The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 33

(Chapter song ‘Animal I Have Become’ by Three Days Grace, ‘Cooler Than Me' by Mike Posner)


With my fists balled as my sides, I fume through the halls of the Unit. I'm blinded by my anger so much, I’m bumping off people in the halls and don’t even feel.

I know he’s feeding Sammy’s wolf and giving it strength, destroying her in the process and I will end it right fucking now.

After checking his office and a few other places, I cross the front lobby into the dining hall. As people were walking in from the Recruitment Center at the other end of the large room, I see him in the sea of heads that were eating and talking at long picnic tables.

I lock my eyes as I charge him. My lips curl in a snarl and I don't even stop when I get to him.

I grab him by his scrawny neck and slam him up against the wall at the back of the hall, growling an Alpha growl that has some around us freeze in the spot. Shock fills his face as he wiggles desperately in my hand. I reach up, rip his glasses of and lean to his eyes.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!” He grits as he tries to pull my arm off. All I do is slowly tilt my head to the left and right as I study him. He’s hurting what’s mine and my wolfs wants him to pay for it.

“We're having words. You’re going to tell me the truth and I might not spread you.” I grit.

“You’re crazy! Let me go!” He glares and pull on my wrist.

“Yeah, Doc. I’m fucking crazy!” I slam his back on the wall. "What the fuck did you do to her?!" I yell.

“What are you talking about?!” He yells back. “I’ve done nothing!”

"Don't fucking lie to me!" I push on his neck and he chokes.

River, Wes, and Grey run behind me as onlookers stare.

"Bastian!" River grabs my arm and tries to pull, but I’m much larger than him and it’s like trying to move a wall at this point.

I shoot my glowing gold eyes at him. "Get the fuck off me." I growl.

His eyes glow blue in return. "No. Let the doctor go now!" He grits back.

“Fuck that!” I turn back to Rennet and slam him again. I point to his face. “You’re doing something to Sammy’s wolf and I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t tell me what!!”

“I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!” His face is turning red in my grip.

“Tell me!!” I raise a fist and aim for his face.

“BASTIAN!!” Wes and Grey rip me off and he coughs out my hold.


I go in for the kill, but River steps in the way and shoves me back. “BASTIAN! STAND DOWN!!”

He holds me back as my wolf rises, and I push back harder. At this point, I almost feel like Sam's wolf is feeding mine and his rage is pushing on me. My eyes lock with Rennet’s as my chest vibrates in a threatening growl.

“Bastian. I don’t know what kind of delusions you’re under, but…” He pushes off the wall and reaches down to pick up his glasses. He puts them on and fixes his jacket. “I can’t make Samantha's wolf do anything she doesn’t want to do.” He rolls an eye to me. “If she doesn’t like you…” He stands with a distance between us and lifts his chin. “Your ego is just going to have to take the hit and accept that.”

“Fuck that, you fuck twat.” I grit as I push on River.

Grey grabs my shoulder and leans to my ear. "Bastian. You're outnumbered here, dude."

I turn my head to him and his eyes are glowing blue. A little further behind me, Wes’ eyes are, too. There’s also some glowing eyes spread out sporadically in the seats around us in case they’re needed.

I look back at Rennet and I see a slight smirk tug his lip.

I shove River back and he stumbles. I fix my jacket and my hair. As I lift my chin, I meet Rennet’s eyes. “Don’t think I’m not watching you. Stay away from Sam.” I jut my chin.

He tilts his head. “I don’t believe you have the authority over Samantha’s healthcare, Alpha. As much as you THINK you do, you don’t control her. Quite frankly, a man of your behavior pattern is highly unhealthy for someone like Sam. If she recognizes that, it’s not my fault. She’s her own person.”

I press my lips together and ball my fists. River steps up to me and looks up. “Don’t. Not here.” He warns.

"I will find out what you did to her.” I point to him. “And when I do, you will beg me for death."

He walks up to me, stops, turns his head and our eyes meet. “As a professional, I have to advise you to seek mental help…” He leans close. “Before something bad happens to you.”

I study his eyes. “Was that a threat?”

“It’s advice. Get help before you get yourself hurt." He smiles, claps my shoulder and walks away as he rubs his neck.

I cross my arms and watch him leave the dining hall.

River stands beside me. “What’s going on, Bastian?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know, but it’s nothing good. I can feel it.”



The last episode I had was the most disturbing one ever. I don't even know what set it off.

All I know is I was feeling so good about how things were going, I had an urge to work on my painting on Bastian. Suddenly, I was slammed by the red eyes and the beast tried to take me over again.

The pain was excruciating. I could feel it pushing and clawing its way to surface. It was so bad, I actually felt my bones threatening to break. Nothing I ever experienced in the past felt that bad.

If it wasn’t for Bastian…

Dylan told me it cut me up again, but there’s nothing. I healed. They think it’s stronger now, and that terrifies me.

From what Dylan tells me, Bastian’s connection is also getting stronger. I fell as soon as he touched me this time and I can only wonder what that means.

I won't lie and say I'm not starting to have feelings, but I’m not sure if I should tell him how I feel. Technically, he’s still my boss even though we have slept together a few times.

One thing I know for sure, is this beast isn’t going to keep me from what I love. Dylan wanted me to rest, but I can’t. I’m driven to finish this portrait of Bastian whether my wolf likes it or not. I won’t let her chase me away from my art like she has everything else in my life.

My art is where I draw the line.

I fill my paint tray and turn on my music and walk to the 8x10 portrait of the man who's pretty much my hero.

I absorb the lyrics of ‘Cooler Than Me’. I’m sending a message to her. She’s not better than me and never will be. She'll feel all of this.

I tap my foot as I glide the paint around Bastian’s body. I add the definition in his clothes and muscles underneath them. I’m adding more color to this layer and really bringing him to life.

I add highlights to the face that seems to inspire my most creative side. As I work on his eyes, I rock and wiggle to the music and get completely taken in by Bastian Cole. The beast inside remains quiet and I can only assume she’s getting the message that she won’t win against me.

I was so zoned out that when the song ended, I heard clapping behind me. I yelp, press pause and spin around. I didn’t even hear him come in.

Bastian is smiling, sitting on the arm of one of my armchairs. "That was good." He chuckles as he motions to me. He must be referring to my dancing.

I blush. "I... I didn't hear you come in." I drop my brushes in the jars and try to fix myself up. I’m a mess.

He stands. "That's really nice. Dylan said you got my good side and I agree." He points to the painting.

"Oh, geez!" I quickly grab a paint towel and cover it. "You weren't supposed to see that."

He arches a brow. "Why not?"

I rub the back of neck and feel my cheeks heat more. "'s not...I just don't want you to see it." I stand tall in front of the easel.

"I think if I'm the subject, I should have a right to know, shouldn't I?" He folds his arms.

I swallow. "No. My art is not for viewing." I remind again.

He nods. "So, you've said. But technically, I already know what I look like, so you might as well show me."

"No." I cross my arms.

"I could command you to show me." He smirks.

"Please don't." I whine.

"Then show me." He puffs his chest.

"Fine." I say in a defeated tone.

I uncover the painting and he walks up to it, one arm wrapped around him and he rubs his chin as he analyzes the painting. "When will it be finished?"

"When I can." I say.

"Consider it sold." He turns to me, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"No. Bastian. My pieces are not for sale."

"Everything's for sale, Sammy. You just have to find the right price." He gives a cocky look.

"I won't take your money, Bastian." I warn him as I raise a brow.

"Fine. Then a date." He grins.


"You heard me. If you won't take money, then let me take you on another date. Nothing special, just a simple date." He bounces his brow.

"Another date?" I fold my arms and smirk.

"Mmhmm." He leans to me and grins. “I think you need some time out. You’ve been cooped up here too long. What do you think?”

I walk around and tap my lip. “I don’t know. I really shouldn’t be pursuing this. You are my boss.” I turn to him and grin.

He ticks his head. “Ok. I can fire you.”

“You wouldn’t.” I giggle.

“You’re a woman of ethics. You’re fired. You're no longer my decorator.” He gives me a serious look as he puts his hands behind his back.

I drop my hands and my jaw. “You're serious.”

“Totally.” He confirms.

“But…the ballroom…” I throw a hand to the door. “You can’t!”

“I can if I want a date without you feeling guilty about it.” He gives me a smart look.

I huff a breath. “I don’t feel guilty… I just…”

He leans to my lips. “You just need to say yes.”

I smile. “Fine. Yes. As long as it’s simple.” I warn.

"That's all I plan on doing. We leave in an hour." He kisses me quick and struts to the door.

"What? I can't get ready that fast." I protest as I watch him walk away.

"Better hurry." He practically sings as he grabs the handle. "Oh, and Sam?"

"What?” I cross my arms as he steps out the door.

"You're rehired.” He smiles and holds up a finger “1 hour." He closes my door.

I blow a lock of hair from my face and run to the closet to find something to wear.

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