The Genius Delta

Chapter 24 - Silvercloud

That girl certainly has a lot of empathy for others. No wonder anyone I've spoken to about the Fayte sisters has always called the youngest the cinnamon roll sweetheart. Crista is the eldest and takes on a more matronly and collected role. I am mated to the middle sister, who by all accounts is the unpredictable wild child that is a total smartass. And honestly, that's an accurate description of my mate.

“She's your assistant and knows the truth. And even then, she only knows a part of the truth. Without knowing you're a werewolf and about our culture, you suddenly being involved with a person you just met is probably alarming.” Delilah sighed.

“Still don't like her calling me his fuck buddy,” Persephone grumbled, biting into her muffin aggressively.

“I'll talk to Shikoba to the extent I'm allowed, and it will be handled,” I promised. “I need to text her and confirm that all interns need to have their access locked down and that it includes you.” I sighed, taking my phone out.

Me: She's not my fuck buddy. We're dating. So do what is necessary with HR about it. And Persephone knows she's included in the intern access lockdown. So get it down.

Shikoba: Cult. Il handle it.

Me: It's not a cult. *eye roll emoji*

"Okay, that's handled.” I nodded, pocketing my phone before digging into my mountain of food. “What's going on with Rohan? I heard you mention his name.” Scott decided to speak.

“That's right, you know him. I'm not overly familiar with him on a personal level. But when I was searching for potential Delta guards, he came up. He works at my office in the security department. But he shouldn’t have been in my search results as he's unmated. “ I explained.

“What did Shikoba have to say about him?” Persephone asked.

“She said he transferred from Kinsley Industrial not long before you arrived. John approved it, so I'll have to ask him what that's about. I can only assume he figured that a visiting ally’s sister working at Silvercloud required someone from Bloodmoon in my security personnel.” I shrugged.

“I can confirm he was transferred from Kinsley because of two incoming werewolf interns. He told me he would miss working at Kinsley since more of the pack are employed there than at your company.” Scott chimed in. “And your search wasn't technically wrong to have him in the results.” “Well, that explains why he’s at Silvercloud.” Delilah nodded.

“It doesn't explain why he was in the search results. What do you mean the results weren't technically wrong?” Persephone questioned.

“Well, it's kind of personal.” Scott frowned

“Scott, he works at my company. He pulled up as a possible guard for my mate. I'm this pack's Delta. No one gets to keep shit from me for personal reasons.” I reminded him.

It's my role as Delta to ensure we, as leaders, know everything we can about every pack member. We could incorrectly assign someone to a mission or pack-related task if we are missing data. I can't let that happen. There's a reason I have a database about everyone in the pack. So if I'm missing something, I need to update my data.

“Fine...” Scott sighed. “I'm surprised he kept it a secret this long.” He frowned.

"Out with it.” Persephone gestured for him to hurry it up.

“Rohan was with us three years ago while traveling to the gatherings. He stayed in les Hurleurs Sanctifiés while the rest of us went onward and ended up stuck in Incubi for the war.” Scott started to explain.

"He found his mate in les Hurleurs Sanctifiés? Why wouldn't we know he has a mate? Did something happen to them?” I started to feel bad for Rohan if he found his mate, only to have them die. I didn’t want to assume gender because it was common enough knowledge that Rohan was pansexual.

“Because his mate rejected him. The guy didn't want anyone to know he liked men. I don't know. I don't care what the dickhead's sexuality is. I was the only one from the pack there with Rohan when the jerk rejected him in favor of a she-wolf he was dating.” Scott grumbled

“Oh... that poor man.” Delilah and Persephone both gasped in unison.

“But why stay in les Hurleurs Sanctifiés after being rejected?” Persephone asked. “I'd want to get as far from the dirtbag as possible.”

“The rejection took a heavy toll.” Scott frowned.

“That's what it was? I remember something about someone falling ill during the gathering trip that year. But it was never detailed. Why was this kept from us? If we'd been properly informed, he'd have been given the necessary counseling and support.” I furrowed my brow, making a mental note to discuss this with Charles. Maybe Rohan sought him out privately. I hope he did because that isn't something someone should go through solo.

“Rohan didn't want people to know he got rejected. Better to be considered unmated than rejected.” Scott shrugged.

“I see. Well, that does change some things. I'll have to address it with Rohan and the other ranked leaders. If he hasn't sought out Charles independently, Charles will want to schedule sessions with him. Rohan should know better than this. We take care of each other in Bloodmoon.” I sighed, getting up.

This changed many things. Knowing he wasn't officially unmated meant he belonged on the list of options. I don't know how Dove knew that. Yet another thing about Dove I don't understand. I will need to set aside time to investigate Dove's functionality. Things have been happening since I built it that don't add up.

“I hope you consider him to be Delta Persephone’s guard. Rohan is a good wolf, loyal to our pack and his ability is truly unique. You'll never find another warrior like him.” Scott bowed his head as he got up.

“Miss Fayte. We need to head out, so you aren't late for your class.” He gestured for Delilah to go with him

“Right. Well, I can’t wait to hear about how things turn out. Remember, Persephone. I'll be hanging out with Suzie after classes. Try not to get in trouble at work.” Delilah smiled as she hugged Persephone, then stopped and gave me one too.

“It's nice to have another brother.” She grinned sheepishly before hurrying out of the room. Luckily for her, Scott grabbed her bag that she'd forgotten.

"We should head out too,” I suggested gathering my dirty dishes.

"So we are back to having six options. We should probably schedule meetings with all of them soon. If we can have them chosen before my family gets here, it will put certain people at ease.” Persephone nodded. “I should also probably schedule a meeting with the other female, ranked members.”

“You're already on our calendar.” Sybille smiled as she walked in, holding Xavier's hand.

"Oh... that's good.” Persephone blinked.

“Right, Persephone, this is Sybille, our Gamma. She's been a ranked she-wolf longer than everyone else combined. The poor woman had to deal with us for years before Aurelia showed up.” I laughed. "Yes, it was a hardship. Especially dealing with you.” Sybille scoffed as she got out a juice for Xavier. “This is my son Xavier.” She smiled, stroking his blonde locks.

“Xavier, darling, this is Persephone. She's Uncle Jonathan's mate.” Sybille explained.

Xavier gave Persephone a shy smile as he sipped his juice. “He's adorable. He makes me miss my nieces and Kristina's little boy Thales.” Persephone sighed.

Sybille stiffened slightly at the name, then nodded. “Yes, I had heard that the new Nebrodi leaders honored my late nephew by naming their son after him.” She sighed

"Wait, you are Thales’ aunt?” Persephone blinked, obviously not aware of the family connection "Oui. My sister was his mother. This isn't our first meeting, Persephone.” Sybille smiled. “We met when you were very young. Delilah was only a baby when I visited my sister in Nebrodi before I was old enough to shift.” She sighed.

“I'm not very surprised you ended up with Jonathan. Like Jonathan, you were a little spitfire of trouble as a toddler.” She chuckled.

“Oh wow. I didn't even realize that. I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know what I'd do if I lost one of my sisters.” Persephone sympathized.

“Thank you. But it was your loss as well. My sister was your Luna. I wish things had been different, but it has worked out in the long run. My sister and her mate would be proud of Tiberius and Katrina taking over Nebrodi.” Sybille smiled, but there was sadness in her eyes.

“I... should be going. You'll see the meeting on your calendar. We'll meet at Sarael's house. Jonathan knows where she and John live and will be able to drop you off.” Sybille excused herself, picking Xavier up as she left.

“So strange to realize how the packs keep finding more ways to connect.” Persephone sighed as she watched Sybille walk away. “I should have realized that she was related to Luna Slyvia. They look so similar.”

“It's okay,” I assured, rubbing her back. “Come on, let's get to work.”

We were almost to the door when raised voices made us pause. We both looked to Logan's office, where he was shouting.


“It's personal,” Cillian answered.

Cillian's only assignment was to help keep tabs on that Demonclaw girl. This caught our attention, and instead of heading out the front door, we both gravitated to Logan's office, wanting to know what was going on. Why would he bow out?

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