The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 10

(Chapter song ‘Bittersweet Symphony’ by The Verve)


I know there's something about him.

There’s something he’s doing that's scaring me. I know it. I just wish I knew what that was. I was fine. For the last 10 years, I’ve been fine. One week with Bastian around me and my worst nightmares are resurfacing. I can’t go through this again. I can’t be responsible for any more death.

I guess I should share a little bit. I don’t like talking about this at all, but…

Dylan. My sweet brother. The reason he doesn’t look like me because I’m adopted. My mother found me in an orphanage she volunteered at and took me home at 8. At 10, that’s when my night terrors started. I don’t know where they come from because most of my dreams aren’t related to why I was an orphan in the first place.

At 5. My parents were killed in a wolf attack. I barely escaped with my life. I was found and taken to hospital then the orphanage. The wolf was never found.

My night terrors are a child’s imagination, but they affect me outwardly. Generally, it’s just me and my body that suffers, but when the sleepwalking began, people died.

At that moment, my parents took me to a hypnotherapist. It worked. The doctor put up a wall between me and my dreams. Now, it seems that wall has been broken in some way and I believe Bastian is the cause of it.

When he was close to me, he smelled like spices. Not just any spices. The kind that tickle your nose for a second, but then start to smell good.

I felt a little uncomfortable with him being next to me like that. After the week we had, I wasn’t expecting him to care about my well-being. But the last thing I want to do is share this with him. There’s only four people that know and I want to keep it that way. He doesn’t need to know what goes on in my personal life just like I don’t care what goes on in his.

Judging from the woman in the doorway, he has his own problems. She didn’t look nice at all. In fact, she looks like a female version of Bastian with her perfect salon hair, manicured nails and designer blouse with high end skirt. She looks like Bastian’s type. Rich and snobby.

Bastian was acting weird though. I could see in his eye that he was confused about something. When he interrogated me about perfume, I almost felt like laughing. I understand why a policy like that would exist, but to accuse me of filling the house, give me a break. Especially, when I told him I’m not wearing any. He, then, dared to call me a liar. I couldn’t believe his audacity.

I was still annoyed when I took the snaps of the project board I was working on for Bastian’s concept approval, then broke for lunch.

I walk into the dining hall and get in line to order. I open my phone and send my pictures to the developers to print them for me. I sent a message off to Dylan to check in. He ordered me to text him regularly to make sure nothing’s happening. I told him to relax and that I’ll already have it blocked before things get that bad.

What happened last night was just the start. It can get progressively worse to the point where I kind of lose sight of myself and hurt myself in public. There’s only two options if that happens. An ice cold shower or I get put down. Most times, option one works.

I'll need to see my doctor as soon as possible.

As I wait for Dylan's response, I glance around the decorated tables. It’s pretty full, but there’s still some empty tables left and I proceeded to decide which one until I see Bastian with that blonde woman, eating and talking. I look back to my phone. I think I’m eating in the common room.

As I step forward and type, I feel a heat on my back. I cinch my brow and look over my shoulder. I have to lean back because Bastian’s head was right next to my head. I give him a questioning look.

“I recommend the steak.” He says then stands straight.

I hold my phone to my chest and turn. “Were you reading over my shoulder?”

“No.” He chuckles. “I just got here.”

I second glance him and turn back. “Good because you should know that's rude.”

“What’s rude is not allowing people to take an interest in you.” He holds his nose up.

“What?” I spin around and look at him like he’s crazy.

“Seriously, there’s a certain rudeness felt when people want to talk to you and they get attitude back.” He looks down on me.

I place a hand on my hip. “What makes you think I want to talk you?”

He points to my nose. “Like that.”

I shake my head then glare.

He smiles. “Everyone wants to talk to me. Except you for some reason. My only conclusion is…you’re just rude and unapproachable.”

I cross my arms. “And you aren’t?” I raise a brow and tick my head.

“I’m direct. Most people mistake it for being rude. Most people can’t handle direct people. Especially, if they tell the truth.” He chews his lip and I shake my head.

“You’re unbelievable.” I spin around and step to get my food.

He leans to my ear. “You have no idea how unbelievable I am.”

I huff and turn with my plate. “Trust me, Alpha Cole. You aren’t that special.”

He reaches to my plate and takes a baby carrot. “I am. And you know it. That’s why I scare you so much.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?!” I look around the room and back up at him.

He leans close to my face and I have to pull back. “I can smell it. You're scared because you’ve never been in the same room with a man of my caliber. Admit it.” He bounces his brow then bounces his brow.

“I will not admit anything. Lest you forget, Alpha, the only thing you’ve shown so far is how loud and awful you can be.” I scowl and leave the line.

He is too much. I swear this man is so…just…Argh!

I stomp through the common room and decided to keep right on going. I went straight to the ballroom. I sit down at the table, grumbled while I pulled my fork and knife out of the napkin and cut my steak with irritation. I put it in my mouth and chew. I hate that this is good.

“I'm sorry.”

I slow my chewing and stare out into the ballroom. I chew a bite more and swallow. “For what?” I cut another piece and pop it in my mouth.

“For what I said the other day. I… just wanted…”

“I don’t care, Bastian.” I mumble and continue to eat.

I feel him come up behind me and he leans his elbows on the table beside me. “I’m trying to apologize. I shouldn’t have said you didn’t deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. It…was a nasty comment. I'm sorry.”

I side eye him as I swallow. “It was.”

He laces his fingers together and looks at the table. “I just…I'm not used to hearing…”

“I already apologized. I won’t grovel to you.” I put a piece in my mouth.

“You don’t have to. Look. There’s no reason to be angry with me.”

I toll my eyes and stand. “There’s plenty of reasons, Bastian.” I walk over to my crate filled with fabrics. I snatch one and pull it out. I carry it over to the window and hold it up.

“Like what?” He holds his hands out as he walks to me.

I drop the fabric to my thighs and turn to him. “These mood swings for one. You’re nice. Then mean and condescending. Then nice again. It’s extremely irritating.” I scowl.

He ticks his head as he come closer. “I have that type of personality.”

“Yeah…well…it sucks and not something I need or want.” I fold the fabric up and toss it to the crate.

He steps even closer and I start to get a little heated from him approaching me.

He locks with my eyes. “I think you do need some of it.”

I laugh and cross my arms. “I just said…”

“I know what you said, but there’s something you didn’t do.” He closes the gap.

My lips shrink. “What?”

He looks me over and the heat between us feels like it’s rising. My heart stutters.

He tilts his head. “Quit.”

“I need this.” I whisper.

“I know. That’s why I want to give it to you.” He says quietly as he leans closer.

“What do you mean?”

He reaches up and touches my cheek and I almost jump from a little spark that hit my skin. I almost get lost in his eyes and his scent. His overwhelming size seems to consume me. He was sucking me in.

Then he spoke.

“It means…if you wanted to quit…I wouldn’t let you.” He smiles.

“UGGHH!” I throw up my hands and push past him back to my plate.

“What?! What did I say?!”

I clean up my spot. “You don’t “let” me do anything, Bastian. If I wanted to quit, you couldn’t stop me and the fact you most likely think you can force me to work for you is why you should just go do whatever it is an Alpha does and let me work in peace.”

“Sam, I wasn’t implying…” He scrunches his brow then follows me out of the ballroom.

“You were. I saw it in your face. You think I’m easy to control. Well, I’ve got news for you. I’m not.” I drop my plate off and leave the dining hall. Of course, he's still following me like a lost dog.

“Sammy…just listen.”

“No, Bastian. I think the last thing I need is to hear any more of what you have to say. I’ve already crossed some major client lines with you and I just want to do my job.” I walk into the ballroom and feel myself get even hotter.


I turn around and throw my arms up. “What?!”

Like a lightning bolt struck, he grabs my head and his lips meet mine. His tongue asks for entrance and my lips part. Oh my God…is that…music? As his tongue glides with mine as we stand in the middle of the ballroom floor. Fireworks go off in my head and everything I had been feeling over the last few days disappeared.

I hold his arms and whimper as a symphony plays in my mind. My heart races and the heat skyrocketed. His taste is more delicious than I could ever expect. His scent was masculine and strong and his touch was soft and gentle.

He pulls back slowly and sucks on my bottom lip. I fell backwards onto my table edge as my eyes flutter open.

He looks me over and runs the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip. “Thanks for listening.” He locks with my gaze for a second more, lets go of my head and leaves the ballroom with his hands in his black dress pants pockets.

I lean a hand on the table and raise my other hand to my lips.

I stare at the door as I start to pant. “Crap.”

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