The Genius Delta

Chapter 30 - Silvercloud

I hope that Shikoba calls Rohan, and they can talk through things. Their situation has obstacles, but they can be overcome easily with communication and understanding. It's an easier hurdle to get past than Cillian and that Demonclaw girl. Yes, I will keep calling her that till her name is cleared, and even then, I'm not sure. Maybe I'll change my mind if things with her and Cillian work out, but I won't be holding my breath.

I decided to put the concerns about these budding mate pairings to the back of my mind. I have my mate to deal with. I get she felt she needed to tell Shikoba about Rohan's past, but even as Shikoba's friend, I didn't think it was my place to reveal my packmate’s shattered love life. I've already planned to punish her for it when we get home. And given how things played out in my office, I think she will like how I punish her.

Now I need to survive the rest of the workday, which feels like an impossible task. I'm barely able to concentrate on my coding. As if being engulfed in her scent was terrible enough, the smell of sex is still hanging around us. Every time I glance in her direction, I remember how she looked bent over my desk, skirt up, and ass out while I fucked her. The only good thing about this torture of being so close yet far from her is that I'm not suffering alone

I've caught her more than once looking at me. Even if I weren't looking at her when she snuck glances at me, I'd know because the scent of her arousal gets stronger. I take satisfaction in knowing she’s turned on by looking at me. If I turned enough, she'd probably see just how turned I am by her too. Let's leave it as I need to wear loser jeans around her. I didnt think I'd have such a hard, ha puns, time focusing after finding my mate.

“Once we've marked her, it won't be as bad. I'll be able to settle down, and the bond will be complete, so you'll feel grounded and connected to her. Jaci assured me.

“Thirteen days and fucking counting.’ I sighed as I looked at her again.

I smiled as our eyes locked, and she blushed and wiggled on her stool. Is she squeezing her thighs? I took a deep breath, and there it was, Persephone’s arousal. I glared at the evil clock that told me we still had two hours before it was quitting time. I wonder if I could talk her into clocking out early. "What would you think of leaving early?” I asked.

“Tempting...” Persephone sighed as she eye fucked me. “So fucking tempting. But we can wait two more hours."

“Can I borrow like a cup of your willpower? Cause I don't know if I can wait two hours.” I lamented as I dramatically laid my head on my workstation.

I turned my head at the sound of her angelic giggle to see her hiding her mouth behind her hand. She may giggle like an angel, but the gleam in her green eyes is all devil. Fuck I need to get her somewhere without cameras, or rather cameras that someone else can access the video from and make her scream my name.

"Come on, drama queen. You can survive two hours. We both can. I'm sure of it. It can't be that hard.” She rolled her eyes with that devilish gleam in her eyes, knowing she had just said a pun. “Why don’t you come closer, Miss Fayte, and I'll show you how hard it is?” I offered with a smirk as I turned just enough for her to see how confining my jeans were.

Her eyes darkened as they locked in on the outline of my cock. “That...looks uncomfortable.” She managed to reply in a soft voice as she licked her lips.

"You have no idea. And I won't get any relief for two hours.” I sighed.

I arched my brow as I watched her glance around the room before slipping off her stool. “Come with me. I think it's time for a break. Maybe some cold water from the vending machine will help you.”

I don't know what she’s planning, but I'm fucking in. I let her tug me off the stool and lead me out of the lab. “Is there anywhere on this floor without cameras?” Persephone whispered as she looked around.

“Oh, hell yes!” I clapped a hand over my mouth, realizing I had said that aloud. “I mean, of course, Miss Fayte. Silvercloud would never be so intrusive as to put security cameras in our gender-neutral bathrooms.”

“Then let's go in that direction. Splash some cold water on your face to help you cool down.” She suggested in a sultry whisper as she tugged me toward the bathroom.

I wasn't sure what the plan was, but I wasn't going to question it. Persephone poked her head into the bathroom and checked the stalls to be sure we were alone. Once she felt secure, she locked the bathroom door and pushed me against the wall between the door and the hand dryer.

“Now, let's see what we can do to help you out of this predicament you've gotten yourself into,” Persephone smirked, reaching for my jeans.

“What do you have in mind, Miss Fayte?” I cocked my head, not a hundred percent, on where this was going, but I was hopeful.

“I'm not a doctor, but I'm fairly certain I've heard a warm compress is good for stiffness.” Persephone taunted me with a devious grin playing at the corners of her lips as she tugged my pants down enough to free my dick.

“And this certainly looks stiff.” She giggled as she ran her index finger along my length.

"Don’t toy with me, Persephone. I'm not sure I have the patience for it.” I hissed as my head fell back against the tile wall.

"So sensitive. But fine, we are under a time constraint anyways. I'll have to take my time teasing you when we're home.” Her sad sigh was just a ploy, as the way she smiled and licked her lips made it clear she wasn't complaining.

I sucked in a breath as she got on her knees. I clenched my jaw not to moan loudly as she licked my cock from root to tip. Not the local I'd have chosen for my first blow job, but I'm not picky about that. Location doesn't matter more than the person doing it. And there is no one on this planet, past, present, or future, that I'd want touching me like this more than Persephone Fayte.

I cursed quietly as her tongue swirled around the tip, and she made that “mmm’ sound as she wrapped her lips around it and took her sweet fucking time. She was taunting me as she only took a couple of inches of my dick, sucking and licking before popping it out, and then she'd take a little more the next time. It was fucking torture. I thought I was about to lose it and was a second from grabbing her hair and being more forceful when she finally took it all.

“Fuck... Persephone...” I moaned through gritted teeth. “You should....stop...before” I lost it. That's all it took after her teasing me. I tried to warn her but either she didn’t hear me or didn't care because I came and she swallowed.

"Holy shit...” I gasped as I looked down to see her licking the corners of her mouth.

"Wow..." Persephone gasped as she caught her breath.

“Let's get you off the floor. I know the sanitation staff does a good job but still.” I smiled, helping her to her feet.

“Never thought I'd do something like that in a bathroom. Yet here we are.” Persephone shook her head. “Don't ever tell my family about this. They would never let me live it down if they saw how easily I gave up work to have sex in any fashion with you.” She sighed as she leaned her head against my chest.

“Your secret is safe with me,” I assured her as I rubbed her back. “Just wish I could return the favor, but I can hear someone coming down the hall.”

"You can make it up to me when we get home,” Persephone smirked. “Now put your dick away, and maybe we can focus and get some work done now.”

I chuckled as she stepped into one of the stalls giving me room to fix my jeans. I flipped the lock on the door just in time as someone was walking in. I nodded with a smile to my fellow engineers. “How's it hanging, Robbie and Dirk?"

The pair rolled their eyes. “We heard you were back in the office. Didn't believe it since there haven't been any explosions.” Robbie snickered.

“Also heard you landed a hot intern,” Dirk smirked.

I narrowed my eyes, having to put a lot of effort into keeping Jaci in check and myself. I was about to say something when the stall door opened, and Persephone stepped out. She looked at Robbie and Dirk and scoffed.

“Disgustosi maiali americanii.” She wrinkled her nose as she went to the sink to wash her hands. Robbie and Dirk may not know Italian but her choice of words beyond the maiali was pretty easy to translate. And they didn't look thrilled with her calling them disgusting Americans, and I'm sure if they knew she called them pigs, it would only be worse.

“I don't know exactly what you said. But you should watch your mouth, intern.” Dirk glared.

“We're the heads of our department. You keep being disrespectful, and you can bet your sweet ass you won't be offered a job after the summer.” Robbie threatened.

"Whoa... I think you two need to chill out.” I tried to intervene, holding my hands up.

"You were disrespectful, crossing into HR trouble with your comment. Remember, Silvercloud has a zero-tolerance policy. All it would take is her to tell HR you harassed her, and you'd be out the door.” I pointed out.

“It would be our word against hers.” Dirk snorted.

"Are all Americans as stupid as you?” Persephone arched her brow as she dried her hands. “Jonny was standing there so it wouldn't just be my word against yours.”

"Cause anyone is going to listen to Jonny.” Robbie laughed. “The dude is lucky he still has a job after the fire he caused.”

“What can I say? I was born under a lucky star.” I shrugged. “But she has a point. It would be our words against yours. So have no doubt I'd gladly report you disgusting American pigs.”

Robbie went to grab my shirt when the door was flung open again. Everyone froze as all eyes turned to John Kinsley Jr in all his intimidating glory. His azure/cobalt blue eyes surveyed the room with an arched brow.

“Is there a problem?’ He asked through the link.

Just some dumbasses being dumb.’ I assured.

"Mister Weaver, I was looking for you. Follow me and bring your intern. I want to see this med-bot you've been building.” John finally spoke, ignoring Robbie and Dirk.

“M...Me? But...I usually present it to them..." I gestured to Robbie and Dirk, playing my role as a simple employee. “And I don't think they even present it to you.”

“Are you questioning me, Mister Weaver?” John gave me that stern Kinsley look that scared the shit out of me as a boy. Not that it doesn't work as an adult. It's just less.

“If you checked your office email, you'd have received notice that I would be coming for an early preview of the product. Kinsley Industrial is keen on pushing this project, as is Silvercloud.” He explained.

“Now come along. I do not conduct business in restrooms.” He sighed as he opened the door, gesturing us out.

Persephone smirked smugly at Robbie and Dirk as she hurried out into the hallway. I shrugged at them and followed her. The walk back to my lab was in silence. Once we were inside the lab, Persephone burst into laughter.

"Oh, my goddess! I haven't seen someone look like they'd shit themselves since the first time someone was disrespectful to Crista, and Alec aggressively told them she was with him.” Persephone leaned against her workstation, still laughing, and I couldn't help but join in.

John sighed and rolled his eyes. “Goddess, give me strength to deal with the pair of you for the rest of my life.”

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