The Genius Delta

Chapter 14 - Persephone

I now have one more reason to want Mila dead. And while Logan and Jonathan are not as concerned that she even knows him as Jonny Weaver, I am. She upped her flirting after he introduced himself. She's fixated on him, and I don't like it. And no, it's not just because he’s MINE, and I will cut a bitch for trying to get between us.

Knowing who he is, not just to the company but to Bloodmoon, makes him a high-profile target. Then add in finding out she’s from the pack that destroyed his pack. Yeah, so many red flags are waving. At least Logan and Jonathan had plans to monitor her.

I remember Cillian from the war in Sicily. He was with the others from Bloodmoon, looking for his mate. I don't remember if he found one, but I know he fought well. He didn't get himself in trouble like that guy, Clement. I wonder what happened to him after he came back to Bloodmoon. Not enough to ask or look for him.

“I'll also ask Shikoba to impose additional restrictions on Mila’s access to the building. I don't want her just wandering around.” Jonathan sighed.

“You'll have to do that to all the interns. She will get suspicious if she’s the only one being restricted.” I pointed out.

"Good point. You realize that means I'll have to restrict your access too.” Jonathan arched his eyebrow.

“Duh.” I rolled my eyes. “Doesn't hurt my feelings. Restrict the intern access to floors that directly involve their assignment and to common areas like the lobby, HR, meeting rooms, and the company cafeteria.” I shrugged.

“That sounds fair. Persephone is assigned to you anyways, so it's not like you are limiting your mate's access to you.” Logan nodded. “Though for appearance’s sake, you better keep the fucking outside the office.”

I don't know why I'm blushing. I have dealt with Tie my whole life and, worse yet, André for the last three years. Yet I'm blushing because Alpha Logan told us not to mess around at the office. I guess this feels different. Tie is like the big brother I never had or wanted. And André, well, he's his own classification. Logan, however, is a stranger.

“Don’t worry, Logan. Unlike you and Aurelia, we can be in the same workspace and not fuck.” Jonathan rolled his eyes. “For example, we made it the whole day with only one slip up of making out when we first realized what we are to each other.”

“Uh-huh. This was only day one. Don't think you've got some will of steel. Even John couldn't stay stoic and in control in the face of the bond. And you do not have my brother's self-control.” Logan pointed out.

"We'll figure it out,” I assured him.

“I hope you do. Because I can't imagine Shikoba will want to deal with erasing surveillance footage to cover up her boss fucking an intern over doing her actual job.” Logan snickered.

"Okay, I'm lost. Who's Shikoba? What's her job if she's not part of security? And you're implying she knows who Jonathan is.” I furrowed my brow.

“Shikoba is my assistant. You saw me talking to her before we left the office. She knows who I am minus the whole werewolf part, as she’s human.” Jonathan explained

“Oh.” I nodded, remembering the woman he was speaking in sign language to.

"So your assistant is deaf or mute?” I asked. “I saw you speaking in sign. Of course, I couldn't understand any of it. I know Italian sign language to communicate with Amelia, and it's totally different from your American version.”

“She's mute. She can talk with a text-to-speech program I designed for her, but what we were discussing was private, so we signed instead.” Jonathan nodded

“Private?” I arched my eyebrow.

"She was asking me about you. And pretty much told me what Logan just did. Not to fuck around at work because she won't go around covering up our relationship.” He shrugged. “She's pretty sure the Kinsley brothers and I are in some cult since I can't explain why I'm already involved with someone I just met.”

“It must be very complicated to deal with humans daily. The Sicilian packs don't mingle much with humans unless we travel to a city outside of the pack. We don't have that back home. And I don't count the witches as humans as they have magic.” I shrugged.

“It can certainly get complicated. But there are a select few humans that know about werewolves.” Logan nodded.

"By that, he means Aurelia’s parents and her best friend, Alex. Otherwise, all humans that know about us are Adios, and I don't count hunters like you don't count witches.” Jonathan chuckled. “Right. I think Darren mentioned that. Alex Whitland, the bumbling human friend of Luna Aurelia. He's a dad, right? Does his girlfriend know?" I asked.

“Fuck no,” Logan exclaimed. “My mate can't stand that bitch. And her name is mud in this pack after she abandoned Alex and their boy Tristan after a month, saying it wasn’t working and she didn't want to be tied down to a man and a baby.” Logan scoffed.

“Wow, that's a cunt move.” I blinked.

I may not have a mom gene, but to abandon your baby sounds horrible unless circumstances make you do it. Like Grace was given to Stephen Amelia because her father refused to accept her, and her mother could not raise a baby. At least it sounds like baby Tristan had his dad and this pack to be there for him.

“Exactly.” Logan sighed as he got up. “I'll leave you two to discuss things further. I'm going to see if I can get my little girl back from your sister and check on my older one.” Giving me a pointed look. “If you're expecting an apology for putting your daughter on her ass, you won't get one.” I rolled my eyes. “She was in the wrong and knew it. Being the Alpha’s daughter doesn't give her a free pass.” Logan nodded and left without saying anything further. Jonathan and I shared a smile as we realized we were alone. Our bodies had moved closer like magnets, and our lips were only a breath away from touching when Delilah poked her head in.

"Oops, I'm not interrupting, am 1? I just wanted to know if you guys are going to eat dinner and if Persephone planned to call Crista to tell her about finding your mate.” Delilah batted innocent eyes at us, knowing full well she interrupted us.

Jonathan snickered and rested his forehead on mine. “So many apology gifts.” He sighed.

I'm unsure what that means, but I turned my gaze to my beaver-blocking sister. “We'll be there in a moment. And Delilah, I can't call Crista till morning. Remember, we are nine hours behind Incubi. It's like three in the morning there. I'm not risking waking her up.” I reminded her.

"Oh, that's right.” Delilah smacked her palm to her forehead. “I totally spaced. Okay, we can call her in the morning to update her on everything that happened on our first official day here.” She smiled.

“I'll meet you in the dining room.” Delilah waved before finally leaving us alone

"Is there anywhere in this place we could be alone?” I asked, hoping he knew somewhere we won't get disturbed. I sighed, glad that we were alone again.

Jonathan's lips curled into a devious smile barely visible behind his beard as the amber color in his eyes swirled in mischief. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I know it's got me hot and bothered. Again I blame the mate bond and that Sara is a horny bitch. I am not under any other circumstances the kind of girl who gets so easily worked up over a guy.

“I'd say my room upstairs, but that's not guaranteed. Nor would your guest room. So the only place I know for sure we wouldn't be bothered is at my bunker.” He explained.

"Good thing I'm not claustrophobic. Spent enough time in an underground bunker during the war.” I teased

"Yes, but I can guarantee you'll enjoy your experience in my bunker much more.” He chuckled as he kissed me quickly.

Or I think it was meant to be a quick kiss. It didn’t pan out that way as the kiss lasted and deepened. His arms wrapped around me, and mine around him. We were so lost in our kiss we didn't notice when my back hit the wall by the office door. We only pulled apart because someone cleared their throat.

I blushed, a little embarrassed to be caught making out in the Alpha’s office. Even more so when I looked and saw the interrupting person was Luna Aurelia. She cocked her head, shifting the bundle in her arms with a smile.

“I do hope I'm interrupting.” She teased green eyes full of mischief. “Take your foreplay elsewhere. Only Logan and I get to fuck in here.” She laughed as she shooed us out with her free hand. “Now scoot. I have some work to do.”

“All right, we're going. No need to shove.” Jonathan stuck his tongue out as he guided me out of the office.

“Let's go eat with your sister before she tries to track us down again. Then I'll take you to my bunker.” Jonathan suggested.

“That sounds like an excellent plan to me.” I nodded.

“Not in the car! I want to run! I want to meet his wolf!" Sara shouted.

I rolled my eyes but decided to appease her. Plus, it is an excellent excuse to see Jonathan naked without being sexual. I've seen him shirtless and liked what I saw, so I'm confident I'll enjoy the rest of the view.

“Would you mind if we ran instead of driving to your bunker? Sara is itching to go for a run and meet your wolf." I asked.

“Is that so? Or are you just looking to get me naked? Because I'm okay with that.” Jonathan laughed as he led the way to the dining room. “But yes, we can run. Jaci is eager to meet your wolf too.” He assured me as we entered the dining room.

I blinked as I realized it wasn't just Delilah at the table. And there was enough food on that table to feed twenty. I'm so used to living in an Alpha villa where meals are just enough for use. This must be what it's like living in a packhouse. There has to be enough food to feed anyone that's around. I can get through dinner with my sister and a bunch of strangers. I have to remind myself not to eat too quickly, even if I'm in a hurry to go to his bunker.

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