The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 80

Months prior, when it had become dangerously apparent that tensions with the bear shifters were quickly escalating, he had begun treaty negotiations with the nearby Vixen-Shifter Kingdom. There were many things at stake with this treaty in motion, but with Xaden firmly out of commission, they were bound to lose the one strong ally they had on hand.

They were going to lose everything...

Until Lucas jumped in unexpectedly, saying he would agree to the marriage.

He knew what good awaited his kingdom if they managed to unite with that of the Vixen Shifters. Not only would it strengthen the two powerhouse armies, but it could also bring forth an entire cultural

revolution unlike anything ever witnessed before. From what he knew of the Vixen Shifters, they were remarkably innovative and completely

modernized their entire way of living.

He was not ignorant of the conservative ways of life his people were used to, and he'd felt for a while now that it would do the kingdom well to implement some much-needed change. Usher everyone into a new era, so to speak. If there was anyone who could help with that, it was the vixens.

To be honest, part of him was not entirely convinced that they would follow through with the arrangement.

The vixen-shifters were a renowned society of primarily women warriors, whose prowl and battle strategy were unmatched when it came to stealth and precision, but found themselves lacking when it came to brute force and strength.

Lucas was not sure if the looming threat of war affected them, as well, but if they were so willing to consider a marriage treaty with a werewolf prince, then either his father had offered them a deal that was impossible to refuse, or the vixens were just as desperate for aid as he and his family were.

Regardless, the deal was set and done.

And with every passing day, he wondered more and more... what on earth had gotten into him to offer to trade his freedom away?

All for a life with a woman he didn't know...?

"Oh-hello, Lucas," a familiar shy voice greeted him, momentarily pulling him out of the vortex that was his troubled mind.

Swiftly, he whirled around and came face to face with the young woman who recently took the palace by storm. "Hello, Maeve," he responded with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. "Did you just leave your lesson with my mother?"

She nodded before a slow wince shrouded her normally shy, guarded face. "To be honest, I was really worried about today. I wasn't sure what she would say about last night's banquet, but she was absolutely..." Maeve trailed off, gazing at him, her eyes bright with concern. "Um... is something wrong? You seem a bit distracted today."

"Oh, it's nothing you need to worry yourself with," he muttered, rubbing a hand behind his neck. "Just something I spoke with my father about." Truthfully, he couldn't describe how much he appreciated the depth of her thoughtfulness, but there was not much she could do to calm the wild whirlwind in his head.

"It's not nonsense if it weighs on you so heavily," she said gently. "I'd be happy to listen if you want to talk about it."

"You don't need to do that just for me," he said, trying to dismiss her.

"Of course, I do. We're friends..." she murmured, c**king her head to the side anxiously, "are we not?"

The sincerity in her voice struck a chord in him. Maeve was so unlike any other girl who sought his company. She was one of few who, despite lacking many things, never asked for more than simple kindness and friendship. Xaden had really picked a good one... and despite being stuck in an arranged marriage for the time being, Lucas couldn't find fault in the brother who passed the torch, nor the girl who stole his brother's heart.

Not when he gained a new sister out of the deal.

"Yes," Lucas answered with a warm smile. "Yes, we are." XADEN POV

Back to the present day, the morning following the banquet...

Morning had finally come, bringing an end to that ridiculously long banquet, and I wasted no time in hurrying over to the palace training room. My body thrummed with pent-up tension, threatening to burst if left unattended. It had been a good while since my last training session and, after the tumultuous events of the previous day, I'd figured there was no better time like the present.

I was ready to destroy something. Cover the training room with blood and tears if that was what it took to calm myself down.

I was not jealous. Far from it. I descended from the greatest alpha bloodline in the entire damn kingdom. But hearing that scoundrel Nicholas speak so boldly about Maeve like that... did things to me.

The urge to claim her, to make her mine was all-consuming. Almost unbearable. It was like I was in heat without losing complete control of myself.

However, seeing the fear that lingered in her eyes... feeling the way her delicate body trembled against mine when she admitted how frightened she was to rush things, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't, in good conscience, force it on her like that, even if it was everything I wanted.

I wanted her to want me just as much as I wanted her, without fear or shame... and that was already such a high bar to scale.

That night, during our date as we lay together under the stars, I had tried to tell her how I felt about her... only to discover that she had fallen asleep. I was not sure how much she had heard or if she even knew I had said it, but it was never brought up again. I didn't hold it against her. How could I?

With every passing hour, I grew more and more certain of my feelings for her. I knew I had meant it that night and, more than anything, I wanted another chance to try again. But I wanted the timing to be right for her, as well.

I needed her to believe me with absolute certainty, leaving no room for even a shred of doubt. Because she was the first woman I-

"Xaden," Isabelle's aggravating voice suddenly snapped me out of my stupor. "Good morning."

I regarded her with wariness as she walked down the hall in my direction, though it didn't appear that she headed straight for me. It seemed to be a mere unfortunate happenstance that we crossed paths this morning. Just my luck.

"Isabelle," I acknowledged her stiffly, maintaining my pace.

"You look absolutely terrible," she remarked as she came to a stop, sounding surprised, which was completely contrary to the pleased expression that rested on her face. "Like you hardly slept a wink the whole night."

I suppressed a groan. I was not in the mood for any of her antics this morning. Yesterday had taken a massive toll on me, and all I wanted was to get to the training room and let off some much-needed steam.

"With all due respect, Isabelle," I said, trying to maintain some semblance of cordiality, "I cannot do this right now. I'm busy this morning."

And with that, I kept going straight for the training room. Part of me hoped she would realize how serious I was and keep to herself until I was well out of range.

However, it seemed that Isabelle had different plans.

"Now that I think about it," she drawled, the haughty tone in her shrill voice making me slow to a halt in the hallway against my better judgment. "Maeve looked rather upset about something during yesterday's banquet," she commented, and I couldn't help but flinch a little at the unwelcome reminder of our small spat. "Could it be that something happened between the two of you yesterday?" There was something about the way she addressed me that rubbed me the wrong way.

Why would she have been paying such close attention to Maeve and me during an important dinner if she wanted nothing to do with her? Surely she must have had more pressing matters to attend to. It was almost as if she'd been... waiting for something. I'd been wondering how Delaney knew to target Maeve, but maybe the answer laid closer to home than I'd thought.

Fuck Henry. Fuck treating his wife with respect.

I was not about to let her think she had any impact whatsoever on my relationship with Maeve.

"How very unlike you to be so interested in the details of my love life, Isabelle," I said slowly, as I cast a glare in her direction, locking with her dubious stare dead on. If she was so eager to play dirty with me or my growing family, then I had no qualms in meeting he challenge. "Is there something that you're hoping to hear?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Not everything is a plot against you or your precious little mate, you know," she snapped, trying to turn the tables back around to me. "What's wrong with me wanting to make sure my little brother-in-law is alright?"

I shrugged. "Nothing," I hummed, feigning innocence. "Nothing at all... though you were surprisingly quick to defend yourself when I never accused you of anything."

Her face flushed, and we both knew I got her. "That's not true," she weakly protested. "You-"

"I simply asked if there was something you wanted to hear," I pointed out, taking pleasure in the way her smug face shifted into that of chagrin." Not once did I say you were plotting against me or Maeve. Is there something I should know," I enunciated, slow and clear for her to hear," dear sister-in-law?"

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