The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 42

(Chapter song ‘Under Pressure’ by Queen)


As soon as we got downstairs, Jayson hands me his phone. "Call your mother." He taps the screen.

“Yeah, I better.” I sigh. They can’t really do anything to me, now, but that doesn’t mean I’m spared the onslaught of lectures that will come.

I dial my mom and listen for her to pick up. When she answered, I told her I was safe, she could barely talk, asking a million questions. My dad took the phone and told me they’d be there in ten minutes.

They made it in 5.

Shane busts through the front door first. "Sarah!"

I stand with a big grin on my face as his eyes catch mine. He runs full tilt into me and knocks us to the floor. He pins me, sits up, scowls and throws a finger in my face. "You never leave me again!"

“Ok, I won’t!” I laugh as he play fights with me and I block his fake punches.

Jayson walks out of the dining hall with a cup of coffee to see the commotion. He watches us on the floor giggling like children.

Shane stands and helps me up. He wipes his eyes and tries to act tough. "If you do that to me again, I'm going to really knock you out." He growls and shakes a fist at me.

"Oh, please." I wave him off. "I can take you out with one hand tied behind my back."

He laughs and hugs me again.

"Hey, brat." Maddie walks to me with outstretched arms and glassy eyes. "Don't scare me like that. It causes wrinkles, you know."

I chuckle through the tears that start to fall. The three of us hug.

Jayson joins my parents. "Adam, Marie. How are you?" He shook my dad's hand and hugged my mother who’s fighting her own tears. "Better now. I can't thank you enough for finding my baby." She hitches.

"Marie, I will spend my entire life keeping Sarah safe. Don't worry about that." He smiles.

I push my siblings away and rub my palms together. I know I'm old enough to have a mate, but I feel weird doing it without their permission or something.

"Um... Mom. Dad. We have something to tell you." I walk to Jayson and slide an arm around his waist.

"What is it, sweetheart?" My moms eyes flick between us.

I pull back the shoulder of my shirt and smile at them and Jayson.

He also pulls back his shirt.

My dad points to my shoulder and his brows shoot up. "Is that?"

"Yes, sir." Jayson nods with pride.

"No freaking way!" Maddie snatches my arm and pulls my shirt back. "Are you freaking kidding me?! Totally not fair!" She shoves me back and glares.

I chuckle. "Don't worry, Mad. Your time will come."

"Yeah, but why do you get the hot Alpha first.” She tosses a hand to Jayson. “I'm the oldest." She scowls.

Jayson leans to her. "Maybe you should try a little harder on that attitude.” He eyes her with a smirk.

Her eyes turn to slits. "I hate you already."

Jayson laughs and shakes his head as he drapes an arm around my neck.

My dad puffs his chests. "So, you're taking my baby girl from us."

"Well, I mean, she's a Luna now, so..." Jayson shrugs.

"Wait, Luna?" My mom's brow shot up.

"Jayson's the Alpha now. His dad gave him the pack." I preen as I lay a hand on his chest.

"Of course, he is." Maddie flops herself onto the couch, clearly pissed.

"Congratulations! " My mom hugs us both. "Oh my God! That's wonderful! Isn't that wonderful, Adam?'

"Congrats, son. I can't think of a better man to run our pack. If we ever get it back, that is." He side eyes his mate then back at Jayson.

Jayson nods. "I'm getting it back. You aren't going anywhere."

"Well, I hope so. I don't know what we're going to do if we lose our home." Marie hugs Adam who wraps his arm around her.

"I won't let that happen." He reassures.

Jayson gives me a kiss. "Baby. I have leave you with your family. I have a town to save."


“Marie, Adam. We'll catch up later.” Jayson says.

“Thank you, again, Jay. We'll never be able to repay you.” My mom chokes.

“No need. I’ll always take care of what’s mine.” He eyes them, grins and leaves.

I clasp my hands in front of me. Looking at my family. "Hungry?"

I guide them to the dining room and get them all breakfast.

We sat down as the chef brought our orders out.

My mom whispers to my dad. "This is fancy. Isn't it fancy?"

My dad chuckles. "Marie, calm down. You're going to get awe struck."

"Well, we'll see." She digs into her omelet. She chews and you could see her melt.

"It's good, right mom?" I smile.

She clears her throat, not wanting to admit it's better than hers. "It could use a little salt."

I giggle at my mom's lie.

"You must be Adam and Marie." Jayson's mother comes floating into the dining hall.

I wipe my mouth. "Yes. Mom. Dad. This Jayson's mother, Luna Heidi."

She glides into a chair next to my mother. "You must tell me who does your hair. It's beautiful."

My mother blushes. "Oh, I don't have a hairdresser."

"You don't?" Heidi seems shocked. "Tomorrow, we'll get together and go to mine. He's wonderful."

"Sounds good." My mother looks to me and I shrug.

"So, Heidi, how do you feel about our kids?" My Dad raises a brow..

She sat back. "Oh, I knew it right off the bat. Jay is so special and Sarah will make a beautiful Luna. They’re a perfect match."

I snort. "I wouldn't say perfect."

My dad glares. "Sarah."

"What? Jayson's far from perfect and neither am I. But that's OK. It gives us something to work through. It'd be boring if we were perfect." I stuff my mouth with a fork full of egg.

Heidi leans over. "Well, I think you’re both perfect and cute as a button. I'm so excited to finally have a girl in the family. I'll tell you. Living with four men is not easy." She giggles to my mother.

My mother snorts. "Try having twins."

They both laugh.

My dad groans at the horrors of my brother and me.

My mother and Heidi are laughing up a storm, talking about what it's like to be Luna and of course, embarrassing childhood stories.

"Everything going OK in here?" Jayson struts into the dining hall and stops at our table.

"Jay. Thank God." My dad gets up. He wraps his arm around Jayson's shoulder. "Save me." He chuckles. I guess the girl talk was getting too much.

Jayson laughs. "My dad's coming. We can sit over there." He points to another table.

Heidi leans on the table. "Sarah, what do you think about pink chiffon?"

"Oh... um..." My eyes go wide and I look at Jay. "What for?"

"Your Luna ceremony, silly." She taps my hand. "We have to order your dress, book the caterers. Oh, then there's the Dj. The tents..."

I blink at her getting more terrified by the second. "Luna Wha..."

Jayson jumped in, interrupting his mother. "Uh, mom. Why don't we save that till later, Ok. Sarah's been Luna for like a day." He nodded.

"Jay. This is important. You're a man so, you wouldn't understand. Ugh..." She threw up her hands. She turned to me. "Don't worry darling, I'll have it all planned by next week. I've got so many calls to make. Oh, Olivia is going to love this..." She gets up, gives Jayson a kiss on the cheek and leaves the room, still talking to herself.

I stared at Jayson with silent panic at what his mother was talking about.

"Baby, breathe." He points at me.

I blew out the breath I holding.

"What's she talking about?" I looked around to the adults.

Jayson smiles, looks to my parents nervously and sits down in the chair next to me.

"Well, the Luna ceremony is...kind of like a human wedding?" He scrunches his nose.

My jaw drops "A wedding? We have to get married now?"

“It’s not a marriage really. It’s a marking ceremony. I mark you and you mark me in front of our families.” He informs.

My lips shrink. “Jay…I don’t want to mark you in front of my family.”

He laughs. “Not like that. It’s a superficial mark over the real one. It brings the pack together.”

I shake my head. “No. Jay! I can’t do that in front of people. I’m not ready!” My breathing speeds up again.

He holds my cheeks and looks into my eyes. “OK. Slow breaths. Calm down. It's fine, baby. That’s perfectly OK." He kisses my forehead. "I'll tell my mother you're not ready. She'll be fine with it...I hope." He kisses me again. "Gotta go."

"Jayson!" I call to him as he makes a beeline out of the hall.

He pops his head back in. "Love you." And leaves.

I blink at my mother.

"It's fine." She says quietly, waving me down.


After breakfast, I gave my parents the tour.

"Sarah, this house is gorgeous." My mom swoons.

My dad nods, looking around. "Not bad construction."

"There's lots of room here. So, if you guys ever want to stay..." I say, walking down the stairs with my parents in tow.

Jayson walks in from outside. "I’m sorry, Adam. I need to steal Sarah from you. The Alpha of White Rock is here."

My dad raises a brow. "Really. I'd like to meet him."

"No. You really don't. He's kind of a jerk." Jayson says.

I slap his arm. "Jayson."

"What? He is. We go way back. He's always been a jerk." He sneers.

"That's not how an Alpha should behave." I scold.

"Oh, that's rich. Look who's talking." He folds his arms.

I mirror his image. "You know what I mean."

"Fine. I'll be nice. To an extent." He winks.

I throw my finger to dad. "Dad?" I fold my arms again, cock my head and jut out my chin.

My dad smirks. "Jayson. What do we say?"

"Really?" Jayson snorts.

My dad crosses his thick arms. "Yes, really."

Jayson groans and rolls his eyes. "Our behavior reflects on our family. There I said it. Can we go please?" He points to the door as I laugh.

“Good man.” My dad chuckles and claps his arm.

I turn to my parents. "I don't know how long I'll be, so why don't you guys' head home and I'll see you later."

"Ok, baby girl." My dad hugs me and kisses my head.

My mom hugs me too. "A Luna's work is never done." She giggles. "See you later."

We walk my parents out and wave goodbye as Alpha Blake approaches the steps.

"Friends?" He thumbs over his shoulder.

"In laws." Jayson corrects as her wraps an arm around me, pulling me into him.

Blake points to me. "Luna?"

"Yep." I smile. "I'm Sarah." I hold out my hand.

Blake shakes it. "Sarah. Your reputation proceeds you. I'm glad your safe. You gave my Luna quite the scare."

"I'm sorry." I apologize. "We just... love this town and Jayson so much... We couldn't just do nothing."

He stood tall. "Yes, well. Maybe leave the fighting to the professionals next time." His face was smug.

Jayson steps in front, putting himself in between Blake and me. "I believe these soldiers were the professionals for the most part. They pretty much wiped-out Whites army."

"By almost losing their humanity. That's not professional." Blake retorts.

"What do you want, River?" Jayson sighs, changing the subject.

"I've come to finalize the transfer." He stands tall. "Can I come in?"

"No." I scoot myself in front of Jayson. "There will be no transfer. You're not taking my home." I glare at him.

Jayson puts his hands on my shoulders and leans to my ear. "Baby, let me..."

I shrug him off. "No, Jayson. I won't allow this... this... douche bag to take my house!"

River's brow arches as he looks at Jayson. "Alpha? You need to talk to your Luna, I think."

He scratches his temple. "Um... I think she said it all." He stuffs his hands in his pockets and puffs out his chest.

"We have an agreement." River reminds.

Jayson steps close. "You made an agreement with my father. Not with me. I'm the Alpha of Black Lake and I'm telling you to Fuck Off."

"The council will have something to say about that." River warns.

"And I'll answer them when I take my father's position next week. Right now, take your shit and get out of my town." Jayson doesn't back down.

"Jayson. You're throwing away everything. The Alliance, your Unit position, everything. For what. A tiny dirt town..." River stares Jayson down.

"Hey!" I jam myself in between the men. "This may be a dirt town, but there is more loyalty, love and bravery here than the entire Alliance combined. So, why don't you do as my mate says and get your shit and leave or else..." I seethe at the Alpha.

He chuckles at me. “Or else what?”

I scowl at him. “Or else this…” I haul off and kick his shin really hard.

“Fuck!” He grabs his leg and hops on one foot as he absorbs the pain.

“Sarah!” Jayson yells.

I spin around. “What?!”

He pauses then rubs the back of his head. “Oh, sorry. Reflex.” He waves a hand at me. “Continue.” He gives me a toothy grin.

I smirk and spin back. “Well?” I growl.

"I see what you mean about the attitude." River rubs his shin then stands straight.

"It’s my favorite thing about her." Jayson preens.

"We'll have to discuss this later in private." He flicks his eyes to me as I shoot daggers at him. "Have a good day."

He walks back to his car with a slight limp in step.

I turn to Jayson. "You're right. He is a jerk."

"You were amazing!" Jayson smiles. He scoops me up and I wrap my legs around him. "I really have the perfect Luna."

"And I have the perfect Alpha." I hold his cheeks and kiss him passionately.

He looks into my eyes. "Wanna go upstairs?"

"Yes." I smile.

He carries me into the pack house and kicks the door shut. Kissing me all the way up

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