he said, "On second thought, I think that it is a good idea to have a village where humans could seek shelter in the west. It was just... For me... It was too troublesome to consider rebuilding this village."

"You're thinking too much young man! It is my responsibility to take care of the village. There's no need for you to take that burden away from me." Antonio said. 

Pedro simply smiled towards him and said, "I know! But... Tell me Village Chief... How do you plan to rebuild this village? Sire Aks had said earlier, the influx of monsters had reduced the number of people traveling towards the western land of the Aquari Continent. Other than my fellow adventurers... Who would stay in this isolated village?"

"That..." Antonio could only avert his gaze towards the campfire whilst thinking an answer to Pedro's question.

However, before an idea could come into Antonio's mind, Pedro said, "I have an idea in mind. But... I do not know if the two of you would be interested."

"What is it, young man?" Antonio said, "Feel free to tell us what you had in mind."

"I would like to establish a shop and attract the merchants from nearby Kingdoms." Pedro said, "I won't tell much about the specifics. But... You must know that I am using trade to attract people to go into this village. So... I need assurance that both of you would be able to establish and implement a governing system to avoid this tragedy from happening once again."contemporary romance

"This..." Antonio and Aks were at loss for words.

Although Pedro pointed out the governing system of the village, they knew that there were more matters that they need to change or improve. Safety, Reconstruction of the old and damaged structures, and many more. All of it needs a lot of money, resources, and, most importantly, manpower to work. 

That said, Pedro already had several plans in mind. He only needs Antonio and Aks to agree to his arrangement and for them to swear that they would give all their best for the village. 

After all, he won't be able to stay for long at Kagat Village as he said earlier. Even if he helped them revive the village, how it survives in this brutal environment, in the long run, would still depend on Antonio and Aks. 

Pedro knew that the 'adventurers' was just an excuse for their failure to defend their village against those people or beings that had ill intent. 

Truth to be told, he wanted to hear what they learned or would do better in order to avoid their mistakes in the past. This way, he would be assured that he could trust Antonio and Aks that they would be able to protect his shop and the goods he was going to sell. 

He did not want to establish a shop that sells the skills that he had painstakingly made to be only robbed by players from time to time. No matter how high the quality of his goods was, if it would be robbed or taken advantage of, his shop would not last long.

And if this would be the primary attraction for people to visit or migrate to Kagat Village, then, It would just become a wasted attempt to revive the village. It would be much better to end the village now, rather than suffer losses later on.

That said, Pedro did not suggest this to Antonio out of his emotions... If he would only eventually suffer loss from it. 

Whether he attains loses something or not, it would be a good chance for him to establish connections amongst other merchants of other Kingdoms and Villages, and, at the same time, build up a brand name that would be the face of his products. 

On top of that, It is also a good chance for him to observe the NPCs in terms of Village or Kingdom Management. This way, he could determine if he could consider using NPCs to govern his future Kingdom in Aquari Continent, especially if he would be roaming around the world most of the time.

Thus, he suggested this idea instead. In fact, he could have just made the Kagat Village as the Base of the gold farming team that was led by his Aunt and his cousin Weyron. Or... He could have just killed Aks and Antonio, and burn the whole Kagat Village into ashes.

Less problem, right?

But... He would not gain anything in return.

Just imagine if they would be successful. If the Kagat Village would rise once again. They would become a strong ally towards the Kingdom that Pedro would build in the future.

They could even provide assistance to Pedro in building his own kingdom. There were a lot of possibilities and potentials that the Kagat Village may bring to his table. So, why destroy it, when you could gain from it.

On the other hand, Antonio and Aks were not able to respond immediately because they were questioning themselves if they are ready... If they are capable... If they would be able to live to Pedro's expectations.

They had failed, miserably, once. No matter who is in their shoes would definitely doubt themselves, especially when they know that the responsibility they had to bear was almost twice as heavy as before.

That said, the answers of Aks and Antonio were long set in stone. They had lost too many to give up on establishing and achieving their dream. Thus, they would still choose to stay with the village, no matter the cost.

"Rest assured, young adventurer! I'll do my best!" Antonio said--whilst still staring towards the campfire.

"And so would I!" Aks said glancing towards Pedro with confidence lit in his eyes.

Pedro simply smiled in response as he stood and started to cut the roasted Flocoloso Bird into four portions. Then, he gave them a leg part portion each and said, "I am looking forward to working with you, Village Chief."

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