The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
There was a long pause as I stared Linda down, watching as she returned to her
seat and crossed her legs. Her words hardly registered until Timothy cleared his
throat, dragging me back into the moment.
“I'm sorry?” I gawked at Linda, still recovering from the shock.
She smiled tightly. “Mr. Erickson assigned me to help with your case. He figured
you would need the assistance.” She gestured to Timothy. “Especially since your
client is rather popular.”
After looking at her some more, it started to dawn on me who this woman was.
Linda Turner, a senior attorney with a reputation for being ruthless in the
courtroom, was the person chosen to “assist” me. I had heard stories about
Linda's cutthroat approach and her ability to win cases at any cost.
The idea of her being involved in my case made my heart stutter.
“Are you all right, Evie?” Timothy placed a hand on my arm, and just the touch.
alone sent a shock through my skin. I jerked away, feeling unreasonably
“Um, yes,” I said faintly, turning around. “Excuse me for just one moment.”
I kept my movements slow and purposeful as I left the room, letting the door
groan shut before bolting to Mr. Erickson’s office. After knocking a few times, he
eventually answered with a low, “Come in.”
When I entered his office, I saw him hunched over a stack of paperwork on his
desk. It took a moment for him to finish writing a sentence or two before glancing
up to find me staring at him.
“Oh, Ms. Sinclair,” his strained expression grew slightly more inviting as he
tucked his pen into the metal holder and slid his papers off to the side. “How may
I assist you?”
With a deep breath in, I shuffled forward and plopped myself into the seat across.
from him. After smoothing my skirt and adjusting my blouse, I gave him a
quizzical look.
“Linda Turner was in the conference room with my client,” I said, keeping my tone
even. “She mentioned that she would be “assisting’ me with Timothy's case.”
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Chapter 23
It took a solid few seconds before recognition dawned on his face, and he jerked
back with a hardy laugh that threw me off-kilter.
“Ms. Turner is a fine woman indeed,” he said, eventually calming down. “Sorry for
springing her on you like that.”
“May I ask why she’s on my case?” I prompted.
He laced his fingers on top of his desk, seeming sincere. “Well, I figured you
would need some assistance, with you being a rookie an all. Ms. Turner was one
of the first seniors to offer her guidance, and she seemed pretty excited about
working with you.
I folded my arms, any shred of nervousness giving way to skepticism. I'm sure it
wasn't at all because Timothy Hayes was involved.
Mr. Erickson’s eyes twinkled. “Perhaps you'll learn a thing or two from her. She’s
had much experience throughout the years.”
“Right,” I said, standing up. “I'm sure she will offer me a lot of wisdom. Thank
“You're a rising star, Evie. I can feel it,” he said, though his attention had already
drifted back to his paperwork.
1 shut the door and turned around, feeling slightly more uneasy as I walked back
to the conference room. When I returned, I saw that Lisa was already going over
some things with Timothy.
“I know that you've grown comfortable with Evie, but I'm very skilled at what I do,”
she said, then her attention fell on me. “Oh, Ms. Sinclair, you're back.”
I noted the shift in her appearance, how she'd let her hair loose, letting it fall
down in waves over her shoulders. Her glasses were perched at the end of her
nose, giving off less of a strict appearance overall.
“We didn’t get too far while you were gone, Timothy clarified, then waved at the
documents in front of them, “Just reviewing some things.”
I sucked in a breath and forced a smile, taking the seat right beside him. It felt
like I'd been reduced to a outsider in the room. “Right. Let's fill Ms. Turner in on
your case.”
I began to lay out the détails of the case, and I did my best to sound clear and
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Chapter 23
dignified. Linda seemed fiercely attentive, asking a plethora of questions. It was
like she was prepared for me to stumble at any moment.
Eventually, she turned her attention to Timothy, her stern expression turning
sympathetic. “I hope she’s been keeping you updated on the process. A lot of
clients come in and the relationship between them and their lawyer is, well,
unfortunately distant.”
I raised an eyebrow, watching as her fingers came to rest on Timothy's lower
arm. She'd been doing that quite a bit: the soft touches, the lingering looks, and
those laughs that seemed a little too rehearsed. I couldn't tell if Timothy was
buying it as he seemed hyper focused on the work in front of him.
“Evie's been keeping me in the loop about a lot of things, actually,” Timothy
answered, smiling as he looked in my direction. He shifted away from Linda's
touch, and her lips curled downward. “We're pretty much learning all of this
“Oh, yes, that sounds nice,” she said swiftly, though her voice carried a significant
tone. She started gathering the documents that were lying in front of them and
dragged them toward herself. I opened my mouth, prepared to question her, but
she beat me to it.
“But Timothy needs someone who's a little more practiced. A personable lawyer
is lovely, but an experienced one is what gives a firm its good reputation,” she
said, meeting my gaze.
“I see,” I said, pointing to the files in her hands. “But where are you taking my
She raised her eyebrows, then looked down to the papers in her hands, like it
shocked her that they were there. “Well, I think that it will be best if I take the
case information with me so that I can work on it from her own office.”
“But Ms. Turner,” I began to protest, “I've been working on this case for weeks. I
should keep the files here and continue my research.”
Linda interjected smoothly, her voice dripping with condescension. “Evie, dear,
you're just a trainee. I'm here to help, and I have the experience to handle this. I'll
bring the files back to you once I've made some progress.”
The way she dismissed me as “just a trainee” made my blood boil. I had worked.
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Chapter 23
tirelessly to earn my place at this firm, and I wasn’t about to be brushed aside so
“Ms. Turner?” Timothy interjected suddenly, drawing her attention. She gave him
a pleasant grin.
“Yes, Mr. Hayes?"
“With all due respect, I did act Evie personally to help me with my case,” he
began. “If she has no problem with you helping out, then by all means, but I'm
going by her word above all else.”
I blinked in surprise, put off by his forthrightness. Linda seemed just as stunned
at his request and it took her a moment to recover before clearing her throat and
smoothing down her blazer. She shifted her gaze to me and narrowed her eyes.
“Do you have a problem with me offering my assistance, Ms. Sinclair?” she
asked, and I could hear the challenge behind her words.
Torn between wanting Timothy's case to myself and not wanting to look like the
stubborn trainee, I decided to go along with it for now.
Eventually, I nodded in agreement with Linda. “Linda’s right, Mr. Hayes. We'll let
her take the files and work on them. This is a significant case, and we need all
the expertise we can get.”
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He searched my face for a moment,
like he expected me to backtrack and
take charge, but it would feel likey
career syicide itd Weak Again? one of
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ny, BUpLhOTS in that fashion. I felt a
surge of anger and helplessness. I
had no choice but to relent, but I
) s
couldn't shake the feeling that there
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was more to Linda's intentions than
. “ ho " :
just “assisting” me. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Very well,” he said finally, then nodded at Linda. “We're counting on you.”
With that, Linda went back to gathering the case files.
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Once the meeting concluded, we
made our way out of the conference
room and into the, empty hallway!
Thergvéning Nat arrived, and I was
starting to feel the weight of
exhaustion dragging me down. Linda,
however, seemed far perkier than
The content is on!
Read the latest chapter there!
She stood beside Timothy, her hand once again touching his bicep. “I will let your
know if I discover anything,” she told him, batting her eyelashes.
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Chapter 23
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I couldn't help but narrow my eyes.
re ;

She wouldn't find anything that I

: : an
hadn't already, even (th her O {
expertise fh She was being so
touchy with Timothy, like he was an
old friend—if not more—instead of a
client. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
It wasn't my place to feel uncomfortable for him but watching Linda's advances.
only served to fuel my irritation. It brought on that familiar tug on my heart.
Timothy tugged himself away from her, and her hand fell awkwardly at her side.
He assumed his position beside me and faced her from a safe distance.
“I'll be sure to stay on alert,” he said with a smile. “Take care, and good night.”
“Goodnight, Timothy,” she said, and her eyes paused to rest on me. “Evie.”
After Linda left with the case files, Timothy suddenly turned to me, his expression
tense. “I wish I was more familiar with her before she jumped on our case. You
trust her to handle things, right?”
I sighed. “Well, she’s a seasoned attorney, and Mr. Erickson believes she can
help with the case. Don’t worry though, because I'm still your main lawyer.”
His expression softened, and he gave me a small nod. “As long as you say so. I
trust your judgement.”
Amid trying to reassure him, however, my instincts were telling me that
something was amiss.

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