The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 59 The Blue Moon Part 2

(Chapter song ‘Kiss From A Rose’ by Seal)


I look out the windows and the war seems to double in size. I look up at River. “We’re not getting Sam out that way are we?”

River looks outside them back at me. “Good chance they’d grab her before we get to the trucks.”

Jayson runs in from the rear of the house. “The back is worse.” He throws a thumb over his shoulder.

“We're surrounded.” I look to Sam and hold her tighter.

She shakes her head. "Light..." She struggles.

"Light? What light?" I hold her cheek and ask in confusion. "What light, baby?"

She slowly points up. "Blue." She chokes and then her head starts to slump to the side.

"Sammy? Sammy, wake up." I tap her cheek and try to piece it together what she was saying. "Blue light... The moon." I pick her and stand. "Ok. Ok. Baby. We'll go to the moon."

“Bastian?” River questions as they follow me to the ballroom.

“BARRICADE THAT DOOR!” I bark as I quickly run to the center of the room under the skylight.

With the Dragons leader less and going insane, I can’t risk them trying to get Sam to be their new leader. We're going to have to hold up here until the Alliance can fight them down.

I don’t know what Sam wants me to do though. "Sammy. Ok, baby. We're in the blue light. You can wake up now." My chin quivers as she doesn't move. I reach down and turn her head to me. "Sammy, please..."

"Samantha, wake up!" I yell as I jostle her.

Jayson tends to Wren and her injuries as River and Luke pile tables in front of the door. I look around the room and all manner of Dragons and soldiers are running and fighting outside. I’m just glad I opted for the bullet proof glass on the windows in case of attacks. But if we can’t stop this, it won’t mean shit.

"Please, wake up." I mumble on her forehead as I rock her. “Look… The blue light… Like you wanted…” Tears fall from my eyes as I get nothing from her. She can’t. Not now.

"Bastian..." River starts.

I raise a finger to him. "Don't fucking say it.”


"Sammy?” I choke and raise my head. Her eyes are barely open and I hold her cheek to face me. “Sam? What do you mean?”

A tear falls from her eye. "Glass...” She squeaks.

I look up at the skylight, then look down at her. "Ok. Ok. Hold on, Sam. Just hold on." I set her down and wipe my face I look around. I grab a moon centerpiece off one of the tables.

I bounce it in my hand as I look at the large circle skylight above my head. "Hold on, Sammy." I lick my top lip, pull my arm back and pick a pane.


I let out a guttural holler as I throw the ball up to the skylight. The statue sails through the air and strikes the skylight. It shatters and we all hit the floor. Chunks of glass smash all sound us and I cover Sam's body.

The pure moonlight hits her and she gasps a big breath of air.

"Sammy?" I lift off her and look her over.

Her body starts to glow blue and her back starts to arch. I look up at the moon and back down at her.


I throw up a hand. “Stay back!”

The light from her body grows brighter as she arches more. "Sam? What's happening?" I hover my hand over her, afraid to touch her.

The wound in her stomach shoots out rays of blue white light then closes. A wave of pink and blue light blasts out of her and I’m knocked on my ass.

“Whoa! Shit!”

I whip my head to Luke, River and Jayson who are shielding their eyes and recovering from being pushed by whatever that was.

I watch with confusion and concern as she seems to lift off the ground. Her body blasts out another wave of energy and I flinch back. I have to shield my face as the blue she glows is so bright, it hurts to look at.

Glass falls from the roof as the energy she’s building starts to pulse out faster. The ballrooms starts to shake and Sam starts to scream.

The energy grows out from her and surrounds me. My hair blows around my head and I can barely see. “SAMANTHA!!” I can barely hear my own yell as the noise from the energy spikes take over the room. The moon chandelier starts to swing around and stuff on the walls fall. The dishes all rattle on the tables.

My skin is on fire with electricity and I have to fight to remain upright. Her power increases and I feel like I have to do something.

With one arm covering my face, I reach out and grab her arm. My body fills with the blue light surrounding her body. The energy waves leave her faster and harder.

I hear the guys yell and hit the floor. The energy grows bigger and wider all around us and covers the center of the room in pulsing, enlarging bubble.

“SSAMMMMYY!!” I call out as my body starts to shake with hers. Her arms shoot out to the side and her head tilts back. Pink streams of light burst out of her eyes and mouth.

The light becomes hot and the sound threatens to burst my ear drums. It’s like being in the center of a massive cosmic event. But the thought of it killing me never crossed my mind.

The high pitched burst slams every wall as her body throws them out around us. Tables and chairs overturn and the windows start to crack.


As it increases another level I feel something strange. My jaw drops and I lower my arm. My eyes lock onto the side of her face as the mate bond tethers to my chest and snaps out. I feel it connect with Sam and it’s like time stopped. I can’t believe it. During this? Are you kidding?

A next level power burst scares me back to reality as the shaking becomes so intense I start to scream with her. I hold my hand strong to her skin and feel it all. Everything that’s going through her is going through me.

The light become blinding and she lifts off the floor for what feels like a minute and everything explodes out like an A bomb. Tables all around us hit the walls. My protective glass windows shatter out to the grass and the moon chandelier is driven through the roof to land God knows where.

She lands on the floor and her head flops to the side. The light starts to fade and I raise my head to the moon. It’s moving off its peak like it didn’t just cause a nebula explosion in my Luna.

A tear falls as I lower my eyes to Sam. The room normalizes and my heart is threatening to pound out of my chest.

The bond snaps back and forth and I suck in a breath when I see Sam’s gorgeous pink eyes flutter open.

I close my eyes, smile and thank God she’s alive. I lower my head to her chest and hug her. I feel the bond and hear her heart beat.

When I feel her hand touch the back of my head, I hug her even tighter.

“You saved me.” She whispers.

I raise my head and lock with her eyes. “You saved both of us.”

She smiles the most beautiful smile on the planet. I suck in my top lip and touch her face. “Mate.” I chuckle and wipe her eyes.

She grins. “Mate.”

I wrap her in my arms and lift her up off the floor. I laugh as I kiss her forehead and hair. “Fuck. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.”

“You're all mine, baby doll.” I hug her harder. “Everything… I mean everything is going to be just perfect. I’ll make sure of it.”

She pushes off me. “Not perfect. Just real.”

I cup her cheek. “Real, it is.” I lean to her lips and kiss her with all the love in my heart.

I break the kiss and hug her again. In the corner of my eye, I see River, Jayson and Luke standing in the entryway.

River leans over to Jayson. "Now that… was a cool mate story."

Luke nods. “Yep. As much as I hate doing it, I have to agree with him. Very cool.”

Jayson tries to not look disappointed. "Yeah… It was."

I start to laugh in the crook of Sam's neck. I grab her cheeks and consume her lips like they were my last meal. Her nails score my chest and she whimpers on my lips. The bond snaps faster as my desire for my Luna rises. I’m taking her right here. Right now.

"Come on. We got a battle to finish." They walk out, leaving me and Sam in the middle of the floor, devouring each other.

Even with all the weirdness, my dick is growing hard as the feelings I have for Sam grow exponentially. It's so fucking euphoric. I feel like the very essence of Sam is inside me. It's a million times stronger than anything I've ever felt.

I rip her shirt off. I can smell her arousal already as I take off her shorts and pull her into my lap. My hand finds her sweet pussy between us. I find her little clit and rub it.

She arches back. "Bastian...yes..."

I hold her back and her hair hangs off her head. The blue light from the moon radiates off her skin and I am in complete awe.

"You're so fucking beautiful." I breathe as I lick her skin. I bite her collar bone as she moans louder.

I rub her pussy a bit more, but I can't fucking wait any longer. I need to be inside her now.

I place my dick at her entrance and push myself into her.

"Bastian!... Yes!" She screams.

“Holy shit!” I grit as her pussy wraps around me and just like the first time, my mind explodes. She feels a thousand times better right now under the moon. Her pussy is so intense, I can't help, but go slow. If I go fast, I'll shoot off.

I lick her neck and consume her mouth. I pull her hair back and bite her nipples. I slide my dick slowly in and out, making sure she enjoys every inch of it.

"God...Bastian..." I feel her pussy clench and I go a little faster.

"Tell me when you're going to come baby." I pull her into me and lick her shoulder.

Her pussy gets even tighter. I don't think it's ever been this tight. My dick is swelling, but I don't want to come yet. I want to mark her first.

I grab her ass and slide my dick in deeper and faster.

"Come for me, baby." I hold the back of her neck, and look deep into her pink eyes.

"... I'm...I'm... " She's screaming, then I feel it. Her pussy turns to a vice around my dick


I feel the changes inside me and my canines descend.

"That's it, baby doll. Time to make you mine forever." I bend her head to the side and sink my canines into her shoulder.


I pound her hard as her orgasm crashes through. Her comes coats my balls as I growl into her neck. My canines hang on tight to make sure my mark is properly implanted.

Anything anyone tells you about this will never measure up. You can’t even imagine what this feels like. To feel my venom enter her and join her blood is something that belongs in the cosmos. There’s no other way to explain it.

"Yes...Bastian..." She claws at my back.

I thrust into her harder as I withdraw my canines and lick the blood off.

She pants as I pull her head back and look into her slit eyes.

"You want to try?' I huff out as I rock my hips slow with hers.

She bites her lower lip and nods.

She wraps an arm around my head and slides my hair to one side.

She's moaning as I push her ass down on my dick.

"Get those pretty teeth ready, baby doll." I pant.

I feel my abs tense up and dick swells as I slide into her sweet pussy.

I grit my teeth. "I'm so close, baby. Do it now."

She smiles and her tiny perfect canines are descended.

She licks my shoulder and my climax crests. "Do it now, baby doll." I growl.

She sinks her canines in and holy fuck! My dick explodes, along with everything else. I lose my fucking mind. A nuclear explosion couldn't even compare to this orgasm. The feel of her teeth in me just drove me insane. I grip her ass and pound out my come right into her as she growls and hangs on.

"Fuck, Sam..." I grab her head and her ass and continue to slam it all out.

She retracts her teeth and licks off my blood. I slow down and pull her head back. She looks like she's about to pass out. We're sweating, panting and completely spent.

"I fucking love you." I look into her eyes.

She smiles. "I love you, too." She whispers.

"My mate. My beautiful artist." I smile.

"My strong Alpha. My mate forever." She smiles back.

I kiss her until we can no longer stay where we are. We had to get this mess and the mess outside cleaned up and get some sleep.

As much as I would love to stay and celebrate, tomorrow I rejoin the war. Just let me have this moment as if it’s the last one I’ll ever have.

I pick her up and carry her out of the ballroom. I hide her face from the blood and destruction in the hallway of the house and take her to our room.

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