The Hunt For Immortal Love

Chapter 11 Knocking On Death's Door

I have brought danger to my love, the very thing I was protecting her from is now threatening to take her away. I cannot let them take her, the things they would do to her, I cannot even think of. There is only one way to protect her now. I do hate that it has come to this, but there is no other way.

"My love," I softly whisper in her ear.

"Yes Sebastian?" she asks, turning her head to look at me.

"I am so sorry for what I am about to do."

I do not give her one second to say a word. I ever so gently lean her head to the side. There is not time for being slow now, this has to be done and done at once. I bear my fangs for the entire room to see and with one quick flick of my head, my teeth are sunk into her neck.

"Sebastian!!!" I hear her scream. I close my eyes and pretend for these few seconds that it is not her who I am about to drink from. I hold her strong and make sure I am nestled firm...then...I suck and suck...and once more I suck. I can feel her small body starting to go limp, but I keep sucking still. I get lost in the sweet taste that is her, I feel the rush of power surge through my body. I have drunk too much. She drops into my arms and Edward takes her from me.

"Now get out of my house!" I demand for Catarina and her muts to leave. "She bears my mark and you know that you cannot take her. I want this hybrid out of town before he too gets exterminated." "You know that is not going to happen Mr Belmont," Catarrina says.

"My dear," Edward interrupts. "You would be wise to take the man's advice. Now leave at once and do not make the mistake in coming back again."

"We shall leave but this is not done," she warns as she starts to make her departure.

"My dear Catarina. I have no calm in taking your pack of muts out," I raise my voice in reply. "I might have let you live today but the next time our paths cross you won't be so lucky again."

"What does this human have that draws you so much?" she asks.

"That is none of your concern," I snap back at her. "Make sure the hybrid leaves and our treaty shall remain in place. Now if you will excuse me, I need to attend to my love."

"Very well Mr Belmont," she agrees. "I shall do as you wish. I do hope that your girl is still very much alive after you have drunk her so dry."

Her words run true for I do too fear that I have drunk on her for far too long. I turn to Edward and take her from his hands and gently carry her to my room.

Once in the safety behind my doors, I softly lay her down on the satin sheets, the very please I left her not so long ago. Before I cover her pale frail body, I place my ear closer to her lips. I can hear her slowly breathing, it comforts me for just a moment. But the question begs, is she really truly alive still.

"Oh, my dear Anastasia, please believe I had to do that needed to be done. This, this what I feel for you, I could not loose it, I could not bear losing you. It truly warms me, to know that you are alive, but I fear I might have turned you into one of my kind."

I softly lean in and kiss her soft rose lips, in all the paleness of her face, it is the only thing that remains with colour. Then I see it, the unmistakable mark that I have left behind in her tender neck. I have indeed drank a lot, my need to protect her might have pushed me too far.

I sit with her for a while and I hold her hands. I watch her and pray that she does not stop to breathe. As the light of day disappears, I decide to make my way downstairs. I find Lilith and Edward in the common room, but they are not alone. "Dear brother, how is Anastasia?" Edward rises from his seat and come towards me.

"I am afraid she has not woken yet," I acknowledge Edward as he gives me a reassuring pat on my back.

"Oh Sebastian, I am truly sorry. Do you think she might turn? Lilith asks.

"I am afraid that I have indeed drunk too long," I admit.

"That is why I am here my friend," Breyden speaks for the first time.

"Dear Breyden, if she does then there is nothing that any of us, not even you can do." I say.

"Yes I is true, but what kind of friend would I be if I was not here for you," Breyden adds, as I take a seat next too him and he lays a comforting hand on my shoulder. If ever there was a creature that could give comfort it is one of his kind. My path crossed with Breyden in my very young years as a vampire. I was wild and had a constant crave for human blood. I prowled the streets like a reckless teenager and drunk from anyone I could find. One night in an alley after drinking from my victim, he showed up from nowhere to save the poor girl I chose to feast on.

I was sure then that he would most definitely kill me, knowing full well what I was and what I am capable of doing, but he still allowed me to live. Much to my surprise we became close friends and have been ever since then. He did not at first reveal his true nature until one day after a heated argument.

See what my dear friend Breyden is, is a far more magnificent creature.

"Never did I see the day that three vampires and an angel would sit so close and worry about the fate of one human," I say as I shake my head.

"That is true my dear brother, do you see the beauty that you have brought to our live?" Lilith asks of me.

"Yes, but," I hesitate. "The beauty might be slowly fading away."

"Sebastian, I do believe that you have gone so far," Breyden say. "I still feel the presence of her soul real strong."

Just then I remember what he said the day before, just before he left from here. He said that there would be a way for me and Anastasia to be together. It does give me hope now, but that is if I am not too late.

"Breyden, you mentioned yesterday that there is a way for me and Anastasia to be together. What is it that you are talking of?" I ask.

"As I said that it is a way that you are not going to like," he says. "It might be brief and end up very unpleasant."

"If the is a way I can be with her and not try kill her again," I add. "It is a way I will definitely consider."

"My friend what you are experiencing is love, which for me says that you might still have your soul. Should you drink of my blood and you do still possess it," he explains. "It will turn you into a human again, but if I am wrong," he adds. "If you do in fact have no soul at all, if you drink my blood, you will instantly die."

The room goes instantly quiet, I have never known this, how can a vampire like me in all my years not have heard of this before. Well it does leave poor Breyden in a rather peculiar position as every vampire that wishes to be human will hunt him down like an animal just for a taste of his blood. But this is indeed a very risky way.

"Is that the way?" I ask. "If I drink your blood, I become like her, I become a human again?"

"Yes," Breyden says. "But if I am wrong Sebastian, then you will die. Is this a risk you are willing to take?"

I do not answer, there is so many options to weigh up here. If I do, she might lose me, if I don't, I might lose her. How do you make such a decision, thinking of loosing her already kills me? But is it true, could I still possibly have a soul? How can I have not notice it all these years? If I do, it surely does explain all these things I have been...feeling. But I could also be wrong.

"It is a big decision Sebastian and I will not push you to make it now," Breyden states. "What you need to do now is to be by her side."

"Then you will have to excuse me then." I get up from my chair to leave. "I need to go to her. We shall speak soon Breyden."

I make my leave and rush back up to my room and I found her where I left her before. She has not stirred as the sheets is still the very way, I placed them earlier on. I kick off my shoes and get rid of my shirt, I slide in under the covers. Her skin is cold as I pull her into my chest. Her breathing is still soft and shallow, but her heartbeat lacks the strength.

Now, now all I can do is just wait...

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