The Forbidden Note (Redwood Kings Book 4)

The Forbidden Note: Chapter 37

Hall’s appearance at the dance isn’t going to change the plan, but it does make me more anxious. With the increase in security guards as well as their unexpected firepower, we don’t need any more unknown variables thrown into the mix.

Still, my mind can’t fully process Dutch’s warning or what that means for tonight.

I’m still shaking from the after-effects of Zane’s wicked caresses. He’s standing beside me, his hot breath on my neck and his wicked hand pressing into the door, caging me in on the right side. The warmth of his other hand on my hip is almost liquid-fire.

“I should have kept closer tabs on him,” Zane growls.

I shake my head, unable to look into his eyes. He’s this all-consuming darkness that scrambles my brain and makes me reckless.

And stupid.

Because following Zane Cross into a classroom and dropping my panties like an eager virgin is the very definition of stupid.

And dropping said panties while all of Redwood Prep is just a floor below is even more foolish.

I know better.

As a teacher.

As an adult.

As the one with the most to lose.

At the very least, I should have told him to wait until later, when we could leave the lion’s den.


I shouldn’t have let this happen at all.

“Come back to me, tiger.” Zane’s fingers settle on my cheek and he turns me to face him.

I close my eyes, trying not to think too hard about what we’ve just done. “We need to focus. Dutch is here. That means they’re ready.”

I feel Zane’s hot gaze drilling into me.

Uneasily, I crack my eyelids apart and find him staring. For a brief flash, I let myself pretend that I’m safe. That it will all be okay. That I can walk out of here, holding Zane’s hand and not feel like the world will fall apart.

But the vision only lasts a second.

Even though I love books, I’ve never been the type who could live in a fantasy.

The closer Zane gets to me and my heart, the more panic I feel.

This won’t end well.

There is no universe, no galaxy, where this spells out a happy ending.

Zane watches me, watches it all and his face turns hard. He steps back, expression unreadable. I wish I could peer into his mind right now. I wish he didn’t feel so untouchable, so unreachable, like a galaxy so far removed from mine it hasn’t even been discovered yet.

But I can’t be this distracted.

I came here for Sloane.

She’s all that matters.

Tonight, I’ll be one step closer to the answers I need.

I let the numbness overtake me and step out of my panties clinically.

Zane frowns. “Aren’t you going to need those?”

“I brought extra,” I grumble, feeling more exposed now than I did when he shoved the front of my skirt at me.

Maybe I knew this would happen. Maybe I was hoping this would happen.

Maybe I deserve to be destroyed.

His lips curl up and there’s a flash of understanding, as if he sees my thoughts.

I reach down to pick up the lace, but Zane snaps it from me.

My mouth opens. “What are you doing?”

“Keeping this.”

I frown.

My phone rings.

This time, it’s Cadence.

“We need to get out of here,” I mumble, feeling out-of-sorts. Reaching out a hand, I order, “Give them back.”

Zane grips my chin. His fingers are sticky and carry the scent of my musk. “Come and collect them after class.”

That is not going to happen.

But there’s no time to argue.

Neither of us say a word as we slip out of the dark classroom.

I separate from Zane and head toward the bathroom on the third floor. Cadence is already there. She’s wearing elaborate makeup and a bright red wig, fully in Redhead mode.

She gives me a tight nod.

I return it and slip into a stall. Using toilet paper to clean up the mess between my thighs, I slip on a clean pair of underwear and change into the waiting staff outfit.

When I get outside, Cadence hands me a mask.

I slip it over my head.

In the mirror, I see a woman with frizzy, straight hair that took hours to flat-iron, brown skin, and scared eyes hidden behind a creepy theatre mask.

“Finn already blocked the security cameras,” Cadence says, her voice low and urgent. “Dutch told me about Hall. With him roaming around…”

“He must be looking for trouble. We need to be faster.”

She nods. “At the most, we have twenty minutes.”

I cringe.

Her hand settles on my arm. A soft, reassuring touch. “I love plans. And this is a good plan. But you know what’s even better than a good plan?”


“The Kings.”

My chest tightens.

“The boys are in this now. They’re crazy and cruel and sometimes frightening, but they’re relentless. And they’re on your side. No matter what, we’re getting what we came for.”

I nod, taking comfort in her words.

We scramble out of the bathroom and I stop abruptly because The Kings are there, still and at attention. The shadows creep around them as if even the darkness knows they’re too dangerous to touch.

Something is different when I watch them tonight. Usually, the boys move with a kind of languid cockiness, like the world waits for them and time has to bend to their will.

Tonight, there’s an urgent energy burning off their skin.

Each of them.

Tall. Ruthless. Mysterious.

When I see them standing there, waiting for my signal, adrenaline surges through me.

This is a different kind of power. No wonder Cadence seems so settled, so fearless after coming back from her wedding.

I jut my chin down. “Let’s do this.”

Finn and Sol break off.

Dutch and Cadey stalk ahead.

“You okay?” Zane narrows his eyes and reaches over, adjusting my mask.


“I’ll deal with Hall after this.”

I notice the bulge in Zane’s pocket and try to pretend that it doesn’t excite me. “Don’t.”

“He hurt you.” Zane’s jaw clenches beneath his mask. A simmering anger bubbles in his words. “Which means he hurt us. Hall’s not stupid. He’s got a target on his back. So if he’s here tonight, it can’t be for anything good.”

“Just let him be.”

Zane’s lips twist into a cruel grin. I’ve never seen a blood-thirsty expression like that before—raw, vivid, like a coil that spent years being coiled back and is finally springing free.

“Don’t engage, Zane,” I say again.

He smirks at me.

I know for a fact he’s not going to listen.

The sound of wheels rolling on the ground interrupts us. I glance behind me and see Cadence, Dutch, Finn and Sol carrying trolleys—the kind hotel waiting staff use to bring up room service. White cloth drapes over the moving table. Stainless steel domes disguise their purpose.

“Great work,” I say, motioning to the trolley.

Cadence grins. “Right? They look so authentic.”

Dutch smirks a little beneath his mask. He clearly loves that his wife is having fun. Then his smile dims when he checks his watch. “We need to move.”

I follow the lead singer down the hallway. Moonlight guides our path, falling through the windows and providing a silver road for us to walk on.

The basement is down this corridor and to the left.

An empty hallway stretches out before us. Tonight’s mission is going to be easier than I thought.

I’m feeling good when, suddenly, footsteps pound from up ahead.

A security guard turns the bend and walks in our direction. He hasn’t seen us yet, but it’s only a matter of time before he notices our suspicious caravan.

We all freeze.

My nails dig into the center of my palm.

Sweat beads on my forehead.

There’s nowhere to run or hide.

If this security guard spots us here tonight, our entire plan implodes.

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