The First Evolution

Chapter 515: Follow the Clues

Chapter 515: Follow the Clues

So far, Decalis response had been perfect.

However, the next moment her heart sank.

Because she unexpectedly realized that the enemys arm was like a steel. She couldnt move it even when she pulled hard!

She gritted her teeth and pulled again, but it still had no effect.The birth of this content finds its genesis in Nøv€lß¡n★

Then she felt a huge force coming from her cheek, and she was sent flying immediately.

After waking up, she found that her nose was wet and half of her face was completely numb. She was slapped flying away by Fang Linyan.

She touched it with her hand in horror and found that half of her face was swollen.

Fang Linyan slowly walked over at this time. The blade of the dagger reflected the light outside in the darkness, giving it a frightening sense of oppression.

He didnt speak, but the pressing pressure coming from his body made Decali tremble. She couldnt help but scream,

What are you doing! I have captured and uploaded your face. You wont be able to escape now Ahhhh!!

Just when Decali was halfway speaking, Fang Linyan had already swiped the dagger!

She let out a shrill scream and immediately reached out to touch her face. She felt wetness on her face, and she immediately thought of an almost devastating possibility.

Fang Linyan said indifferently.

I said that if you play tricks, I will carve the word b*tch on your face. Do you think I am joking with you?

Since you have chosen this path, I will definitely give you this surprise. Not even a single character less!

Then the light of the dagger flashed again, and Decali hurriedly covered her face with her hands. Although she saved her face, the back of her hand was cut.

She finally felt intense pain and indescribable fear.

Decali finally believed that the person in front was a lunatic. He could really carve the word b*tch on her face!

She held back the pain and said,

Asshole, do you know that assaulting a police officer is a felony? You will be directly exiled to the space, ahhhh!!

Fang Linyan swiped the dagger at her again. Decali still covered her face instinctively, but her ring finger was cut off, falling on the coffee table beside.

Blood gushed out from the wound on the severed finger.

Such a cruel and bloody scene directly collapsed Decalis mentality. She finally cried out,

Please stop! Please, I will do anything you want me to do!!

Fang Linyan said,

Regretting now? Its too late!

Decali said anxiously,

No! If you kill me, you will never get the information about the person you are looking for.

His information is top-secret. Even an ordinary police sergeant has no access to it. Only the superintendent can access it.

Fang Linyan sneered,

You talk like youre the superintendent?

In order to save her life, Decali couldnt care much. She hesitated a little and said,

Although I am not the superintendent, I can log in to 2 superintendent accounts.

Fang Linyan asked,


Decali said,

They all like me I sleep with them, so they trust me very much.

Fang Linyan said,

Ill give you a minute. In one minute, I want to get that guys detailed information.

Decali was scared out of her wits. She immediately cooperated. Soon, Ben Harlows detailed information was projected in mid-air.

However, Fang Linyan first saw the 2 important announcements projected.

The account that Decali logged in was a superintendents account, so the authority was quite high. The important announcements that appeared in the account were popping up on the screen with bright red fonts.

The first announcement was that the Governors Mansion in Tutuga Starport had suffered a terrorist attack. The attack was very strange. The Governor was furious about this, so he exerted tremendous pressure and demanded all-out efforts to solve the case.

The second announcement was also shocking, saying that a terrifying virus was spreading at the Seventh Colonial Pillar. Once someone is infected, he will frantically bite all living creatures around him.

People who were bitten would also be infected and become insane beasts!

Now the military had been dispatched to seal off the area. All police officers on vacation must return immediately and go to the area to suppress it.

Seeing these 2 announcements, Fang Linyan immediately knew that the contractors were responsible for this.

No wonder there was a shortage of manpower to fight the fire here. Even typical civilian logistics personnel like Decali had been dispatched.contemporary romance

These two incidents caused by the contractors were indeed major events that shook the foundation of Tutuga Starport.

Of course, this also meant that it would be more convenient for his following plan. The polices energy and attention were consumed by these 2 events, so no one would care about his actions.

Fang Linyan didnt bother reading them in detail. He just used his portable optical brain to download all the relevant information, which was several gigabytes in size, and then he said to Decali,

For the sake of your cooperation, this matter will end here today.

But remember, if you want to do anything detrimental to me, you will definitely die! I keep my word, believe it or not.

Decali covered the wound, nodded repeatedly, and shed tears.

Fang Linyan opened the door and walked out. Seeing him leaving, Decali showed a hint of resentment in her eyes. She immediately activated her personal terminal and said in a sharp voice,

Hello, Im

She was just halfway through her words, then she suddenly heard something amiss.

Upon closer inspection, there was actually a smoking grenade flying toward her. There was an ordinary bird flying away in the window beside her.

This bird was Fang Linyans [Mechanical Gyrfalcon]!

You ask for it.

I had given you the chance, but you didnt cherish it!

Hearing the loud explosion behind him, Fang Linyan sneered and left quickly.

Although his face had been captured and uploaded by Decali, Fang Linyan was acting in secret for the entire night. He had even disguised his face.

If the police really traced him based on the uploaded photo, they would be wasting their efforts.

At this point, it was basically certain that the information that Decali obtained should be true. In her desperation, she couldnt forge the relevant information even if she wanted to.

At this time, Fang Linyan found a place to sit down and study. The resume and information obtained by the police must be very detailed.

After taking a closer look, he could see that Ben Harlows character was indeed very problematic. He had been stealing a valuable watch from his classmate since he was in high school, and he refused to admit it.

It turned out that the classmates family was also powerful. They asked someone to keep an eye on the watch. As a result, when Ben Harlow went to sell the watch in Punk Bay, he was arrested on the spot.

This watch was worth tens of thousands, and Ben Harlow would be convicted on the spot.

In the end, the school had to think about its reputation. Once Ben Harlow was really sentenced, the media would report it. The competitors would publicize it again, saying that all the students taught by this school were thieves. How could the school still recruit students in the future?

So the school intervened and spared Ben Harlow from jail, but he couldnt continue studying there.

It was just that Ben Harlow was very capable in learning. It was very clear on his resume taht even though he was arrested and suspended by the school, he still got into a university and got excellent grades.

But this guy was really a typical example of talented but without morality. He had been delaying loans since his sophomore year. He had borrowed similar credit loans/loansharks/easy loans/ loans, etc. On the eve of graduation, he ran away immediately.

Now he was still on the blacklist of various companies. After that, he went to several companies. However, it was difficult for him to gain trust without a diploma. In addition, this guy also had a problematic character, so he couldnt stay for long.

Soon, Fang Linyan read Ben Harlows resume at a glance, and then he wrote down 2 names.



Judy was once Ben Harlows lover and had a relationship with her for more than half a year.

Novi was Ben Harlows friend when he was a student. The reason why Fang Linyan felt that the two of them were very close was simple. According to the police case files, the two of them had in-depth experience of going to illegal places together and trying to use money to exchange favors and sex with the opposite sex.

Since Novi and Ben Harlow were both classmates and fellow friends, their relationship must be extraordinary.

Then Fang Linyan found the addresses of Novi and Judy from the downloaded information. Novi lived almost 5km away while Judy lived much further away, more than 10km away.

Without a doubt, he should first visit Mr. Novi who was nearer.

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