The Genius Delta

Chapter 9 - Silvercloud

Shit, shit, shit! I quickly got up from the booth as my future ran out the door dragging her sister behind her. Scott at least had the self-awareness to look remorseful. “I...” He opened his mouth but quickly shut it when I glared at him.

“You pick up the tab. I need to chase down my mate and hope to Goddess that she forgives me.” I growled, jabbing my finger into Scott's chest. “And you get to answer to Logan for your slip.”

My identity is supposed to be a fucking secret. It has been that way since I launched the company. The only way someone outside the pack finds out who I am is because they are mated to someone in the pack. The only tiny sliver of gratification I got was how pale Scott turned when I said he'd have to answer to Logan.

“She's our mate, and your dumbass couldn't find time in the conversation, like when she asked about your family to mention you're Silvercloud?’ Jaci scolded me. “If you ruined things with our mate, I'm not forgiving you, and we are beating Scott so bad his mother won't recognize him.’

“I hadn't thought about it. I don't generally think about my name. And I was still going to tell her. If not during lunch on the way back home. Scott's the one that screwed me." I grumbled as I rushed out of the restaurant, following her scent.

“While he’s the dumbass that opened his mouth and inserted his foot till his toes poked out of his ass, you are the one that was responsible for informing our mate of such things. Now it looks like we were keeping secrets.’ Jaci reminded me.

Of course, he will not let this slide or let all the blame go to Scott. Darn wolf and being a moral compass. I know I need to make this right with Persephone. It's not like I planned never to tell her, but I did want to tell her in my own time and away from the office. Fuck Scott for taking that option away from me.

I rounded the corner, following her scent, and felt like even more shit when I saw her on the ground. She was wrapped in a hug as her sister consoled her in a dingy alley. I hated to see her upset. I hated even more that it was my fault. She knew I was there but stubbornly refused to look in my direction.

“I didn't lie.” I sighed.

Well, at least opening my dumb mouth got her attention. It got the attention of both Fayte sisters, and nearly identical green eyes narrowed at me. To my surprise, the little one was the one that got up and poked me in the chest.

“I don’t know whom you think you are, but nobody makes my sister cry. I may not have a wolf to unleash some gift on you, but you can bet your ass I'll be sure our sister Crista sees you put in your place. No one gets to mess with the Fayte sisters.” Delilah scoffed.

It would be scary if she were anyone else threatening me. I mean no disrespect to the younger Fayte, but she’s not intimidating. I've dealt with enough women, especially those I don't find intimidating like Hana, to know how to handle this situation. I held both hands up in surrender.

“I am Persephone’s mate. No matter what anyone calls me, that will always be true. And I don't like upsetting Persephone or anyone, especially her.” I sighed.

Delilah frowned and glanced at her sister. “I think you should listen to him. He doesn't come with some long list of deplorable rumors like Alec did, and Crista still gave him a chance.” She encouraged stepping aside.

Well, at least she’s sort of on my side. I sighed, taking cautious steps toward my mate. If I've learned anything in my life, it's always to be careful when approaching a she-wolf that is upset for any reason. I knelt in front of her and took the risk of touching her chin, so she had to look at me. I didn't like the hurt I saw in her eyes or that it looked like she'd been crying.

“I am sorry I hadn't told you earlier. I couldn't say anything in the office. No one else but my assistant knows who I am. And I should have told you at lunch, but we were talking about many things, and I didn't.” I apologized, hoping shed accept my reasons.

“I had fully intended to tell you on the drive home tonight, but dumbass Scott blew that for me.” I sighed. “Please don't be mad at me.”

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. I'm not sure if this was her calming down or just that she didn’t want to look at me. I hope it's the first one. I don't want her to be mad at me. This is day one of us being together, and I've already screwed it up. But so long as she doesn't let this get in our way, I can and will make it up to her.

“It's not just you that I'm mad at.” Persephone sighed. “I've talked about your company and wanted to meet you for years. And in all that time, no one said they knew you. Kurt, Isis, Darren, André. None of them told me. Yet one dumbass I barely know accidentally does.”

“Don’t be mad at them either, please. When I launched Silvercloud Industrial, we all agreed my identity should remain a secret. I couldn't handle the public eye like John, and to a lesser extent, Logan does. So to protect the pack and me, it became a pack secret.” I explained, letting my hand cup her face, wiping a stray tear.

“In the pack, I'm Silvercloud. Sure some people call me Jonathan. John only ever calls me Jonathan. But Logan's been calling me Silvercloud since I was a kid, and well, it caught on.” I sighed.

“I can almost get it. Having a secret identity to work and not have your employees freak out.” She sighed. “But don't sit there and say you didn't lie to me. You introduced yourself as Jonny Weaver.” "Well, that's not technically a lie. Silvercloud was my mom's surname, but Weaver was my dad's. I guess because he moved to her pack, I was given her name and not his.” I shrugged.

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet. Weaver? Silvercloud? No matter what people call me, I'm still me. I'm still your mate.” I smiled softly as I brushed my thumb across her cheek, hoping the bond would help quell her rampaging emotions. "Awe, Pers, he's quoting Shakespeare to you.” Delilah gushed.

Persephone laughed/sighed as she shook her head. “Don’t think quoting Shakespearean tragedies where both leads kill themselves will make me swoon.”

I smiled less nervously now. “Perish the thought. I leave the pretty swoony words to John.” Persephone chuckled softly, and the anger in her eyes faded. I bet she's feeling the same pull of the bond as me. She must because we keep getting closer.

"Will you two kiss already? I want to get a picture to send Crista and André.” Delilah sighed.

I groaned, my forehead resting against Persephone’s. Suddenly it's clear why all my mated friends get annoyed with me. Am I that much of a cockblocker? Shit, I probably am. I owe apology gifts to all my friends. At least I'm not alone in my annoyance because Persephone looks like she wants to snap at her sister.

“Put that damn phone down. You don't get to announce to anyone that I have a mate. That's my job.” She sighed. "We should probably get back to work. We can discuss your name and all that tonight.”

“We can discuss anything you want.” I nodded as I helped her stand up.

“There you are. Delilah, we need to go. You have another class in twenty minutes.” Scott announced as he reached the alley.

He was met with three glares. I know why Persephone and I are glaring at him. I guess her sister glared on her sister's behalf. It better be on Persephone’s behalf. If Scott has said or done anything to offend or upset the youngest Fayte, he’s a dead man. Nothing would save him from death because Logan would straight up hand him over to Alec.

I don't want to think about what the Alpha of Incubi would do to someone that wronged his youngest sister-in-law. Shit, I hope that this whole name issue isn't something that would result in me being in trouble with Alec. Because I am always secure no matter what I do, so long as I don't hurt Aurelia or one of his kids, Logan would never kill me. I can’t say the same for Alec

“Look, sorry for blowing up your spot. I wasn't even thinking about the mixed company.” He held his hands up. “And know nothing you can do to me will be worse than what Alpha will do. Not only for the slip but if I don't get her...” Scott pointed at Delilah. “To her class on time.”

“Let it go, Persephone. Logan will not go easy on him, and his punishment will only worsen if your sister is late.” I chuckled and wrapped my arms around Persephone as she still looked annoyed. “I'm glad you made up. You better tell at least Crista before I do.” Delilah smiled. “I better go because as important as working for your mate is to you, is how important this botany course is to me. I'll see you at the house.” She waved as she left with Scott.

“We should get back to work. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for taking a long lunch. I hear our boss is a real whip-cracker.” I taunted as I kept one arm around her to escort her out of the alley.

“Is that so? Didn't take you for the kinky type.” She teased, pulling away from me before we reached the office.

Not being able to touch my mate all day at work will drive me crazy. And her saying stuff like that isn't helping. She knows I can't say or do anything now because we are at the office. But I'll say and especially do plenty tonight. And it's that thought that's going to get me through the rest of today.

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