The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 43

Part 8

"We'd already planned our training and learning for the next year." Reggie said with a slightly-furrowed brow. "But we'll take your advice, Quewanak, and change our plans. When you talked about it, I could almost feel from Grandfather Yazadril how much knowledge there is about the rules of reality that we don't know yet. And we need to know how to fight in the void, I mean me and Helemia personally, otherwise we'll never be able to destroy the demon homeworld. Maybe we can figure out some ways to do it."

"An admirable goal in all respects." Mark chuckled. "And now it's time all three of you were in bed. Say goodnight to everyone, and we'll get you into your pajamas.”

It took a while for the twins to say goodnight and goodbye to everyone, since they felt they had to include a hug for everyone there, and by the time they were done they were yawning uncontrollably. Minutes later they were asleep.

Midmorning the next day found their family gathered in the back yard for the twins' first combat lessons.

"I want that too." Valentia pouted and pointed at the shiny armor the twins were donning.

"Maybe you'll get some on your first birthday, like we did." Helemia told her with a smile as she tightened a buckle.

"Or maybe you'll get something even better." Reggie added.

"That's looking good." Mark nodded as he checked the adjustment of their gear. "Reggie, you'll want the dart pouch back a bit, it'll keep you balanced, like that."

"Thanks Father."

"I imagine the first thing you'll want to work on is the spells in your equipment." Talia began.

"Actually, no." Reggie grinned. "We got a good feel for the spells and their uses and parameters when we were trying it out last night. It's a lot of information, but after we slept on it and thought about it this morning, it all got pretty easy to understand."

"What we want to work on," Helemia paused for a moment with a mischievous grin, "Is The Skills of Visinniria."

"Excuse me?" Alilia inquired, as Mark and Talia seemed taken aback.

"When you all met the gods for the first time at Hilia," Reggie explained, "The goddess Visinniria made some improvements to Ria, the spirit in Mother's sword. These included Visinniria's physical martial arts skills, both unarmed and with every weapon she used. While they were training in Quewanak's dream, they wondered why the goddess had given those skills to Ria, who couldn't use them anyway. They checked and realized that Visinniria had only given those skills to Ria to stay within the rules of The Withdrawal of The Gods, which was still in effect at the time, and didn't let any gods help any people directly. She could give the skills to Ria because Ria isn't really a person, but really, they were a gift for Mother and Father, complete with a divine spell that transfers physical skills so they can be used right away, unlike when you learn someone's moves psionicly and still have to practice them to be any good at 'em."

"The skills transference spell was the real prize." Helemia continued. "They used it to teach Kragorram's fighting skills to Povon, and to teach Silaran's skills to Equemev. Mother and father used it to learn each other's skills, as well as Visinniria's. And Visinniria fought The War of The Segregation her whole life until she became a goddess, for over six thousand years, so she was really good.

"Mother and Father, we ask that you use the skills transference spell to give us all the fighting skills you have now. And that you give us the spell."

"Well, I was kind of looking forward to teaching you the regular way..." Mark said as he scratched his chin in consternation.

"We understand that Father, and it would be fun, but really, it would also be a huge waste of time." Reggie patiently pointed out. "We'll still need to practice the skills to develop strength with the moves, as well as endurance and toughness. We don't have much of that yet. And we hope that you'll all join us in practicing and sparring, which will be just as much fun as learning from you the old way."

"Why do you want the spell?" Talia asked. "I assure you, learning the fighting skills of others after you'd learned the ones that we have won't make much difference. We're already about as dangerous as it's possible to be that way, and we've checked that with some of the most renowned fighters in the world."

"We hope to assume positions of leadership someday, and we have some practical uses for that spell." Helemia explained. "Besides, you know that fighters are most likely to injure themselves or their training partners when they're first leaning the skills, and we'd avoid that. And you can trust our judgment not to do anything foolish with either the skills or the spell."

Mark exchanged glances with Talia and Alilia, then shrugged. "Well I can't think of any practical objection, other than dealing with the non-fulfillment of our expectations. Can you?" "No, I guess not." Talia replied with a shrug of her own.

"I'll take the skill set too, since you're giving it out." Alilia chuckled. "I'm not an amateur when it comes to physical combat by any means, but it's never been one of my strong points, and I could use some improvement."

Reggie initiated a very tight, very private Link between the five of them. "Father, Quewanak is not often surprised, and I know his simulated demons are victorious in about half of the community training exercises. The next time you are losing badly, you should cast The Skills of Visinniria on everyone at once. I bet that'll turn things around pretty fast, and Quewanak will get a big surprise. Actually, I'm surprised you haven't done it before. You should get the unicorns to all share their skills too. And after the exercise, you should get Quewanak to share his skills with Povon, Kragorram, and Karzog. And when we get out of the time-bubble, you should do it for everyone in the world. Even the Selkies and the gargoyles and the other non-humanoids can all learn their best fighters' skills. I don't think there's anything you could do that would prepare us all to face the demons as much as that would, or as fast."

"That's good thinking, Reggie." Talia agreed. "Unfortunately, a person needs a certain minimum level of psionic ability before the spell can be effectively cast upon them."

"Still, they're right." Mark nodded. "We should be using it on everyone we can, and we haven't been. I'll even go along with the surprise for Quewanak! As you say, he doesn't get one very often."

"All right, get ready." Mark warned them as he prepared the spell. "Here you go." he said as he cast it on both of them. "And here's The Skills of Visinniria." he concluded as he set the spell in their minds. "Wow Father, it really works so good when you give us a spell!" Helemia marveled. "It's way easier than when we get something from someone else ourselves!" "Thanks." Mark chuckled. "Did it work all right? You didn't find it too much to take all at once?"

"I think it'll take a day or two for some of the fine details to fully sink in, but it's not uncomfortable or anything." she responded, then grinned. "Now quick, do Aunt Alilia and get your armor on so we can start fighting! I can't wait! This is gonna be so fun!"

"Okay!" Mark laughed as he cast on Alilia, and Talia fetched their armor by Translocation.

Soon the back yard rang with the sounds of joyous combat, while Ria floated above it all offering pointers on tactics and strategy. What the twins lacked in strength, endurance, and outright speed, they made up for in quickness and enthusiasm.

Valentia was so distraught at being left out that Mark and Alilia spent a few minutes casting a close fitting Shield around her with enough power to make her almost indestructible, and gave it the Illusory appearance of armor that matched Reggie and Helemia's. This allowed her to run through the sparring combatants being a complete pest, swinging a wooden sword at everyone indiscriminately, which she enjoyed immensely. Mark said it was good training for the rest in dealing with distractions on the battlefield.

They kept it up all day, with a pause for lunch. As always, Valentia was allowed to use her magic for three hours each evening beginning at the fifth hour after noon. She had the elven time sense, and began chanting; "Magic time! Magic time!" over and over in anticipation a couple of minutes before it began.00000☐☐☐☐☐☐

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