The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 90

Part 15

Falgaroth, Amirgath, and Visinniria appeared, floating in the air above the gathering. Those beneath them immediately began clearing room on the beach for them, but Amirgath spoke as soon as they appeared.

"You have voluntarily left the time-bubble? You will immediately assume your work on becoming divine?" he insistently asked in his thunderous voice.

"I was given two months, and I've voluntarily left the time-bubble due to unforeseen circumstances." Mark replied. "I may start that work in a few days, or I might decide to wait until the two months have passed and I may still choose to spend more of the two months in the time-bubble here, if that's practical. In any case, I'll still start that work at the end of the two months, if not before. When I do start it, I may choose to do that work in this or another time-bubble, to speed the process."

"Acceptable." Amirgath pronounced. "Excuse me, I go to join the effort to find the renegade." With that he vanished.

"Good day." Visinniria called with a warm smile as she looked around the gathering. "You're certainly not the group I expected to find! This should be an interesting story!"

"May we take a Reading?" Falgaroth inquired, then took one from everyone who agreed before they could say so.

"By the stars!" he exclaimed upon considering it for half a second. "You've been busy, haven't you?! You've already accomplished almost everything you set out to do in a bit more than a quarter of the time you were allotted! Including producing some amazing children! We congratulate you!"

"And as far as military preparedness is concerned, you've far exceeded your goals." Visinniria added. "Not only have your abilities developed far more than we expected, you've multiplied that advantage by integrating with these Sylvan. Well done. Well done indeed.

"We'll give you four days for all of you to do what you wish in the world, then we'll replace the time-bubble."

"Thanks." Mark grinned. "Silaran's family will be going back to Xervia, the rest of us who aren't coming back here this week will be going to Hilia to catch up on what's been going on in the world. "Beyond that, we're still off duty, though Alilia has some business in Debivin. We'll be concentrating on helping our kids get oriented in the world and introducing them around for the next little while."

"Quite so." Falgaroth told him, then addressed the crowd. "I'll be glad to help any of you with transportation to anywhere you want to go for the next four days. Simply call my name and state your destination." They'd all said their goodbyes and didn't want to go through the emotional turmoil of repeating them. So with one more wave and a smile for those around them, Mark and Talia Translocated their family to the patio outside their home on Hilia, and Kragorram's family came with them.

"Ahh, it's such a cute little house!" Val cooed as Stripe ran off down the slope of the volcano and Scout took to the air.

"It is, though of course it's only a small part of our home here." Talia laughed. "The rest of it's inside the mountain. Though I'm sure you knew that, now that I think about it."

She took a deep breath of the moist tropical air, and realized how much she'd subconsciously missed the scents of Hilia.

"I'll call Sheramiv and get an update." Mark said as he enjoyed the view for the first time in over seven years.

From here he could see a few people of every race already ambling onto the beach in the early morning sunlight, a few more walking the jungle paths, the crew of a sailboat readying their craft at the end of the dock, and a handful of Gargoyles flying slow and low over the water, slim spears at the ready, watching for fish.

"I'll get us some lunch." Talia decided.

"We're going exploring." Fire stated. "Call us when lunch is ready." The four youngsters disappeared.

Sheramiv appeared, smiled, and made a respectful bow. "Good day Mark, Talia. You're home early."

"Yes, well things went somewhat not as we expected." Talia laughed as she cast a Speaking to the nearest restaurant's proprietor, and a moment later plucked a menu out of the air. "How are things in our principality, First Minister?" Mark asked with a smile as he Summoned a twelve-seat table and its matching chairs from a storage room near the Throne Room. "Much as they were seventeen days ago, my Prince." she reported with a smile. "Things are progressing apace as we last discussed. Would you like a detailed report?" "No, that's okay." Mark chuckled. "And it's sure good to be back."

Talia had been reading the menu while silently communicating with the restaurant. Now she Sent the menu back as she privately dictated her order.

"Would you care to join us for lunch?" she asked Sheramiv. "It'll be ready in fifteen minutes."

"Thank you." Sheramiv smiled. "And while it's a bit early for lunch for me, I'd be glad to join you and consider it breakfast. I look forward to meeting your children."

"It's good to be back out in the world again." Povon commented as she and Kragorram cuddled together on the highest lawn, basking in the morning sunlight. "The loss of psionic awareness of most of the world was irritating, if only subconsciously. It's all coming back now, and it's rather nice."

Visinniria and Falgaroth appeared, and Visinniria spoke as if she'd been part of the conversation all along. And perhaps she had. "To be honest, we considered opening the time-bubble early, though not for the same reasons you had for it."

The Governors, sensing the gods' arrival on Hilia, decided to cut short their sightseeing and rejoin their parents to take part in the discussion. They arrived as un-noticeably as possible, so as to not interrupt the conversation, and quietly seated themselves close to their parents.

Visinniria gave them a glance and a quick smile, but continued addressing the gathering. "When we began the time-bubble projects, it had an unexpected negative effect on the morale of the populace. The people felt to some extent that you and the other notable persons who entered the time-bubbles were abandoning them in some minor way. Many felt it unfair that those in the bubbles should have an extra score of years in safety and peace before the demons arrive, when the rest did not. We even considered putting the entire world in a time-bubble in order to appease them, but it proved to be impractical. So as I've said, we considered opening the time-bubbles early, but we held off, hoping things would stabilize.

"We've announced to the entire populace that you've returned early with your children, and that you'll need a brief time to prepare before you resume your public activities. As a result, the mood of the populace is improving significantly. Most of that benefit is due to your return, Mark, far more so than these others who have come out with you.

"Whether you choose to admit it or not, you are the chosen leader of most of the people of Kellaran. Your people have missed you far more than any of us expected them to, and they rejoice at your return. It would be best if you made some kind of public appearance fairly soon."

Mark had no immediate response to that, so Falgaroth changed the subject.

"There have been other developments as well. The Game of Status seemed to function as we hoped, before the time-bubbles were cast. But since then, it seems the players have been taking advantage of your absence, particularly that of Povon, who as Lord Regent of Serminak is responsible for refereeing The Game, and who is far more effective at doing so than the subordinates she left in charge in her absence.

"It's true that when Zarkog was Lord of Serminak, he often took long sabbaticals from his duties in order to engage in astronomy. But during those sabbaticals, the populace of Serminak never knew how long he would be gone, and they knew that he might return at any moment.

"On this occasion, the players of The Game knew that Povon and yourself would be completely isolated and out of contact for two full months. It seems that they were therefore emboldened to increase the level of their nefarious activities during your absence."¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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