The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 148

Part 22

"My family in this case includes my children, and Kragorram, who is my brother, and Povon, who is my sister. In my heart anyway. Their son Karzog, I was going to say he's like a nephew to me, but the fact is he spends so much time with my children that he feels more like a son to me than anything else.

"And my family in this case most definitely includes Princess Alilia, ruling monarch of The People of Life. Her brilliance, initiative, and vast experience have been a powerful and often deciding influence on us over the last eight years. We are vastly improved for having her in our lives.

"The chance to join our nations in a functional alliance is a wonderful opportunity. We haven't planned on making any immediate changes in the operations of our governments, but there's a lot we have to offer each other.

"Much of what I'd like to see us do together will have to wait until after the war, but some of it bears mentioning now. The forests of Serminak haven't been taken care of very well, not compared to how we cared for Shinosa Valley when I grew up. Compared to the care that the forests of The People of Life get, the situation in Serminak can only be described as extreme negligence and abuse. I'll be asking The People of Life to assist us in restoring, re-growing, and improving the forests of Serminak, which are vast, but should be still more extensive. In it's natural state, Serminak was forested over three-fifths of its area. Now it's about one-fifth, and the fertility of the whole continent and the waters around it has been significantly reduced because of it. Most importantly; Serminak has been almost completely hunted out, and we urgently need to re-establish wildlife on the continent.

"In return for this assistance with our forests, the nation of The People of life will be offered land within Serminak. Elves are still a race with a very small population compared to the other humanoid races, and now that Yzell has solved the fertility problem, there's a good chance that your population is going to expand rapidly. Serminak has plenty of room for you, and the improvements you can bring to the health and beauty and productivity of the continent makes it more than worth it to give you some land for your assistance. Let Serminak no longer be the only continent without a nation of elves.

"For today, let it be known that all citizens of The People of Life may also consider themselves to be citizens of Hilia, with all the rights that conveys. We invite you to visit, as many of you as the facilities on Hilia can accommodate.

"After the time-bubble over Hiliani ends we'll be giving it the same treatment that Hilia got; as well as intensifying the forest, we'll be building homes and facilities hidden within the stone of the islands and in the ocean offshore. This will allow some of the many who wish to immigrate to the nation of Hilia to do so, our population will rise, and we'll probably continue to expand after that in the same way. There are a lot of beautiful islands with few or no inhabitants that we could afford to buy. All will have racially mixed populations, and enjoy the same qualities that make the island of Hilia so popular today. I hope that many of our new immigrants will come from The People of Life.

"Thank you." he finished with a bow, and stepped back to his place on the second tier amidst the applause of the audience.

Somonik raised his hand and intoned; "Let the brides and groom step forth, that they may be joined in matrimony."

Mark, Talia, and Alilia stepped up to the top tier before Somonik, stood in a triangle facing each other, and joined hands as Mark went to one knee. They shared a smile of thrilled anticipation as the magic of the chapel began to gather around them.

"Mark and Talia, you are already joined in marriage." Somonik stated. "The power of this place is still strong in you. You may choose to renew your vows today, or you may not. I caution you; consider how much more of that power you may absorb, and the possible threat to your health that may result."

Mark and Talia shared a glance and a smile, and Talia said; "There's no need for Mark and I to renew our vows."

"Very well." Somonik nodded.

The gathering of magic around them was less intense than it had been at Mark's first wedding here. There were fewer in attendance within the chapel, and only a minority of them were elves. Many of those spectating outside the chapel were not elves as well. Still, it was an impressive display to all who could detect it, and the power seemed to swirl around the dais in waves.

"Do you, Alilia, take this woman, Talia, to be your wife?" Somonik asked.

"I do." Alilia replied with a loving smile, then she straightened a bit as she felt the magic of the chapel and the ambient magic of the elves flowing into her.

"Do you solemnly swear to love her with all your heart, to care for her children as they were your own, to care for her as best you are able, and to seek always to bring her happiness, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do so swear." Alilia stated, and absorbed the mighty influx of magic binding and love without letting it disturb her composure.

"Place the ring, which symbolizes love without end, upon her finger." Somonik instructed. Val hurried to step up and produce a shining gold ring, handed it to Alilia with a giggle, and hurried back to watch Alilia place it on Talia's finger.

"Do you, Alilia, take this man, Mark, to be your husband?" Somonik asked.

"I do." she answered. She and her family could faintly feel it psionicly when Val and Fire silently said 'I do' to Six and Karzog at the same moment.

"Do you solemnly swear to love him with all your heart, and to strive to bear his children, and to care for him as best you are able, and to seek always to bring him happiness, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do so swear." Alilia stated out loud, and Val and Fire stated it silently. All of them took the magic influx without an outward sign.

At Somonik's instruction Val produced another ring, which Alilia placed on Mark's finger.

Talia took her vows to Alilia, and Fire was ready with the ring, then Mark took his vows to Alilia as Six and Karzog silently took their vows to Val and Fire. Each time the magic roiled around the dais, then flowed into them as they spoke the words. Six bore the ring that Mark slid onto Alilia's finger, then they looked to Somonik expectantly.

"And so let it be." the ancient dragon intoned. "Let all who are present bear witness, for I now pronounce you to be husband and wives."

As the last of the magic of the ceremony flowed into them, the three newlyweds kissed with giddy abandon. Everyone else in the wedding party produced flowers from the air and tossed them onto the kissing trio as the orchestra struck up a jaunty tune and everyone watching cheered and applauded.

Then Mark picked up both his laughing brides, one in each arm, and carried them down the dais.

Illusions of tables of every shape and size appeared all over the chapel floor, and as soon as those near them had cleared the spaces they occupied, real tables were Translocated in to replace the Illusions. They were already set and laden with serving dishes, whose savory scents quickly permeated the great clearing.

"This is our table here." Caria said as she pointed out a great ring-shaped table beside the dais with room for everyone in the wedding party. "All the places have place cards, and chairs sized for whoever's seated there."

"This feast isn't a minute too soon!" Mark declared as he took his seat. "I'm starved!"

Talia and Alilia both promptly settled themselves in his lap, one perched on each of his huge thighs with their feet on the seat of his chair between his knees. "Now my loves, as pleasant as it is to hold you like this, I won't be able to eat with you in the way, will I?" Mark chuckled as he caressed them both on their backs.

"Don't worry big fella, we'll take care of that." Talia giggled as she gave him a quick kiss, and Alilia happily started filling their plates and glasses from the serving dishes.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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