The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 14

Chapter 14
Jasper heaved a sigh of relief, but the boss was back in his face..
“If you cost me my client, so help me...” He didn’t even finish the threat, instead
miming that he would snap Jasper’s neck if he could.
I avoided his eyes as he retreated into his office, locking the door behind him. If
Timothy dismissed me after all of this, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was the
one responsible.
“Damn it!" I growled, kicking an empty soda can across the sidewalk. As I
marched. along the street, I couldn't keep Timothy's harsh gaze out of my head.
The only person willing to be my client, and I had offended him!
But even more than that, I couldn't accept that Timothy was taking matters into
his own hands, specifically my matters. First it was taking it upon himself to
apologize to me publicly, but then showing up unannounced at my firm and
attempting to fire my colleague without my say in the matter was going way too
I needed to let off some steam somehow. It had been a long time since I took
Timothy's job, so I hadn't been working as an hourly employee at the restaurant
for a while. After all that had happened, I knew that I needed some manual labor
to give myself a break.
Hopefully it would help me take my mind off Timothy as well. What was I going to
do? Was he really that angry, or would it simply pass after some time to cool off?
Those questions swam around in my brain, and I felt the onset of a migraine. Life
wasn't easy before, but it was simpler compared to having to work with Timothy.
He had already somewhat exposed me to the public with his live apology. It
made me feel more exposed than ever before, having the world focused on
my secrets.
I spotted the restaurant a few feet away and bolted toward the double doors. As I
walked in, I was greeted with the mixed aroma of breaded poultry and flakey
pastries. Once the doors shut behind me, I was enclosed in its familiar warmth.
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13:01 Wed, 20 Mar S
Chapter 14
1 blinked out of
my daze and glanced around. The restaurant owner was standing a few steps
away, his eyebrows raised.
“Oh, hello, sir,” I greeted awkwardly, hoping that he hadn’t got my dramatic
“Hello, Evie. You're looking well,” he said warmly. “How are you doing?”
“I'm doing well. You?”
“I'm wonderful!” He smiled and the skin near his eyes started to crinkle. “Actually,
I'm glad you came.”
I raised an eyebrow. As the owner began to walk forward, I noticed a familiar set
of red heels click—clacking behind him.
“It just so happens that someone was waiting for you to show up,” said the
owner, stepping aside to reveal the elegant woman hidden behind him. As soon
as I met her spiteful eyes, my blood went cold.
The woman twisted her lips, her movements slow as she prowled toward me.
She stopped a few paces away and looked me up and down. Then she shrugged
and gave me a smug grin.
“Didn't expect Timothy to have such bad taste,” she said slimily, adjusting the
leather purse on her shoulder. “You're definitely not on my level, at least.”
I furrowed her eyebrows. Not even ten seconds and Stella was already insulting

1. me.
“But that's alright,” Stella continued. She started circling around me, observing
met from every angle. “I guess this confirms it.”
“Confirms what?" I asked.
“That Timothy's a coward, of course,” Stella said, barking out a laugh. “He
couldn't reject me outright, so he’s using his affection for an old classmate of his
as a shield. He must have figured that he couldn't handle a woman like me.”
I was almost speechless at the accusation. Stella had clearly talked herself into a
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Chapter 14
delusion. “Um, no. Listen, Stella, I'm not interested in Timothy.”
Stella crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her neck, her expression one
of skepticism. With those heels on, Stella had about an inch of height over me
that was slightly intimidating. When I was just a regular server to Stella, she
hadn't been this imposing.
“Honestly, you don’t have to threaten me if you want to be with him,” I said. “All
I'm trying to do is work for a living. I'm not interested in your private love/hate-
relationship. That's all yours.”
The corner of Stella's lips curled upward, her sneer growing impossibly more
vicious. She took a step forward and leaned in, nearly choking me on the strong
scent of her perfume.
“You better be careful, Miss Evie. I'm not such a nice girl when people get way.”
Stella's voice is almost a hiss and she seemed to grow disgusted at the mention
of my name.
Fortunately, she backed away, giving me one more onceover before turning away
to leave.
It wasn’t until Stella completely left the building that I released the long breath I
had been holding in. That woman was intent on making my existence
unbearable, yet somehow, I wasn't as mad at Stella as I was at Timothy. Timothy
was the reason Stella confronted me, after all.
That only made me hold a grudge against Timothy in my heart: for humiliating me
a second time by a woman who liked him.
I felt hot tears pricking at the corners of my eyes and I went to hastily wipe them
away with my sleeve. This wasn't the time to look fragile. I refused to make
myself look more vulnerable than necessary.
The bell above the restaurant door jingled and I was back on alert. I half—
expected. Stella to come rushing back in to finish telling me off, but I was even
more thrown off when Timothy entered the restaurant. Had he seen me walk in?
Timothy didn’t seem to notice my presence there, however. He didn’t seem to be
there for me at all-like Stella was—instead heading for the bar to sit on one of the
stools. After ordering a drink, he downed it quickly and asked for a refill.
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Wed, 20 Ma
Chapter 14
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I frowned and turned away, hoping
not too much attention had been put
on me as I went to clock in for TH
shift. I XeNY Le the
dishwashing station, scrubbing
crusted plates before spraying them
with steamy water. The work was
meant to be mindless, but my brain
was still flooding with various
thoughts. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Visit to read full content.
I was still concerned about Timothy.
He looked like he was in a hurry iQ
get to that bar, like he fad to drown
olt his Bhgtions with something
harsh. He must have. still been angry
with me. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Was I doing the right thing? At the time, telling him off felt right. It was my life,
after all.
Visit to read full content.
Still, he had looked so broken when I
told him not to meddle with my
affairs. He had wanted so ali 10

&infprove thi
help ; prove things for me. I
, . :

couldn't deny that him handling
Jasper the way he did also made me
wonder about his intentions. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
My phone began to buzz, and I removed one of my gloves. I took the phone out
of my pocket and answered.
“Evie!” Aria’s cheery voice came through the speaker. “You're at the restaurant,
I nodded. “Yep. What's up?”
“Stay put. I'm coming up there, and I'm bringing a surprise with me!”
“Interesting,” I said, absentmindedly dipping my gloved hand in the bubbling sink
water. “Does this surprise come in a package?”
“Shush. You're not going to make me spoil it. Just hang tight, okay?"
With that, Aria ended the call and I couldn't help but giggle. Aria was good for
keeping me guessing. She didn’t know it, but she was good at distracting me
from everything going on.
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