The Immortal Player

Chapter 114: Let's Start the Party!

Aldo, Charlotte, Elisabeth, and Ashley started arguing with him in response. They reminded Pedro about their encounter with the mountain wolves in the Aquari Continent. Although Faunia played a big role in clearing monsters during that time, But... on their own, they won't be able to survive the attacks of the monsters. That is why they were not taking things lightly, unlike Pedro.

Their hype regarding the event has been calmed by Aldo. That said, Everyone knew that it is an ideal time to farm monsters and level up. If they farm monsters, they would gain levels while being able to participate in the event.

Who knows, they might qualify in any of the rankings and earn rewards. It was hitting two birds with one stone.

As for Loren, she just plays the game for school purposes. Of course, she wanted to 'Pass' their Electronic Survival Sports and Development Subject. But, she treated it like any other 'group activities' from their school and 'allowed' others to be their leader and simply do her part in return.contemporary romance

On the other hand, Sabrina was confident because of her demonic eyes. Paired with her trust towards Pedro, Of course, she didn't oppose him and she simply listened to their argument.

In the end, Everyone agreed to have a sword training with Talia, Mathew, Yojiro, and Yuson while they were on their way back to the continent. This way, Pedro could build even just a bit of their confidence when fighting monsters. At the same time, they would become familiar with the 'attack patterns' or tendencies of a sword user.

Whether they would stick in being a sword user or not, the experience and knowledge they would gain from the training would be useful. Either they would have a stable foundation in becoming a sword user or they would have an idea of the 'basic' movements that a sword user would use, in case they encountered a sword user enemy in the future.

Yojiro and Yuson taught everyone the basics of wielding swords, except Mathew who already had established his own technique from playing other VR games. Including a few spars, this became their 'routine' until they arrived at the Aquari Continent.

As they approach the land near the Naga Kingdom, a cold breeze swept through the ship. Faunia, who was in the front part of the ship's deck, stared towards the Aquari Continent as she scouts the area where they would dock.

Pedro noticed her so, he went out of the CBCR and approached her.

"We are still far from the land, yet the wind reeks of blood!" He said.

"There's a bloodbath, ongoing!" Faunia said, casually.

"Humans hunting Monsters?" He asked.

"No!" She said, "Monsters hunting humans!"

"I see..." Pedro rubbed his chin, he was a tad bit surprised. Based on the Event Rankings, he thought that the players were dominant against the monsters. Unfortunately, like in his past life, players were being overwhelmed by the monsters in terms of power.

"Were there any signs of humans from the Naga Kingdom?" He asked.

"So far, there's none." She said, "The humans I see were similar to the ones we hunted before."

"Oh!" For some reason, Pedro smirked and asked, "Do you want to go ahead first?"

"Hmm? You want me to save them?"

"No!" He shook his head in response, "I want you to eliminate those humans and collect the loots, especially the bags, once again."

"What about their body?" Faunia asked.

"Do as you wish!" He said.

Faunia simply smirked and nodded. In the next second, She disappeared into thin air. Pedro could only shake his head in response and chuckled as he heads back in the CBCR.

'I need to eliminate them to reduce the competition. After all, the more monsters, the better!'

Soon, their ship halted. Pedro, his group mates, Mathew, and Talia rode a small boat to reach the land. Pedro glanced towards Paul Solares as if saying, 'I'll leave the ship in your care.'.

Paul Solares smiled in response as if reassuring Pedro that he had nothing to worry about. Pedro thought to bring Yojiro and Yuson with them as additional bodyguards, but he decided to let them stay on the ship instead. So that he would be reassured that the fleet would be almost at its full strength and be able to defend against possible attacks at its maximum capability.

After all, the next most important thing next to Pedro was the Ships. Although Pedro might not know the actual count, He knew that there were only a few ships as huge as Karakoa, Felippe, and Raphael, that were made in Iron and Silver.

That is why Pedro decided to place all his NPC force on the ship. As for their group who would fight the monsters, they have two demonic eyes user and Faunia. On their own, they were already overpowered, even against monsters around level 10 to level 20.

Plus, if the players around level 1 to level 5 could defeat a hundred or more monsters, what more Pedro who is around level 30+, Mathew and Talia who was on their level 10+. So, there was no need to bring more NPCs with them.

As they got closer and closer to the land, the stink of blood becomes stronger. At this moment, Pedro's Pen Knife was on standby under his overcoat. Then, he reached out on his inventory bag and took the [The Fallen One's] Katana.

The black Katana has attracted the attention of everyone. Their eyes were glued towards it, thus, Pedro can't help but chuckle in response. Then, he handed over the sword to Sabrina.

"Here's a little souvenir from the Island that we visited." He said.

Of course, Sabrina wanted to accept Pedro's souvenir, but she hesitated to accept it after noticing the 'barely passable' weapons of everyone else, even Mathew and Talia. Since she already have the pen-knives, she momentarily thought that it would be better if Pedro would hand the Katana to another person.

"Is there a problem?" Pedro asked.

"Uhm... No! But... Won't it be better to give this sword to any of them?" She explained, "I mean... I have the pen knives already."

Everyone remained silent. Pedro glanced towards their weapons and laughed.

"Of course, I've got them some souvenirs too." He said.

Believing what Pedro said, Sabrina didn't argue any further and took the Katana from Pedro. Afterward, Pedro pulled seven [GeKnight Sword] and handed it over to the rest of his team. They expressed their gratitude towards Pedro before they checked the stats of their swords in a hurry.

[GeKnight Sword]

Rating: Silver-rated weapon

Level Requirement: 5


Attack Damage: +20

Agility: +10

Strength: +10

Special Effect: [Increase Damage] by 1 for every successful 5 combo attack. (Stacks up to 10 times)

0/10 Additional Damage

Additional damage resets if the combo made was reset.

[This Sword of a wise Knight.]


[The Fallen One's]

Rating: Gold-rated weapon

Level Requirement: 20


Attack Damage: +200

Agility: +80

Strength: +50

Special Effect:

1) [Fog] - releases a constant amount of reddish smoke for 30 seconds after being pulled from its scabbard.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

2) [Blood Blade] - Every 20 targets killed by this sword, a bright red blood blade would be conjured that can be used for a single attack delivering a 100% True Damage to the target. Can Stack.

Blood Blades left: 0

[A katana once used in war and bathed in the blood and lives of many men.]


"Wow!" Elisabeth exclaimed.

However, Charlotte shook her head in embarrassment towards Elisabeth's 'amazed' reaction. Before anyone could speak, Aldo asked Pedro with a straight forward question.

"How are we going to use it? I am just level 2! Charlotte, Elisabeth, Loren, and Ashley are even just level 1."

"Man, Didn't I say that it is a souvenir?" Pedro chuckled, "If you want to use it so badly, then you can only do one thing... Level up!"

At this moment, their boat docked to the beach. Pedro raised his hand, pointing at their front. Then, his pen-knife launched out of his sleave. Everyone could simply watch his pen-knife pass them. And just a few meters away from their boat, the pen-knife has split a sand skinned snake that was already on air, striking towards them.

Everyone could only stare in astonishment from what had just happened. However, Pedro didn't wait for them to get back into their senses. He hopped down the boat and 'collected' the dead body of the snake into his inventory bag.

Though he was able to keep the dead snake to his inventory bag, the blood it spilled has attracted the attention of all the nearby monsters. Thus, there were tens of monsters charging towards them.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's start the party!" He grinned as he charged towards the monsters whilst taking out his [Faithpursuer] Katana from his inventory bag.

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