The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
As I hunched over my desk, the soft knock on my office door barely registered,
and I only looked up when it swung open to reveal the last person I had expected
see Timothy himself. He stood there, his expression a mixture of surprise and
“Timothy,” I stammered, my voice betraying my astonishment. “What are you
doing here?”
He shifted uncomfortably, his hands fidgeting in his pockets. “I've been trying to
find you, Evie. I didn’t know where to start, and I thought maybe you'd be here.”
I had so many questions, but the foremost one spilled from my lips before I could
stop it. “Why did you want to find me?”
He took a deep breath and approached my desk, leaning against it as he spoke.
“Evie, I came here because I want you to withdraw from my case.”
The words hung in the air, a weight that threatened to crush me. I couldn't
believe what I was hearing. “Withdraw? But why? I've been working tirelessly on
your case, trying to help you.”
Timothy's eyes met mine, and there was a depth of emotion I hadn't seen before.
“That's exactly it, Evie. You've been working too hard on my behalf. I don't want
you to overextend yourself for me.”
My temper flared, and I couldn't hold back the words that tumbled out in a furious
torrent. “You don't get to decide whether I'm “overextending“ myself or not. This is
my profession, and I take it seriously. I'm trying to fight for you, and now you're
asking me to step back? Do you not respect what I do?”
Timothy's eyes widened, clearly caught off guard by my anger. “That's not it,
Evie. I do respect you, and I'm grateful for everything you've done. But I'm
worried about you, and I don’t want to be the cause of any harm or stress in your
I was seething, my hands trembling with pent-up frustration. “You think I can’t
handle it, don’t you? You think I'm not capable of taking on an important case like
Timothy sighed, and his voice was laced with guilt. “No, that's not what I meant,
Evie. You're a talented lawyer, and I believe in you. But I don’t want you to suffer
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13:04 Wed, 20 Mar
Chapter 27
for my sake.”
The battle inside me raged on. I understood his concern, but I couldn't accept it.
“Yet another person underestimating my skills.”
“I didn’t mean to offend you, Evie.” Timothy stepped forward and looked into my
eyes. “It's just that I care about you, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”
I sighed, the fury draining from me as I realized his intentions were genuinely
concerned. “I appreciate that, Timothy, but you have to understand. I've already
faced threats and opposition from those who want to see you convicted. I can’t
back down now. I won't give up on your case.”
A look of resignation crossed his face. “I had a feeling you'd say that. You're
incredibly stubborn, you know that?”
I nodded, suppressing a smile. “I take it as a compliment.”
With a resigned look, he took a seat in front of my desk. “That type of persistence
is what I need on my case.”
I narrowed my eyes. “My persistence never left.”
“Exactly.” Timothy started to smile. “But the thing is, I want you to work on my
case, not with Linda.”
I furrowed my brow, a sense of unease settling in my chest. “Why not Linda?
She's my senior, and I've always looked up to her.”
Timothy leaned forward, his voice taking on a more urgent tone. “I don't click with
Linda, and I have a hard time following her ideas. I trust you, and I believe you
genuinely want to help me.”
I hesitated, torn between loyalty to a coworker and my desire to help Timothy. “I
understand your concerns, Timothy, but Linda has more experience in these
matters. I'm still learning, and I think we could benefit from her expertise.”
Timothy's frustration became apparent, and he pushed his chair back suddenly,
the legs screeching against the floor. “Evie, don't you get it? There's so much
more to be done, and I need someone who's willing to go the extra mile. I don’t
want to take any chances.”
I stood up, following his movements. “Timothy, whether we like it or not, Linda is
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13:04 Wed, 20 Mar 5-
Chapter 27
your best chance. I'll still be here working on your case, even if it's just from the
Timothy's eyes flashed with uncertainty and he looked over his shoulder. “That's
not good enough.”
Before I could respond, he turned and stormed out of my office. I rushed to catch
up with Timothy, my heels echoing loudly in the corridor as I called out to him.
“Timothy, wait!”
He didn’t slow down, and I had to practically jog to keep up with his determined.
pace. “Where are you going?” I asked.
We reached the hallway leading to Mr. Erickson’s office, and my heartbeat grew
“Timothy, what are you about to do?" I asked desperately, grabbing his shirt
sleeve to pull him back.
Timothy finally stopped, turning to face me. “Evie, I've made up my mind. Just let
me handle this.”
I couldn't let him just walk in there, not like this. My career was on the line, and it
would look unfavorably on me if I let Timothy fight my battles. Linda had even
called me dependent, like I couldn’t handle my own affairs.
“Timothy, just wait a minute!”
He had already thrown open the boss* door, startling the man on the other side.
Mr. Erickson was in the middle of chewing a sandwich when Timothy stormed in.
He barely registered me standing there, lettuce dangling from his bottom lip as
Timothy stood over him.
“Mr. Erickson, Timothy began, his voice calm but determined, “I've come here to
insist that Evie be reinstated as my main attorney.”
I stepped forward, my own emotions running high. “Timothy, please...”
Mr. Erickson set down his sandwich and wiped his mouth with a napkin. Then he
leaned back in his chair, studying Timothy with a discerning gaze. “T-Timothy, we
understand your concerns, but we have a duty to ensure that your case is
handled by the most capable attorney.”
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Chapter 27
Timothy's gaze never wavered, his resolve unwavering. “I have complete
confidence in Evie's abilities. She's proven her dedication and determination. I
won't have anyone else represent me in this case.”
Mr. Erickson sighed, his fingers steepled in thought. “Evie, I understand your
passion for this case, but you have no prior experience with such high-stakes
matters. This is a critical case for our firm.”
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I started to wonder if he was right,
: . . ,
which was a bitter pill to swallow. I'd
never taken on a Gael thisO I
. [hs
magnitdde and the stakes were
v : 3 )
incredibly high. But I couldn't let
Timothy down, and I was willing to
fight for the chance to prove myself.
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“Mr. Erickson,” Timothy interjected, “I'm not here to undermine the firm. I respect
your judgment, but I also believe in giving Evie a chance. If she isn't given that
chance, then I'll look for representation elsewhere.”
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My boss hesitated, well aware of the
gravity of the situation. The entire
firm had gathered afo and, Eide,
acaptiveldudience to this legal
showdown. I could see the tension
etched on their faces, and I felt the
weight of their gazes upon me. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
After what seemed like an eternity, Timothy made a suggestion that shocked me.
“Mr. Erickson, if you're concerned about my case, I propose a solution. Let Evie
and Linda compete to represent me. May the best attorney win.”
My eyes widened in surprise. I hadn't expected this turn of events, and it left me
both anxious and hopeful. Linda had experience and seniority on her side, but I
had the passion and determination that had driven me through this journey.
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Mr. Erickson seemed to contemplate
: )
Timothy's proposal for a moment
before nodding relugtanyly Cer Vell

we wil holePa“competition. Evie and
Linda will. present their strategies for
your case, and based on that, we will

q . ”
decide who will represent you.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
The room buzzed with a mixture of excitement and tension. It was probably the
most exciting thing they'd heard that year. It certainly was for me.
I met Timothy's gaze, and he grinned back at me, as though he knew something I
I suppose Linda and I were competing for Timothy.
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