The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 44

(Chapter song ‘There She Goes' by The La's)


"Maddie, I thought you said you were going to help me." I glare at my sister, filing her nails on my couch.

"Don't you have people to move those?" She waves at the piles of boxes surrounding me.

I stomp over to her. "I don't have people. I have you. Come on." I grab her hand and pull her off the couch.

"Sarah, I'm going to get all sweaty." She whines.

My dad walks in with a box. "Maddie, help your sister." He warns.

I shove a box in her hand. She rolls her eyes. "Fine." She rolls her eyes and carries the box to Jayson's room.

"Whoa!" Vic almost walks into a tower of boxes at the front door.

"Checking in?" Nate teases.

"Hi, guys!" I run over and give them both a hug. "I missed you. I have so much to tell you."

Vic pushes past and heads for the dining hall. "I'm starving."

Nate looks around at the mess I've made moving into the pack house. "Apparently."

“You guys want to help?” I ask stuffing my hands in the back pockets of my Jean shorts.

“Sure.” Nate picks up a box.

Maddie bounds down stairs and Nate locks with her eyes.

I flick my head between them.

He sets down the box, not taking his eyes off her and a charming smile grows on his lips as he starts to walk toward my sister. He waves me off as Maddie slowly walks down the steps. "Later though." He meets Maddie at the bottom step. "Hi. I'm Nate. You are...." He reaches out his hand.

Maddie blushes and tucks her blonde, curly hair behind her ear. "Maddie. Sarah's sister."

"Maddie." He smiles like he's testing her name on his lips. "Nice to meet you." He kisses the back of her hand and she giggles.

"Nate, leave the girl alone." Jayson walks in, taking off his coat.

"No. I think Maddie deserves a tour. Right?" He winks at her.

"I'd like that." She starts acting shy which makes my stomach turn.

"But, Maddie. The boxes." I whine.

"Not now." She grits at me then smiles at Nate.

"We'll start outside." He flashes a charming smile and leads Maddie to the front door. As he walks past Jayson, Jayson grabs his shirt. "Be nice." He grits.

"Always." Nate grins, backhands his chest and heads out to meet Maddie.

I heave a sigh and flop my arms as I need all the help I can get moving all this stuff in.

Jayson comes over to me. "Hello, Luna. Problems?" He kisses my forehead.

I huff. "I have to get this stuff in storage. The decorators are coming at 10 to look at the room. I haven't had a shower and there's no more coffee." I motion to the door. "And now, your horn ball brother has stolen my help!"

Jayson laughs. "Ok. Calm down. I'm here. I'll help you."

"Don't you have council stuff to do?" I ask blowing a lock of hair out of my face and trying to fix my messy bun.

Jayson put his jacket on the boxes. "The meeting was pretty cut and dry. Black Lake is ours and they are going to help us re-establish everything. They know they've been neglecting us for years so, I convinced them to up the support to beef up security and make this place attractive to new pack members. Plus...they'll support our training camp all the way while keeping their noses out of it. They revamped the Caledon Camp. It will now be a stage 2 Unit training camp. Ages 20 to 22. Our camp will be 18 to 20. They want us be reserves. If they want us, they have to ask. Also, I’ve offered to work with the other packs in developing their own training camps. We're on the map.”

I jump up and down, clapping my hands. "Oh, babe. That's wonderful. You really are the best Alpha." I reach up and give him a kiss.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to do it." He grins, kissing me back.

"Now." He looks at the mess. "Where are these going?"

"Storage room." I nod.

He grabs two boxes. "Ok. I'll have it done in no time. You, my Luna. Go take your shower. I'll order up some more coffee before you're back down."

"God, I love you." I reach up and kiss him again.

"I love you, too. Go." He motions for the stairs.

I run up to have a much-needed shower.


After all the commotion is over, I'm cuddled in bed with Jayson. We lay naked in the sheets. His fingers trace circles on my shoulder as he sighs.

I raise my head and rest my chin on his chest. "What?"

He shakes his head looking into my eyes. "Nothing. I'm happy. I don't think I've ever been this happy."

He rolls to his side and props his elbow, resting his head on his hand.

"I really didn't think this was possible. After, Wren, I really believed there was no one out there for me. But you," He shook his head eyeing me all over. "You are the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. Even when you're driving me insane." He chuckles.

"I didn't realize how empty my life was until you stepped off that bus. I will never stop loving you." He reaches over and pulls my head to his. He presses his lips to mine and my lip's part. He rolls himself on me.

Although, Jayson's the first man I've ever loved, I kind of feel the same way. I've spent my life lashing out because I had no focus. Now I do. I can focus on him. His love. Focus on making his home something to be proud of.

That girl breaking into schools, shooting tennis balls at people, is gone. I want to do everything I can to make Jayson proud of his Luna. I want to make his pack proud of their Luna.

I'll still dance, but it has a different meaning now. It's something me and Jayson share together. Not on a therapeutic level, but a spiritual one. We're together. That's what it all means. That's all I ever longed for.

In the years to come, I can't say that problem child will be gone totally, but at least I can say, with Jayson in my life, the woman that I become will always be the only one he will ever want.

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