The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 101

Part 16

"After the demon war, and before we go to hunt them in the void, we intend to publicize a great many of the achievements of those who are Great Elders, including the gods. We'll start with Somonik, who is Most Noble, at least as far as we know, though I doubt very much that we'll find anyone who can match his record of altruism and self-sacrifice, even among the gods.

"There's too much history for any mortal to learn all of it, but still, we think that the most important events of the distant past should be known, so that those of us of every race who are younger can enjoy and learn from those great histories."

"A most admirable plan." Amirgath admitted with a smile. "And I am very surprised that you are so eager to have my friendship, considering that I and my faction supported Zarkog against your father and The Just Alliance during the War of The Founding."

Fire shrugged. "We know you were doing what you thought was right for your people and for all Kellarani. And your positions make a lot of sense to those who know how to think like a dragon." "And you know how to think like a dragon?" Amirgath asked in amused surprise.

Fire shrugged again. "Me and Six became fully psionic while still in the womb, and one night while our parents were sleeping we sent our awareness out and went exploring. I met the mind of a Sylvan, and he attacked me. I didn't know what I was doing because I was still an unborn babe, so I broke his mind rather thoroughly in defending myself, and I took all that I found there. While I was doing that, Six met the mind of Kragorram, broke his shields, and took all that he had. Since we were still so undeveloped, these experiences had a far more powerful effect on us than they would have otherwise. And Six and I fully share all that we are. So yes, I know how to think like a dragon."

She resumed her fiery-looking dragon Simulacrum in a quick flash and continued in Grand High Draconian. "And we know how to converse properly in The True Tongue as well." she snarled. "Well spoken." Amirgath observed in the same language, and turned to Quewanak.

"You have remained uncharacteristically quiet on this occasion. I wonder how much of these youngsters' development is your doing?"

"Almost none." Quewanak stated, a bit smugly. "I have spent about two hours training them in their dreams, but it was nothing that I could not have accomplished in a month as a mortal before my long slumber And I have given them a few hours of conventional training. Still, they are my protégés, even more so than their parents, so I thought to let them make their own impression on this occasion."

"And they have." Amirgath chuckled. "Even without Reading them, they are impressive. more so considering their ages. While I doubt that they will win the tournament, I will admit that they do seem to be legitimate contenders. And that is high praise for beings such as these.”

Surprisingly, Falgaroth suddenly grew blue dragon wings and held his tail out almost horizontally so that he could properly communicate the body language of Draconian while he psionicly 'spoke' that tongue. "They are magnificent, the four of them. They cast a great shadow on the future, I can see that much quite clearly. But not much else concerning them."

Not to be outdone, Visinniria cast a small white simplified dragon figure only a meter long beside her to convey Draconian gestures, but managed to reproduce the difficult vocal component with no apparent magical augmentation at all. Seldom had that snarling, growling language been pronounced by such a high-pitched voice, but she was very fluent and easily understandable.

"It is as if the four of them are a nexus, all on their own." she declared. "Everything and everyone they come in contact with are significantly affected. Their first act in the wider world has already apprehended every murderer who was at large, and in two days it will have eliminated unlawful murder completely, until such time as a player finds a way to defeat their Punishment Cube. And I do not anticipate that occurring any time soon. It is truly original, brilliant, and vicious spellcraft. As well as being fiendishly complex.

"Their second act in the wider world was this meeting with Zarkog, and see what has become of it. All of us have been affected, and we will initiate their tournament at their request, which may significantly alter the balance of power on Kellaran. Simply because it is such a good idea. They are the only official Governors serving on Kellaran right now, since that term has fallen out of favor in political circles over the last few centuries, so I suggest we call it The Tournament of Governors, in their honor."

"I agree." Amirgath stated with some obvious amusement, then addressed Six.

"I feel that this meeting is almost at an end. There are still almost ten hours remaining before the scheduled meeting of The Assembly of The Just Alliance. I am curious; what will you do during that time?" Six resumed his dragon simulacrum and continued the use of their language. "We will have a meeting with Father, Povon, and Zwak Deathbringer, since he is still the administrator of the position of Prince of The Sylvan Nation, even if he does not actually hold the position anymore. We will consult with those three and borrow some money from our parents, then we will go to Serminak and take over the youth training programs there. We will reconfigure them to match what we have on Hiliani. Once we have them running reliably, we will expand them to include as many of the adult Sylvan as we can entice to join. Hopefully all of them. That will also relieve the social pressure that has been building since the Sylvan started losing everything to a fourteen-year-old gnome."

"And meeting that gnome is high on my list of interesting things I want to do!" Fire growled enthusiastically. "Since he is presently Prince of The Sylvan Nation, I hope he will be at the Assembly tonight!" "I imagine that the encounter may prove to be quite amusing." Visinniria opined, and added an elven laugh. "I will do what I can to ensure his attendance. Farewell until then." "Can I have a hug?" Val asked in Common, smiling and holding her arms out.

"You may!" Visinniria laughed and stepped over to hug the girl. Six and Fire changed back to Simulacrums of their normal selves and joined their hug, as did Karz in his small and fuzzy Simulacrum. "Until tonight then." Visinniria smiled as she stepped back, then disappeared.

"Thanks, that was really nice!" Val stated. Though the goddess was already gone, she didn't even raise her voice. She knew she'd been heard.

"It's been an honor meeting you all." Six stated with a polite bow. "Amirgath, Falgaroth, it's been wonderful sharing your presence and speaking with you. We thank you most sincerely for agreeing to organize the tournament.

"Zarkog, it's been most interesting. While I doubt we will be close friends due to your being responsible for the deaths of our relatives, you are serving your sentence responsibly, so I'll strive to forgive you and let the past be the past. You're a being of incredible capability and you're obviously Kellaran's pre-eminent astronomer, and it's been a pleasure to meet you. Good luck in the tournament."

"I agree; it has been most interesting." Zarkog replied in Draconian. "You three are the first humanoids I have met who truly intrigue me. By your fundamental natures, you are as distinct from other humanoids as giants are from gnomes; that is obvious in your auras. Though it is still a difficult concept for me to accept, I do grant that you may place highly in the tournament, and I wish you good fortune in it. I offer my sincere thanks for your conception and initiation of The Tournament of Governors, and for your invitation to me to take part."

He turned to Karzog and considered him for a moment before he spoke. "I will give you this truth; You were conceived at the suggestion and under the direction of Kirimgat The Ice, who resides in North Eastern Xervia, and he is a prominent Draconian researcher of Healing and related matters. He asked to be allowed to initiate the process at my next mating, as an experiment. I allowed it out of curiosity, since it did not inconvenience me. Some eight days later he examined Tekritimaki and reported that the procedure had been successful, and he took no further interest beyond that.00000

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