The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 4


I worked exhaustively all night, and all morning, I was supposed to leave early in the morning, but there was almost a jam in the emergency room with teenagers suffering from food poisoning, and I extended my hours until the last one was seen, when my shift ended. It was almost noon, I just wanted to eat, a shower and bed.

But to my surprise, my cell phone started ringing while I was walking to my car.

It was Mathew.

My heart jumped in my chest and I couldn't believe it was him.

"Hello, babe." His velvety voice made me shiver.

"Hi, Mathew." I responded, trying to control my voice, but it came out high pitched from the excitement I was feeling.

"Girl, I thought I'd see you at lunch. We could go to my place and…" He didn't finish the sentence, but it was clear from the way he spoke that he wanted to talk about sex, he was talking about lunch, but it wasn't a plate of food he wanted to eat.

I was exhausted.

But he was my mate.

Before I could think of anything I yawned.

"Matthew, I would love to, but I just got off a shift, I'm exhausted, I need to eat and sleep, you can meet me for lunch, but how about we see eachothrt tonight?" I asked, and heard him snort on the other end.

"Whatever." He hung up quickly, didn't even try to argue, didn't try to find a solution, and I felt my eyes fill with tears of frustration and anger.

Why did it need to be like this?

I thought about calling him back, but I was too tired to do that, too tired to try to convince him that I really was exhausted, but I wanted to see him.

I thought about trying to make up for it later, I went home, and there was no one there this time, but my mother had left a plate of food ready in the fridge, I thanked the Moon for that, I heated it up, ate it and went straight to bed.

It seemed like I blinked my eyes and it was already night, I woke up to the noise of my father and my brother arriving home, I didn't see them in the morning, and I ran downstairs in time to see Tifanny arrive too and Bob welcome her with open arms.

Seeing them was as if they couldn't breathe properly apart from each other, as if only together they were complete, it was so beautiful and true, it was exactly what they described about the bonds of mates, and I could only hope to have something like that with Mathew.

"I thought you guys had a happy hour today…" My mom said raising an eyebrow while she was still stirring a risotto in the kitchen.

"We were going, the administrative and legal team agreed to go to Tyler's today. But Bob wanted to come home and see Tifanny." My father responded with a shrug.

"Umm, did Mathew go too?" I asked and my father wasn't sure what answer I wanted to receive. "I wanted to surprise him, I was tired after work and didn't see him this morning." I told them my plan and I couldn't quite read the expression on my father's face.

"I think he's there." He responded slowly.

"I'm going to change and go there, it's worth a try." I said excitedly, I was dying to see Mathew, I missed him and I knew that just by seeing him I would be able to feel good.

I went up to my room, put on the sexiest dress I had, it was a tight red satin dress, I put on makeup, smudging my eyes and put on a pair of high heels.

I was ready.

I ate a few spoonfuls of risotto and drove to Tyler’s, which was a little bar/club that had a few tables and a dance floor, the drinks were good and the music was cool.

I parked and walked to the entrance, but once there, I started to wonder if it was a good idea.

I decided to send a message to Mathew.

How about we see each other tonight?

I sent it, waited 5 minutes and he didn't respond, he probably didn't see or hear it, the music was loud.

I gathered all the courage I had inside my body and went in, it was very crowded, there must have been a local band playing, I squeezed through the people to get in, and I decided to go through the dance floor until I looked for Mathew at the tables in the back, where I usually there were the happy hour people. And then like magic a clearing opened between the people, I saw him, standing, with a glass of vodka in his hand, I was going to call him, but I saw him taking out his cell phone, I thought about waiting to see the smile on his face when saw my message, but he rolled his eyes, and started typing, sent it, and my heart broke in half when I got it back.

No, I'm tired and at home, I'm going to sleep.

And there he was, in front of me, I thought I had lost ground, but nothing compared to when a woman came up to him, she was brunette and was wearing red lipstick, so he smiled, but it was as if he knew her in time, and then he pulled her by the waist, making the woman hang around his neck, seconds before they kissed.

There I lost everything.

I lost my senses, I lost my reason, and I lost my dignity, I didn't feel my legs anymore, and they gave out, my whole body started to tingle and I fell to my knees on the floor, I didn't feel the pain in my legs colliding with the floor, in fact maybe I did, but the pain I felt in my chest was incomparable.

I felt like millions of daggers were being thrust in and out at the same time, I felt like it was all a horrible nightmare, that I wouldn't wake up from, and the emptiness I felt in my chest was so immense that I just wanted to sink into it. and never leave again.

I felt the tears running down my face, they cascaded down, with absolutely no control, and I believed from the bottom of my heart that this sadness would not end.

My mate, chosen by the Moon, who was supposed to love and protect me above all else, was cheating on me, in front of me, and only then did the pieces fall into place that since he saw me, he didn't care much about me.

He just wanted sex.

I felt a hand come around my waist and lift me up from the dance floor, I raised my face to understand what was happening, but his smell hit me first, the wonderful full of cinnamon with coffee and a woody touch, but I kept raising my face to find the Alpha, carrying me out of there, he held me by the waist against his body, my feet were hanging in the air, and he passed by people, disguising what was happening as much as possible, I managed to breathe easily just when he entered a private room with me, and closed the door behind me. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't reason at that moment, Alpha Christopher walked around me and stood exactly in front of me, he put his hands in his pants pockets, and raised his gaze to meet mine, my lips opened in astonishment, and with After all the scare I realized that I stopped crying.

"Was he your mate?" He asked and I swallowed hard, the urge to cry returned and I could only nod my head with my lips sealed, trying not to burst into tears again.

I felt so broken that in my head, with every step I took, a piece of me was left along the way.

"Idiot." He just said, taking a step forward, closing the distance between us as his hands came out of his pockets and went to my face, he held my face with both hands while using his thumbs to wipe away the tears that were still flowing there. And at that moment he looked at me even deeper, as if reading my eyes while his gaze went to each one of them, it was as if I was in a strong and intense trance, for a second I could swear again that he stared at my lips.

But Christopher quickly took a step back, releasing me and grabbing his jacket from one of the armchairs in that place, he placed it over my shoulders as he said.

"You need a drink." He stated, like an order, a sentence.

I didn't say anything, but he walked over to a well-equipped bar at the back of the room and began pouring us two glasses of whiskey.

"I don't drink whiskey," I confessed, it was too strong for my taste.

"It's a good day to start." He said handing the glass towards me.

I shrugged and took the glass while analyzing the place we were. It was a large room, one of the walls had a huge bar, the entire wall was covered with drinks, the other wall had a huge sofa, and the other two were just glass, but it was probably mirrored glass, no one on the outside could see inside, but we had a full view of the bar there, next to the glass walls there were two high pub tables, and four more armchairs.

"Is that a box?" I asked sitting up and turning my face towards him.

Christopher thought for a few seconds before responding.

"Kind of…" He said taking a sip of the whiskey. "I like going out, but I like peace and quiet, so…" He said it like it was something simple.

His eyes turned to me again.

"You haven't had your whiskey yet." He told me and I responded by releasing the air from my lungs and taking a generous sip of the drink, but it was inevitable to grimace afterward, and that guaranteed a loud laugh from the Alpha.

"You know doctor, for a tough doctor, you're pretty weak at drinking." He said laughing, sitting next to me on the couch.

"I prefer wine or champagne," I said laughing back. "But I think I really need this for today," I said trying to take another sip but the frown came again.

Christopher smiled, his beautiful, wonderful smile, he then stood up and gently took the glass from my hands, and drank the rest of the shot in one go.

"This is hard to watch, I'm going to get a glass of wine." He smiled back and went to the bar, and that made me remember and think that Mathew, my fucking mate, in our first conversation went out to get a drink, and ended up coming back with nothing, he didn't even bother to go back and get it, it was as if he didn't care.

I knew I had only known him for a few hours, but in those few hours he gave several tips that I wasn't that important, and being his mate, that hurt. Another tear fell and the Alpha appeared with the glass of wine at the same moment and sat next to me, I quickly wiped it off with the back of my hands, and I wasn't sure if it was the effect of the alcohol, or if it was sadness, but I started to speak, the words came out like vomit, without control.

"I should know, he hasn't shown himself to care about me since he revealed himself to be my mate, we spent the night together, I lost my virginity to him, I changed my shift at the hospital to spend the day with my mate so he could just dismiss me at next morning, he didn't even respond to my messages and now I catch him kissing someone else... It hurts so much." I only took a breath when I finished speaking and Christopher placed one of his hands on mine, squeezing lightly.

"I'm really sorry.” His words were genuine and he said it as his blue eyes looked deeply into me, and then I could see a dark shadow cross them, as if the same shadow crossed his thoughts. "The mate bond is the closest thing we have to something celestial, is magnificent, transcendental, and him not honoring that just shows the horrible character this guy has. Violet was more important than my own life, a piece of me died when I lost her, my mate. And for this guy to have this, and just throw it away, makes me even more angry and disgusted with him." His words gained a growl in the background, but then something in his head made him smile. "I spent three days locked with her in the room after we discovered ourselves …” He now smiled at the memory, and it was absolutely beautiful how he spoke of her.


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