The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 20

I woke up bright and early the next day, I saw Sebastian peacefully sleeping beside me. I smiled and pecked his cheeks. I got ready as fast as I could, I had a few things to do before I go to work. I wrote a note and kept it on the night stand for Sebastian. After one last kiss in his forehead I went about my day.

As I sat in Sebastian's car I dialed Arora's number. I pulled out from the driveway as it kept on ringing, after a few rings she picked it up, "Who the hell is this?" She snapped groggily.

"Your fucking sister!" I said sarcastically. There was silence for a few seconds, "I am sorry for last night. I-1- shouldn't have dragged you into my mess. And because of me you had a fight with Sebasti--" she went on ranting about her guilt.

"Arora. Sweetie I am not angry at you whatsoever." I said softly

"Yo-you're not?" She asked in confusion almost as if she heard me wrong.

"No rora, I am not and Sebastian and I didn't have a fight... Or an argument. But it's not about me..” I said trying to phrase the sentences as best as I could.

"I don't know what exactly happened before you came there Arora.. but I have a feeling there is more to it than you.. saw.” I said softly. I heard a dark chuckle from the other side, "I can't believe this!" she let out a humourless laugh.

"All you needed was your Erastis’ dick. And now you're rather siding with that cheater you don't even know than your own sister!” She spat at me. I was too shell shocked to say anything, "I can't do this... Not anymore... I am going.. I don't know when I'll come or if I'll ever come. Don't try and find me or contact me in any way. Tell this to everyone" with that she hung up the call.

My heart raced million seconds per hour. My thoughts were all over the place. I pulled the car to the side trying to grasp what just happened. Tears started to leak from my eyes and I drove back home, to mom.

I ran inside the house not caring how early it is. I loudly knocked on their door, "Maa" I said trying to hold back a sob. In a second the door opened with Mom and Dad looking worried at me. I didn't give them a chance to speak as I crumbled in mom's arms, crying.

They didn't say anything but sweet words to console me. After what felt like hours I stopped crying, "What's wrong my little one?" Dad cooed me as I had my head on mom's lap. I pouted and looked at with with teary eyes, "Aro-arora.. sh-she left" I cried and buried my face in mom's lap as another wave of guilt hit me.

I felt them tense, "What happened to Arora?" Mom asked frantically. I felt dad jump out of the bed, within few minutes everyone was here. Ariana, Stephen and the twins, all of them looked petrified because none of them were either able to contact or locate her. Dad cursed under his breath as his spell failed yet again, "It's all because of me!" I cried curling in a ball.

"What happened, Nora?" Ariana asked me, draping her arms around my shoulder, "I-I tried to reason with her for what happened with Hen-henry” I whispered softly my face still buried in mom's lap.

"What she told us yesterday?" She hissed in annoyance. I nodded my head without looking up, "Noraaa!!! Why would you do that?" Ariana said in defeat.

"I- 1 just wanted her to thin-k before she does somet-hing she regr-ets” I hiccuped in between. She clicked her tongue in annoyance like she always does, "Not everyone is like you Nora!" She snapped at me, "You just had to do what YOU thought was the best for her! She is her own person Nora. She is a fucking adult! Let her take own pace in healing and doing things right after that!" She yelled at me and walked out of the room slamming the door shut.

For a moment there was silence in the room, "What's going on?" Andrew asked in confusion. I gulped and told them the truth, about what she told us last night and about our conversation this morning. Stephen had pulled me in his arms consoling me.

"I'll kill that son of a bitch” Drew growled whereas Jacob was dangerously calm. Dad was shaking in rage yelling profanities, while Mom was trying to check everyone's temper.

"Why did you try to talk her out of her decision?" Jacob asked me making everyone go still for a second.

"I just... Have a feeling.. that there's more to it than what she saw..." I said softly and buried my face in Stephen's neck.

"It's okay Nora it's not your fault.. you did what you thought was the best for her though it was wrong. You did it because you didn't wanna see your sister in pain.. like a good sister you are" Stephen cooed me rocking me softly. None of us wanted to talk about it so we just sat in the dining table while Mom served us something to eat.

"Arora called. She told not to worry, she is safe” Ariana said as she entered the room. I bite my lips go stop myself from saying anything. She sat down next to me as mom severed her a plate of waffles, "Did she say where is she?” Dad asked her. She shook her head, "No just told me to tell you guys that she is safe and not to worry about her." she said half heartedly sighing.

"Did she say when she'd me back?" Mom asked as she sat on the head of the table. She pressed her lips in a line shaking her head. We all ate our breakfast in silence, the burden of guilty only seemed to increase every minute. I silently went back to my car after saying goodbye to everyone.

I looked up at the clock in the kitchen which showed 12.30 pm, I looked back down at the boiling pot and resumed my work. My head didn't agree with me to focus on one thing. It's was joyously bouncing from one topic to another giving me a migraine. I hissed in anger as I plated the food as nicely as possible then asked one of the waiter to take the food to the customer. I told the staff that I am taking a break and went outside to the back of the restaurant.

"You okay, baby?" A voice said softly from behind. I hesitated but shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know" I said and walked to Sebastian's car which I borrowed this morning. I sat on the trunk of the car and pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter which I took from my office before coming here.

"You don't seem fine" he said and sat down next to me, "I messed up" I said before putting the cigarette in my mouth and lightening it. I took one drag and released it, "What happened?" He said taking the cigarette from my hand and smoking it. I told him what had happened, "Hmm that why I got a text from Laura saying that Henry is not home since yesterday afternoon. I thought he would be with Arora. But I should have guessed otherwise, Arora was with you last night..." Sebastian said taking a small drag from the cigarette.

I nodded my head, "Though Henry is a Playboy, I know he just wants to be loved. And now that he had the chance of true love, he is not a fool of letting it slip through his fingers..." Sebastian said leaning back confirming my suspicion.

"Exactly!" I said jumping off the car, "There is more to it than she saw!" I said pacing up and down.

I heard him jump off the car and crushed the butt of the cigarette under his feet. He held my arms, "Nora as much as I appreciate you trying to know the truth.. it's not your or even my battle to fight. They need this." He said shrewdly making me furrow my brows in confusion.

"Need this? Ho-how do they need THIS?" I asked perplex throwing my arms up in the air.

"See they have their doubts with each other and are equally insecure. Though they say they love each other.. there is a hesitation in their eyes. They NEED to learn to trust each other enough to free themselves of these chains that are holding them back. This fight can be that push they so desperately need" he said. My eyes were wide in both awe and confusion.

"I don't understand what you said but damn you looked hot saying that" I said in half honesty, I did understand what he said but I just wanted to change the topic. A smirk framed his magnificent face, "Moya milaya malen'kaya, Nora" (My sweet little Nora) he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"It's annoying when you talk in Russian because I don't understand shit but you look so sexy" I made a 'uwu’ face looking at him. He pulled me to his side wrapping his arms around my shoulder as we make our way back in the restaurant.

"Ty by khotel, chtoby ya govoril po-russki s toboy gryazno, kogda ya zanimayus' s toboy lyubov'yu?” (would you like me to talk dirty to you in russian when i make love to you?)he said huskily making me wet.

"You better stop before I jump on you" I teased with a giggle making him belly laugh.

"Ty moy malen'kiy yedinstvennyy v svoyem rode!" (You my little one are one of a kind!) He said and kissed my forehead again.

I am so thankful to have him in my life, he truly is my reason to live and laugh. Even the worst seems easy when he is with me. That how the day went by, with him helping me in the kitchen which I didn't know he could cut vegetables and meat so professionally and making me laugh.

It was already 4 when I closed the restaurant everyone left and I asked some of the waiters to help me for tonight's dinner, they'd directly come at 7 and arrange everything. I made every kind of refreshments and appetizers for everyone. As Sebastian informed me that even though he is Russian because he was born there and live most of his teenage life there. His parents on the other hand were Scottish and they loved meat especially sea food. Thank God nobody from my family is allergic to sea food. I made every type of dessert for everyone's liking. I didn't make the main dishes because I didn't want it to be cold when served.

As I was in the middle of making strawberry clafoutis, I saw Sebastian making something.

"What are you doing?" I ask him raising my brow. He gave me a goofy smile, "Well I have my own in laws to impress, sooo dessert for everyone!" he said in a “tadaa’ way making me roll my eyes. A warm fuzzy feeling started taking over me and I bit my lips from smiling like a cheshire cat.

"You know how to cook?" I raised my brow at him to which he chuckled, "I have lived for over 300 years my love. Of course I know how to cook.. not as good as you.. but likable." He said placing the container in the freezer, "Arora once told me how much your wizards of Oz of brothers love semifreddo and your dads... Well I am making chocolate scotch profiteroles and cream cheese eclairs. And for the ladies mixed berry religieuse and millefeuille.... And for the little champs I am making classic blueberry cheesecake and two chocolate torte" he finished off, I looked at him in accolade, "You never seem to not amuse me.." I said pulling my man flesh to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Why are you so sweet?" I asked nibbling his jaw. Instantly his arms tighten around my waist, "Because I am a hopeless romantic for you may love" he said and lightly placed his lips on mine. The warmth inside me increased as we poured his heart and soul into it. The hammering of our heart was the only thing I could hear. His smell has over driven my senses, his presence alone made me heart flutter.

"I love you.. I love you so much” he begged pulling back from the kiss. His face has scrunched up in pain, "Promise me, my love.. promise me that no matter what, you'll never leave me.. please” he almost cried as his forehead was firmly pressed against mine. I looked at him in confusion but that soon changed, "I promise, love. I will never leave you.." I said and smashed his lips on mine.

I pulled back from the kiss and I pant, a teasing smile made its way on my face, "Well unless you do something bad.. and I punish you with no sex.." he chuckled nodding his head, "I can live with that" and pecked my lips.

I hurriedly made my way to the restaurant after I went back home to shower and change. It was already 7.13 pm by the time I reached there

I monitored all of my workers on everything. They set up the tables nicely and some candles in the long dinner table. I set up some alcohol free refreshment for kids and nice wine, scotch and whiskey for the grown ups.

I still had 10 minutes before they all started coming I went to the washroom to touch up my makeup. I had put on pretty light makeup on my face and tied up my hair in a half updo. I wore a glittery lilac wrap dress with nude stiletto and to complete the look I wore a simple diamond stud earrings

As I walked out of the washroom I saw dad along with Oliver, Clark, Lilly, Adrian and Gina. I smiled at them and pulled them in for a hug, "Where is your mate of yours?" Oliver asked cracking his knuckles making me chuckle.

"He is picking up his parents” I said and sat them down on a couch near by. I had the helpers push my office couch here, it was big enough to fit 12 people.

Soon enough everyone started to come, Laura, Jessica and Arthur.

"Henry wasn't able to come” Laura whispered in my ears making me nod giving her a knowing look. Then the Huntsons came in no time, I hugged them all one by one. Ariana was last to come with Edmund, she gave me a small smile and hugged me, "I am sorry" she said, I gave her a reassuring hug, "It's okay.. you were just looking after our sister!" I said softly.

Everyone started to mingle, I snickered when I saw the twins, Stephen and my other two brothers threatening Edmund if he ever hurts Ariana. The poor child though stood strong but there was fear in his eyes, while his pack mates where snickering at him. Ariana was red in embarrassment as she sat down on the couch hiding her face1

Adrian, Lilly and Jessica were busy shoving the different appetizers down their throats where as my mom was trying to slow them down where as Gina was giggling in her futile attempt.

Both my dads sat down and had a heated conversation, even though if I wanted I could hear them but I didn't wanna invade their privacy about their plan on murdering Sebastian in his sleep.

Wait. What?

"PAPA!" I screeched and marched towards them. They both looked like deer caught in headlights, "Nobody is killing anyone!" I huffed when I reached them. I narrowed my eyes on both of them, both of them were nonchalant about it. I sighed, "Papas... I love him.. give him a chance.. please” I pouted giving them the most innocent puppy eyes.

I heard both if their heart started to beat faster, both looked a little hesitant. But papa Amell was the first one to give in, "Finee, but you better not get pregnant... You're too young" he huffed crossing his arms with a very.. very small pout. He didn't meet my eyes and was glaring outside the window. I awed him and hugged him tightly, "I am still you baby girl" I said in baby voice making him hug me. "You forgot you old man?" I heard papa Earl snap at me. I chuckled, "You're still my safe blankie" I said and kissed his cheeks.

"He better not hurt you or I'll release the wrath of 9 realms on him!" he said as his eyes went dark with anger. To others he might look a bit over the board but to me it's was normal, he has always been like this with his three princesses. I pecked his cheeks, "If he did, he wouldn't live a second to take your wrath. I would kill him myself" I said reassuring him. He hummed and kissed my forehead mumbling 'my little princess'

"Nora" I heard Sebastian's voice from the door. I looked back at him, he came to me with a huge smile. He looked so handsome in the dark blue shirt and black pants. He hand tied his long hair in a bun. I giggled internally when I saw him shave his beard, I know his parents hated his beards. I see he is still an obedient son.

He held my hands and pulled me with him, "I want you to meet my parents” he said as two very familiar couple showed up. I was frozen in my place in shock.

"Mom-dad, meet my Erastis, Nora Huntsons. Nora these are my parents, Erik hounds and Lou--" "Louis Hounds" I released a breath I was holding.

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