The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 10

"--- because you wanted a pussy so bad, you left OUR daughter ALONE in the fucking FOREST??" I heard mum scream at dad. I groaned pulling the pillow to cover my ears. Sometimes I hate being able to hear everything.

Wait. Pillow?

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up on the bed, the familiar feeling of my silk sheets underneath me made me feel comfortable.. or is it the unusual smell.. but the last time.. I remember.. being near a pond. I closed my eyes and a pair of neon blue eyes flashed through my memory, a sudden tingling went throughout my body making me shiver in delight. Then I remembered the incident, my heart started to beat at a fast pace. The lycan.. he said.. what the actual fuck.. a animal just spoke..

I rolled my eyes, yeah that my priority.. not the fact that he said something I never wanted to hear from anyone. I slowly slipped off the bed but before I could open the door, it opened and revealed Ariana. She looked at me wide eyed, "What the fuck are you doing?? Go lay down! MAAAA!!! SHE IS AWAKE!!" She screamed making me hiss and cover my ears

"Sensitive hearing, Ari" I say in pain, she looked at me apologetically, "Sorry babe" she said and lightly nudged me towards the bed, "I am fine" I said but she still tucked me in. I heard thundering footsteps approaching me, I mentally rolled my eyes. Oh my over dramatic family, I smile softly. My mom comes in looking frantic with tears streaming down hear face. I furrowed my brows, "What's wrong mumma?" I ask trying to get up from the bed but she comes to me and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her without any hesitation and rub her back, "What is it mumma?" I ask her soothingly mumbling sweet words in her ears.

"I was so worried about you, baby" she said pulling back with tears still spilling out of her eye. She bit her lips to stop herself from crying, I caressed her cheeks and wiped the tears, "I am alright mumma.. everything's fine" I coo her and bring her in my arms. I could hear her the unstable beating of her heart. I tried to coax her as gently as possible. Soon I heard her heart beat steadying and in no time she fell asleep but not without say 'l cannot afford to lose my baby again’

I released a sigh and tucked her in my bed. I slowly made my way out of the room, thank God they left us to give us some privacy. When I reached the ground floor, I saw dad and Stephan talking. Their attention snapped towards me, I smiled at them, "I am fine" I assure them as both make their way towards me, "I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to my little sister" Stephan said and pulled me in a warm embrace. I smiled in my brother's safe embrace and snuggle into his chest, "My little puppy" he says teasingly making me pull back in shock, "I am a fudging alpha!" I say in disbelief. But he pout and kisses my forehead, "My little puppy!" He pulls my nose and belly's laughs. I just snort and hit his chest. He teases me more, annoying the shit out of me.

I look at dad who looks guilty, "It's not your fault, papa" I say and hug him. He wraps his arms around me, "It is baby, if only I hadn't left you.” He said guiltily, I was about to interfere but Andrew beated me, "At least she found her erastis” he and Jacob walked in form the front door with some bags. That comment made me stiff, "Yeah, when we came there he wouldn't let anyone touch you" Jacob said in annoyance. A warm feeling washed over me, it took every single piece of me under it, I felt protected but the stoic look didn't faze from my face.

"Yeah, that dumb shit! As if we are going to hurt our own sister” Andrew rolled his eyes and made us follow him into the kitchen where Ora and Ari were sitting, talking quietly. My heart started beating erratically, the warm fuzzy feeling only intensified, I didn't like it, not one bit. I remember the last time I had this feeling, it threw me in death's doorstep. "He even had the guts to grow! at us and even tucked you in.. well after shifting with you still in his arms..” Ari said and furrowed her brows looking at me, "You feeling better?" I nodded and kissed her cheeks, internally thanking her for changing the subject. I sat by her as Arora came by my side and hugged me side ways. I smiled, "Don’t worry guys” I say as dad sets the table for us. We kept chattering while taking out the food from the bag, "Why did you guys order a take out? Want to kick me out of the business?" I joke looking at the twins, to which they just snort, "Damn it!! How did you know our plan??" Ander mocked making me roll my eyes.

And that's all it took and we were back to our chattering and playful self. There was a tug in my heart, I kept on looking at the back door of the kitchen longingly. I shook my head and took some food to feed mom.

The alpha stood on top of the hill as he watched the commotion beneath him. With a stoic expression he watched the pack members beings ripped into pieces. The scene was bone chilling to say the least, the rogues were ruthlessly. The rogue king was snarling and growling at the pair, the alpha and beta. They have wronged the most destructive wolf of the continent and now it time to pay for their mistakes.

The alpha above the hill looked at the pack below in hate, every single cell of his body hated those fuckers. He saw one rogue transfer back to his human side and crept up on a wolf who was busy fighting another rogue. He jumped on his back and took out a silver knief and jabbed it repeatedly in the wolf's head. It's brain and the liquid splashed all over the rogues face, but it kept on laughing like a manic. The alpha smirked and looked another pair where the rogue was eating the organs of the pack member. It's heart half eaten, the lungs torn into pieces, the intestine was half hanging out of the body. His eyes shifter to the trio, the rouge king and the alpha and the beta. The king had single handedly over powered the pair, most wouldn't have be able to do that but can you blame him? He was driven by rage, pain of loss and hate. The most unadulterated feeling in the world. The alpha shifted into his wolf and howled on top of the hill to tell the rouge's to retreat. And within a second they did, but the king wasn't done he slashed the beta deep into his stomach, but not deep enough to kill him and tore the alpha's shoulder and ran away from the battle field. His thirst for revenge wasn't yet quenched but he knew better as his allied alpha said, "Death is mercy, suffering is the key”

The alpha joined the run and howled in victory, a few more days and all this will come to an end. But their suffering won't. His icy blue eyes shined maliciously.

"Mom pleasssee" I begged her for the nth time but my hardheaded mom didn't move from her decision, "Even the last time you said you're gonna take a break you took a nap and went to work. But this time it goes as I say!" She said calmly sipping her tea. I let out a whiney noise, "It'll affect a lot on the restaurant, mumma. Even my reputation would get bad, there are people coming for far away.. sometimes even as far as cities.. it'll be a huge loss mom.. I cannot afford that loss" I tried to reason her but she eyes snapped towards me. Her usual blue eyes had now turned Violet, she glared at me, "Money?? IS THIS HOW I RAISED YOU NORA ELISA HUNTSONS?? MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR LIFE?? MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR MOTHER'S WISH!!" she yelled at me furiously.

My eyes began to tear up, "No mumma nothing is more important than you.. please don't be mad at me.. I love you mumma" I pout looking at my mother. My wolf was upset to have angered her mother to the extend of her yelling at me. She has never once yelled at me. I walk close to her still hurt by the fact that she shouted at me, her eyes softened looking at my heartbroken state, "I never ment to upset you mumma, I am doing all this so that I can give you everything you deserve” I say softly and put my head on my mother's shoulder.

My hands playing with her's, I didn't meet her eyes. I knew I disappointed her, I sniffled, "Please forgive me mumma.." I say one last time as tears begin to flow out of my eyes softly. She wrapped her arms around me and rocked me, speaking only sweet words and praises in my ears.

"I am sorry baby, it just that... *Sigh* I don't wanna lose you again.. you haven't taken a proper break since.. forever. You are over working yourself too much baby. I see you at night all awake and trying different dishes.. this is not good for you, little princess" she said and cooed me softly. I look at her apologetically, "I'll do whatever you'll say mom.. no work for this week" I chose my words right knowing how I'll have to twist my way back to work.

She sighed, "You're a millionaire and yet you're afraid of losing a few dollars" she said. I smile at her, "Coming from a place where I had to survive in only 20 dollars in a month, every penny is a big deal for me" I said remembering all those awful years. She rubbed my arms, “You're here with me baby. With us. You're safe now" she said and kissed my forehead.

But some wouldn't be.

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