The Immortal Player

Chapter 105: The Mystery Box and The Katana!

"No~no, Sire! The shop has sufficient stocks of that sword. It's just that... I need to remind Sire that 200 swords would cost a total of 40 gold coins If I were to agree to your offer of 5 swords a gold coin."

"I know. There's no problem with that. So... Do we have a deal? 200 of this sword at a total price of 40 gold coins?"

"Uh... Uh... Deal!"

The jaws of the people inside the shop were open, wide enough for an apple to fit. They could only stare at Pedro, Faunia, and Gerard's figure who went to the storage area of the shop.

Pedro placed the swords in the empty inventory bag that once contained thousands of pieces of Nearis Paper that he sold. As usual, the NPC, Gerard, who first saw the magic of the bag, became amazed.

It took Pedro several minutes to place everything he had purchased into the inventory bag. After paying, he now had 24 Gold coins remaining. When they left the storage area, Pedro stood in front of a Katana that was displaced on the wall. The handle and scabbard were colored black and had a cool looking red lining on it.

"Can I see that one?" Pedro pointed to the Katana.

Gerard nodded in response and handed the Katana to Pedro. He slowly pulled it off its sheath, when a bright red smoke came out of it.

"Sh@t!" For some reason, Pedro felt danger and due to his instincts, he quickly sheathed back the Katana. Then, He checked its information in his interface.

[The Fallen One's]

Rating: Gold-rated weapon

Level Requirement: 20


Attack Damage: +200

Agility: +80

Strength: +50

Special Effect:

1) [Fog] - releases a constant amount of reddish smoke for 30 seconds after being pulled from its scabbard.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

2) [Blood Blade] - Every 20 targets killed by this sword, a bright red blood blade would be conjured that can be used for a single attack delivering a 100% True Damage to the target. Can Stack.

Blood Blades left: 0

[A katana once used in war and bathed in the blood and lives of many men.]

Cost: 4 Gold Coins

'4 Gold Coins, huh? Let me try to bargain with Gerard. Hehe. I think he can give me a discount since I bought hundreds of silver swords earlier.' Pedro rubbed his chin whilst in deep thought.

"How much does this cost?" Pedro asked.

Note that the NPC does not know about the system and Pedro knowing the initial price of 4 gold coins, without asking Gerard about it may bring trouble or doubts. Gerard might not think about the idea of 'system' but he may doubt that 'Pedro might have checked and seen other shops selling a similar weapon.'. Thus to preserve the relationship Pedro built with the weapon shop, He still asked for its price before starting to bargain.

"Fo~four Gold coins, Sire!"

"I'll take it if you give it to me for 2 gold coins."

"This..." Gerard went silent as he started to sweat.

'Gerard's silence meant that he can't agree with the price I asked. He might be weighing things up, the advantages and disadvantages of agreeing to my condition.'

"Tch!" Gerard bit his lips, "Sire, I have an offer!"

"What is it?"

"I'll agree with your condition for two gold coins on this katana, but... You must purchase it together with 3 gold coins worth of weapon." Gerard sighed.

'It's hard to decline on a customer like Sire Aron. Seeing that he is just a new member of the organization, Future transactions with him will surely benefit the Shop. A loss in profit of 2 gold coins is nothing compared to that relationship the shop may build with him. However, as a salesman, I must find a way for the shop to, at least, earn more profit. Thus, my offer is something that can be thought of like a win-win situation.'

"Hmm..." Pedro scanned through the shop looking for some weapons that may catch his eyes. For some reason, the one he spotted was Faunia, who was staring at a desk displaying good looking knives and short swords. Pedro approached her and asked,

"Did you like anything?"

"Hahaha! Are you mocking me?" Faunia's laughter attracted the attention of some of the customers. Fortunately, other customers and the salespersons of the shop misunderstood what Faunia meant. They thought that Faunia was still a young lady and is still not advisable to use such weapons.

Kids that became members of the organization either had talent or is someone well connected from the higher-ranking officials. They were not tasked to do actual missions, but instead to observe or learn from organization members to help further develop their talents and/or abilities.

Thus, the majority of kid members either have weapons for decoration purposes or training purposes only.

On Pedro's point of view, he knows what Faunia meant, 'Those weapons were trash. So, why would she be interested in such 'trash'? And... Her fists were enough.'

"Is that so?" Pedro forced out a smile and simply rubbed the back of his head.

"Hmm... What should I do with the remaining 3 gold coins worth of weapon..."

Pedro was puzzled. Truth to be told, He discourages a mage type or an archer. Unlike other games, Playing as an Archer in Bearth was too troublesome to sustain. Either they need to buy a lot of arrows, which meant additional expenses, or they need to craft arrows, which requires more time of farming materials and the crafting itself.contemporary romance

While on mages, the healers or healing type mages were of big help. This was true in the early stages. However, due to a lack of damage output, their leveling progress was the slowest compared to other players. Capitalizing skills like invisibility skills can only relieve some difficulty they experience whilst farming.

Still, despite the ease and the feeling of security, healing type mages required twice the amount of grinding efforts compared to other players.

This later on affected all other players, as the gap between them and other players becomes larger. Other players were forced to devise other healing methods just to be able to survive without the healing type mage. This made the healing type mage players shift their focus towards an offensive type mage, and abandon the healer path.

Well, It is not that offensive type mage is any better. Offensive type mage skills were rank number one in terms of consumption of the MP of a player. Currently, only a few players had a set of offensive skills. Thus, not everyone notices that there was a problem with MP mechanics of the game.

Pedro knew about this but he doesn't pay any mind about it. He knows that the interface itself was just some kind of 'indicator'. In phones, You may think of the battery percentage as an 'indicator' of how much or how long will the battery of your phone lasts, before it runs out and shuts down.

He knew that some months after the open-beta phase, or good as an official release, the developers would do the last final updates that included the removal of both stamina and MP indicator. It was so that players could estimate themselves, how much energy they have left before they block out.

And... The only sign a player runs out of energy was when they suddenly lost their consciousness. Later, it was known or 'assumed' by players that once you recover at least 50 to 70 percent of your MP, players started to regain their consciousness. It was only a theory concluded after doing several trials and errors, done mostly by mages.

This was the reason why he discourages the mage and archer path. One may say archer and mages have the distance advantage but when it comes to monster or enemy attacks, overall things to consider, like dodging and awareness, must be on par (at least) or better with the melee players.

Well, that was for the norm of the players in his past life, and his suggestions and preferences. Of course, there were still players, be it casual or pro players, that we're able to manage.

There was even a famous player that was nicknamed 'Ret@rd' in his past life. He had a character with a combination of a tank and a healing type mage. He was very tanky. He was invited so much on dungeons. Unfortunately, One day, He got ambushed and died. Those who killed him needed only to slice him to death.

Back to Pedro...

"What is in this black box?" Pedro's attention was shifted to a block box with several golden lines and curve in it.

"Uhm... Sire, That is a mystery box that we sell yearly during the recruitment event."

"More like a scam! Hahaha!" Another customer interrupted with a laugh. The other customers that heard it followed with a laugh.




"I see..." Pedro rubbed his chin seemingly interested, "How much?"

"10 gold coins, Sire."

"10 gold coins for both the mystery box and this Katana? This is my final offer."

In the end, Gerard agreed and Pedro was able to buy the mystery box and the Katana. Now, he has 14 gold coins left. Pedro waved goodbye to Gerard and left the shop with Faunia. Gerard gave him a ring and said that it was something Pedro can show indicating that he is a VIP of the Kratus Weapon Shop.

"I can't wait to re-sell the silver swords! I can sell it to other players at a price of... Hmm... probably 5 gold coins each. As for the Katana... I felt that it would be a great weapon for Sabrina. I can only hope my intuition was right. Well... If it doesn't fit her, I can let my FaithPursuer absorb it. Hahaha." He chuckled.

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