The First Evolution

Chapter 116: Drone, Machine Gun Turret!

Chapter 116: Drone, Machine Gun Turret!

Fang Linyan studied for a long time, and finally decided to choose the second branch: Logistics Support! Because it seemed to have the most life-saving abilities, what he lacked most now was survivability, and each team would definitely not dislike people with healing abilities.

After making up his mind, Fang Linyan intended to add some points to this. He would first learn the main skill of Logistics Support to LV1, then he would learn the branch skills below. The level of the branch skills couldn’t be higher than the main skill.

What did this mean? It meant that if Fang Linyan wanted to upgrade [Battlefield Healing] to LV3, he must first upgrade the {Logistics Support} to LV3.

However, Fang Linyan thought for so long, only to find out one thing desperately, that was, if he wanted to learn {Logistics Support}, he had to meet the requirement of the basic attributes.

The requirement was 5 points of strength, 5 points of agility, and 8 points of spirit without wearing equipment!!

Fang Linyan’s strength and spirit were up to the standard, but his agility was only 3 points! Even if he had a free basic attribute point, his agility was still lacking 1 point!

He looked at {Combat Support} at this time and immediately realized that he also couldn’t unlock this branch skill. The requirement for learning this was even more demanding. It required Basic Shooting/Basic Melee to reach LV3, 5 points of agility, 5 points of strength and 5 points of spirit. Fang Linyan failed to meet 2 requirements.

“So, I actually don’t have a choice at all?”

Fang Linyan reluctantly looked at the branch of {Technology Support}. I only hope that this thing will stop cheating me! Please be kind! Please be a proper human being!

Ignoring the prompt “If you choose this branch, the other 2 branches will be closed”, Fang Linyan directly added the point to it.

Ding Dong!“, a successful hint was exceptionally sweet to Fang Linyan’s ears at this time.

He finally took a long breath. It turned out that {Technology Support} needed 6 points of strength (???, it is because the parts are heavier?), 10 points of spirit, and 7 points of perception. It seems that the requirements were the most demanding among the three branches. He didn’t expect that Fang Linyan could still meet the requirements. He was really speechless in this. Nothing in this world is predictable!

After Fang Linyan added 1 point to {Technology Support}, he added 1 point each to [Drone] and [Machine Gun Turret]. The explanation above directly faded away, and it was replaced by,

Tier C Class Ability: [Combat Technology Support Lv1] (Enhanceable/High mutation), it increases the effectiveness of the combat technology you master by 10%. Increasing the level of this main skill will unlock more sub-options.

A: [Drone Lv1], allows you to deploy a drone at a designated location to perform scout in the area. The drone has functions such as marking targets and automatic warning, but performing this operation will reduce your maximum MP by 10%. The skill duration is (10+spirit×2) minutes.

Upgrading this skill will also improve the drone’s observation accuracy, flight distance, flight speed, noise reduction and mana consumption. When this skill is upgraded to Lv4, it is also possible to arm the drone with weapons. After learning this ability, you will master the blueprint of the drone by default.

You can only have a single drone at a time.

B: [Machine Gun Turret Lv1], allows you to deploy a fixed machine gun turret at a designated location to defend the area and launch a stormy attack on the enemy, but performing this operation will temporarily reduce your maximum MP by 10%. The skill duration is (10+spirit×2) minutes.

Upgrading this skill will also increase the power of the machine gun turret, attack distance, accuracy, defense and HP of the turret itself. After learning this skill, you will master the blueprint of the machine gun turret by default.

You can only have a single machine gun turret at a time.

Explanation: You don’t really need to own a drone or a machine gun turret to use the above skills. Based on the scope of occultism, the mana you consume will directly transform into a drone/machine gun turret for you.

However, if you really own a drone or machine gun turret and use them as expendable casting materials, then you will deploy an elite drone/machine gun turret with the characteristics of casting materials. Without a doubtless, they are more powerful and will cause more trouble to your enemies.

At this time Fang Linyan still had 2 potential points left, so he added 1 point to the main skill: {Combat Technology Support}, increasing it into Lv2. It increased the effectiveness of the combat technology he mastered by 20%. The remaining point was added to the [Machine Gun Turret].

The reason for this was simple, [Drone] was still playing a supportive role at this stage after all, and [Machine Gun Turret] had offensive power. In this chaotic world, combat power was still the most reliable.

While Fang Linyan was free, he began to test the data of these 2 class abilities. First, he released a drone. First of all, he found it very convenient. The drone he summoned was at least 2 generations higher than the normal drone. He didn’t need to control it with remote control at all. The drone would fly according to his mind. The image captured by the drone’s camera would be directly displayed on the lower left corner of his retinas.

Of course, there are still shortcomings. The flying speed of the drone was too slow and the noise was quite loud, especially on a quiet night.

The biggest problem was that after using the drone skill, his maximum MP would be reduced by 10%. At this time, Fang Linyan’s spirit was 12 points, so his mana was 120 points. In other words, after summoning the drone, his maximum MP was temporarily reduced to 108 points! After the drone crashed or disappeared, his mana would revert to 96/120, then it would gradually recover.

If the drone and the machine gun turret were deployed at the same time, Fang Linyan’s maximum MP would even be temporarily reduced to 96 points! This was very critical. If he used [Bullet Time] at this time, his situation would be very terrible! If he was careless, he would suffer from permanent mental damage!

Compared with the drone, the shortcomings of machine gun turrets were not so many. This thing had automatic recognition and automatic aiming functions. Fang Linyan could issue various control commands to it. If the command wasn’t received, it would automatically attack enemies within range, such an intelligent design was of course in line with Fang Linyan’s wishes.

After several more tests, Fang Linyan also obtained some basic data about the drone and the machine gun turret.

Infitas MF-1 Drone Lv1

Type: Item

Rarity: White

Maximum Ascent Speed: 5+1 m/s

Maximum Descent Speed: 6+1.2 m/s

Maximum Flight Speed: 10+2m/s

Flight Distance Limit: 150+15 meters

Flight Altitude Limit: 30+6 meters

Wind Resistance Level: ≤4

Control Distance: No more than 1 km.

Noise Level: 54 db

Defense: 2 points

HP: 40+8 points

Explanation: The additional bonus increase behind the basic attribute is based on [Technology Support Lv2].


Infitas MK-2 Machine Gun Turret LV2

Type: Item

Rarity: White

Default Weapon: MP5 submachine gun (modified) / use 9×19mm Parabellum pistol ammunition.

Effective Range: 50+5 meters

Attack power: 10 points + 2 points

Shooting Mode: 5 round burst.contemporary romance

Shooting interval: 2 seconds. (After each 5 round burst, the machine gun turret will need to be recalibrated for 1.5 seconds before it can continue shooting. After the enemy enters the range, the machine gun tower will take about 3 seconds to scan, identify friend or foe, and aim. Only then it can launch an attack.)

Defense: 5+1 points

HP: 80+16 points

Base: The “green mane lizard” automatic adsorption system ensures that the machine gun tower keeps the base downward after being thrown. Once it falls and touches the object, the 8 suction cups below will automatically generate huge suction power. The suction power of each suction cup can even reach 18.57 kg!

Additional Function: Face tracking system + infrared sensor

Additional Function: V-shaped bullet shield, increasing the machine gun turret’s defense against physical long-range damage by 10.

Explanation: The additional bonus increase of the basic attributes is based on [Technology Support LV2].

Explanation: The ammunition is unlimited. Based on the principle of occultism, the machine gun turret will have unlimited ammunition during its skill duration.

Explanation: This device is implanted with a friend or foe identification system. Based on the principle of occultism, even if the machine gun turret misfires or even launches stray bullets, it will not cause harm to the summoner or allies.


After getting these basic data, Fang Linyan became more and more excited. This newly learned skill finally made his benchwork skills useful.

At this time, his mind had been directly input with the process of manufacturing drones and machine gun turrets, so he didn’t feel tired at all. He couldn’t wait to purchase the materials and enter the working state immediately after dawn. He wanted to immerse himself in the charming smell of engine oil, the pleasing melody of hammering and cutting the metal parts and the fun of assembling the machinery!

For Fang Linyan, the fun of assembling was the ultimate goal of life. Things like the primal instinct of reproducing offspring could be forgotten by him completely!

Sitting and leaning against the wall for a nap for a few hours, Fang Linyan saw the sky light up and walked directly towards Yangfan City.

Even though the night is the peak of mechanical creature activities, it is also a great time for hunting.

Many fishermen know that if you light up a light next to the Dunwall River for night fishing, the harvest was often more than during the day.

Not only that, delicious lemmings with tender meat and small and medium rodents such as county pigeons were more accustomed to sneaking out of their safe nests at night, then gnawing on the succulent cacti and other plants under the cover of darkness.

Of course, the risk was directly proportional to opportunity. Many hunters who hunted at night had also become prey for more powerful mutated creatures.

TL: This is similar to the [Blood Spider] before, can he craft a powerful drone/turret that is recognized by the Space?

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