The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 51

(Chapter song ‘Seven Nation Army’ by The White Stripes)


It's been almost two days…I think.

I haven't seen or heard anything from Sam and I'm going out of my mind. And being stuck in this cage with these Alphas isn't helping matters either. If I don’t get out of here soon, someone’s getting their ass kicked.

I breathe through my nose as I pace around the cell and rub my nape. It’s all I can do to keep my wolf calm and try to believe that Sam's alright. I’ve tried linking her. I've tried dreaming about her. I get nothing but silence. I’m wearing a hole in the floor at this point.

"Bastian, stop pacing. Between you and Jay, I don't know who's agitating me more." Luke scrubs his hair with his hand.

Jayson stops. "Easy for you to say, dick. You're mate’s right there." He motions to Alexi as he scowls at Luke.

"Why hasn't she come back?" I toss a hand out to the bars.

"Maybe she's compromised." Anna crosses her arms and glances at River sitting beside her.

River stand up. "It's time we make a plan." He walks up to me. “We can’t just sit here.”

Grey stands and joins us. “Yeah, because if she's compromised, we need to put her down. If she sends that army on us, we're as good as dead." He crosses his arms and raises a brow.

Without thinking, I grab his shirt collar and pull him to me. My lip curls as I stare into his blue eyes. "You fucking touch her, I'll tear you to shreds!" I grind as my chest vibrates.

“What the fuck, dude?” Wes jumps in and plants a hand on my chest.

Grey grabs my arm. “Let go, asshole!!” He snarls back.

“Don’t play me, Andrews. You won’t win. You lay one finger on Sammy's head…” I cock my head as my words get darker.

Wes gets my face. “Listen, douche bag. Falcon Ridge is our pack. If your girl attacks us, we have full right to take her out.” He gets the same look on his face as his brother does.

Grey locks with my eyes. “I’d make it a double head shot just to piss you off.”

“Grey!” River barks.

“Try it prick!!” I try to pull him in for a punch, but Wes steps in between and pushes me back.

“FUCKING KNOCK IT OFF!!” He shoves me as Grey stares me down.

"HEY!" Luke rushes us, grabs my arm and rips it off Grey. He pushes Wes aside and gets in my face. "We really don't need an Alpha showdown right now, ok. We won't kill her. Just relax." He says as I stumble back with him pushing on me.

Wes takes Grey to the other side while River talks with him.

“Fine, but I meant what I said.” I say low.

He pats my chest. “I know. I feel you. I do. But we don’t need to be acting like caged dogs. Keep your head.”

We calm down and River joins the growing circle with Jayson, Anton and Nigel.

Dylan joins the circle and glances at all of us. "Ok. So, what do we do?"

"You do nothing."

We turn to the voice that entered the room. I rush the bars. “Where’s Sam?”

Chase, looking cocky as ever, walks in with three Dragons behind him. “Sam’s the least of your worries, Bastian. I hope you like the little block I put in your head. Tell me…Are you having trouble linking with MY Luna?” He smirks.

“You weren’t in my…” I start.

He huffs a laugh. “Bastian, I can be in and out of your head a million times and you’d never know about one. I’m just that good.” He scrunches his brow. “I’ve been in all yours, too. You people have very interesting minds. Especially, yours.” He points to River.

River walks up to the bars. “Bullshit.” He scoffs.

Chase folds his arms. “I’d tell you to have a long conversation with your father, but you won’t get that chance.” He grins.

“You leave my dad alone, you fucking…” River's blue eyes glow and he shoots his hand out and Chase backs off.

Chase laughs. “Don’t worry, River. I’m sure the dark family secret will come to light. Too bad you won’t be around to see it.”

River turns his head slightly. “What are you talking about?”

“It doesn’t matter. We're getting out of here.” I connect with his eyes.

“Bastian, the only way you’re getting out of here is in a coffin." He smirks.

"What do you want?" I sneer.

He chuckles. "I want to show you my new pet. She really is a pretty little thing, but man she's vicious."

He lifts his hand a crooks two fingers to the men behind him.

“Baby?!” Jayson pushes through us and slams the bars. “Oh my God…Sarah!”

Sarah is guided out from behind the Dragons and they place her beside Chase. She's wearing a t shirt and nothing else. Her hair is disheveled and her head is lowered slightly. She's wearing a collar with a chain on it. One of the goons hands the leash to Chase. Her lips are curled into a snarl as she eyes us. Her blue eyes filled with murder.

Jayson shakes the bars. "Sarah? Baby? What the fuck did you do to her, you son of a bitch!!" He yells as he tries to pull the cage door open.

Chase holds the chain as he pets Sarah’s blonde hair. "I improved her. She makes a wonderful guard dog. Don't you think?" He rolls an eye to us as a growl escapes Sarah’s chest.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" Jayson screams as he fights the bars. His blue eyes are glowing as his wolf rises.

"No. Alpha. I'm afraid, you'll have to kill your mate. Bastian. If you want this little girl and your friends to live, you'll give us the codes." He hands the guard the keys to cell. "Just yell out the door when you're ready to talk." He kisses the top of Sarah's head and removes the collar. "Sick ‘em." He whispers to ear.

Sarah’s wolf shows herself as her growl becomes deep and menacing. She stands in the middle of the bars with a distance between us and her. She lowers her head and glares at all of us.

Four guards approach the cell and beat the bars with clubs to keep us back as one unlocks the door. They pull guns, aim them at us and back off. Chase cackles as he leaves the jail and the guards follow.

Sarah growls darker as she steps closer.

“Uh, Jay? Your girl seems a bit pissed here. You want to try talking to her?" I stand stiff like the others as we watch Sarah carefully.

Sarah starts to pace back and forth as she eyes her targets.

Jayson leans his chest on the bars and sticks his arm out. "Baby, it's me. It's Jay. I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry. So sorry. Whatever he convinced you do to, you need to fight it. You need to push it out, Sarah. Remember, baby? Just let whatever you're feeling…let it go. You don't want to do this.”

Sarah eyes him then raises a hand to her eyes. Her growls sound like angered barks as her wolf claws grow on her fingertips.

Jayson’s eyes widen and he whips his head to us. "Shit! Hold the door!" He yells just as Sarah jumps in the air, calls the wind, and shifts into her snarling blonde wolf.

“GODDAMN IT!” Grey and Wes say at the same time as Sarah’s wolf runs at the door and slams her body into it. The bars shake violently as we back off.

River, Jayson and I grab the bars of the door and hold it shut. Her fur stands on end. Drool flies from her lips and her teeth snap wildly as she tries to shove her muzzle between them to get at us.

I pull my hands away and grab another bar to avoid her. "Fuck! Jay what do we do?"

"I don't know!" He struggles as Sarah's bites a bar then starts to pull on the door. She’s growling and snarling like a rabid dog.

“TELL HER TO SHIFT!” Luke yells.

Jayson turns to him. “She doesn’t listen to my Alpha command on a good day, what makes you think she’s gonna listen now?!”

Luke point to his eyes. “After this, I'm helping you get your balls back.”

“Screw off.” Jayson scowls and swats his hand out of his face.

"Fuck! Is she stronger?!" I grind as I pull back. Sarah’s paws dig in and the door moves a few inches until we yank it back.

My arms are screaming as I clench my teeth and fight against the wolf’s strength. “We need…to shift!!”

“No!” Jayson glares at all of us. “The wolves won’t take her as friendly. Fuck that!”

“SHE’S NOT FRIENDLY, JAY!!” Luke yells as he grabs the door and helps.

"MOVE!" Anna yells and I turn to her. I get out of the way as she runs to the door and kicks Sarah in the muzzle, making her yelp and let go.

The wolf shakes her head and rubs her paw along her muzzle. She locks her eyes on Anna and her growling increases

River keeps his eyes on Sarah. "Nice thought, Baby girl. But you just pissed her off more."

“I had to do something.” She shrugs.

Sarah barks then lunges at us. She rams the bars, making us all let go and back off. My eyes widen as the bars bend on impact. I swear, Sarah's wolf grows larger as she rushes the bars again.

"Fuck me!" I grit.

Jayson pleads to her through the bars. "Baby! Fight it! Come on Sarah! You really want to kill me?" Jayson grinds as she grabs the door again and he fights against her.

“I’d say that’s a big yes!!” Luke grits as he pulls. “And she’s taking the divorce out of your ass!”

“Shut up, dick!” Jayson growls.

We're losing strength as Grey and Wes try kicking her off, but it only lasts a second before she pulls on another bar.

"What are you feeding your chick, dude?!" Wes yells as his boot hits her nose and she tries to attack it back.

Jayson turns his head to him. “I like to make sure she eats healthy. I don’t allow her to eat too much junk food. It messes with her…”

“WE DON’T CARE!!” Several of us yell at him.

"Open the door!" Alexi demands.

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