The Hunter, The Dragon And The Smokey Mountain Angel

Chapter 19

Two hours later, Julia listened to the radio as she drove to a Sears outlet store on the outskirts of town. She ran inside, repeatedly denied being Julia Anderson, and bought a bed, TV and a few other small items and left as quickly as she could. The roads leading away from Pigeon Forge were empty, so she was able to find an alternate path to Lonely Road that took her up into the mountain. It was time to get that job.

In her mind, she rehearsed what she was going to say to Jason. She knew the whole flying–thing would come up in the conversation but she wasn’t sure if he would hold that against her.

The parking area was empty at the mining office and the lights were off in the trailer. Julia positioned her SUV near the front door, halfway blocking the narrow road, and float–walked up to the door. Then she knocked and waited.

She could feel the presence growing in the back of her mind but its attention seemed distracted. The wind blew and she looked toward the distant mountains. She squinted and then relaxed her eyes. She could clearly see the waterfall she had visited earlier from here. She tried to remember what it looked like the first time she had discovered it when she was walking down the mountain but she had been so upset then…

Has my vision gotten stronger? She shook her head and looked back at the office. Perhaps it looks different because I’m higher up on the mountain.

Then she knocked on the door again but there was no answer.

I know they had a lot of work to do. Could the traffic disaster in the city have caused them to shut down for the day? Will Jason blame me for this?

Then she put her face close to the window and looked inside; the place was empty but for the large pictures hanging on the walls. Her shoulders dropped. She wanted to show Jason her new SUV, needed to show him that she had made it; she had gotten transportation, she needed them to know this almost as bad as she needed this job. But the office was clean...

A moment later, an alarm sounded in her head. Red and Orange flashed in her vision and her stomach dropped as the presence approached her mind and said,

Gooo hOme JuLia. I Cn’t hold their A–tension loongr.

Then the mountain began to rumble!

“What is going on,” She shouted into the air!

Gooo JuLia!

Julia lifted another inch higher, hesitated a moment ready to demand answers…”

Gooo nooowa!

She pursed her lips and quickly flew back to her SUV. She took the back road down the mountain muttering to herself, and the presence about losing that job but the presence remained quiet.

Then she drove the long way around the city until she found the hidden trail that took her through the woods and over the mountain to the back of her house.

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