The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘Get You The Moon' by Kina, Snow)



My head and heart hurts so bad. What was I thinking? When I saw him, I lost sight of what I was doing. I thought I could save him. How wrong can one stupid kid be?

Shortly after I was taken, I lost consciousness. I don't know who this guy is, but he's got a mean grip.

My mind was dragged back to reality by the most awful stench I’ve ever smelled. I felt like puking, but my stomach was already empty.

It takes me a minute to realize I'm moving. I'm laying on my stomach and the ground is whizzing by me.

My fingers move slightly and I feel fur.

As my vision starts to focus, I raise my head and see the scope of my situation. I’m on the back of a rogue. My hands are tied around his stomach.

"Wh-What?" I breathe as I try to move my hands and feet. I pull frantically as panic sets in. “Let me go!” I grind in his ear.

The beast under me growls and thumps his back, jostling me. My guess to settle me down. Well fuck that noise.

I grab his fur covered skin and push up. I twist and pull the rope up on his side.

The rope catches his skin as my legs slip under him, he loses his focus and balance. We both veer off, skidding into the dirt and the rope snaps.

It takes a second for me to realize I'm free and I pull the ropes off. I scramble to my feet, slip in the soft forest dirt and tear into the trees, crying as I run. I don't know where I'm headed, I just know it’s away from here.

As I weave through the trunks, I look back quick then look ahead as a massive, white wolf lands in my path.

I arch back with arms flailing as I skid to a stop and fall to my but.

The snarling wolf narrows his eyes and licks his lips as he slowly takes steps toward me. I crawl backwards until I'm backed into a tree. I rise to my feet against it.

He shifts as he walks toward me and closes the gap between us.

The muscle covered, building with teeth, smirks seductively. "Feisty. I like that." He drawls.

His deep voice rumbles in my chest.

My chest fills with fear as I search for escape and watch get closer to me. I press my back to the tree, seemingly trying to push through it.

He grins as he comes close. His raises a thick finger to my neck and runs it across my jaw as I turn and shut eyes. I try to hold back my cries behind my pressed lips. I'm shaking like a leaf.

"Why so scared, pup?" He puts his massive hand on the tree by my head, running his fingers up and down my cheek. His nose tickles my skin as he sniffs me. "You were so brave sinking your teeth into my arm. That really turned me on." He purrs. His tenor voice almost made my eardrum explode. My face is heating as tears fall.

"Awe, pup. It's ok. I won't bite..." He roughly grabs my chin and turns my head. Our eyes lock. "...Yet." He smashes his lips into mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I try to push him off, but his grip around my head is too strong.

I stamp on his foot hard, making him growl and back off.

I glare at him with disgust as I wipe my mouth with the back of arm.

He narrows his eyes, grabs the back of my hair and shoves a finger in my face. "I can see you have a tiny behavior problem."

He slowly curls his hand around my throat. "I'll have to teach you a lesson about respect." He spits. He squeezes his grip and I start to choke as I pull at his hand in my hair and the one around my neck.

"Desmond!" Someone calls from the group.

His eyes are fixated on mine as he slowly chokes me. A deep growl comes from his chest. "Will you behave?" He grits.

I don't answer.

He shakes me. "Will you?" He growls. He pulls my hair harder.

"Yes!" I cry.

"I'm your Alpha now. You're mine. No one else's. Anyone so much as looks at you. I will kill you both. You understand?" He glares at me.

"Do you understand?!" He yells in my face.

"Yes." I cry harder.

"Yes, what?!" He yells louder.

My breath hitches. "Yes, Alpha." I whisper.

He lets go of my hair and pets it. He looks me over like he's admiring his prize. "Good girl."

With his hand still on my throat, he brings my face close to his. "Kiss me." He mumbles on my lips. He puts his lips on mine again and forces another kiss.

"DES!" Someone else calls to him.

He pushes me back and looks into the trees. "WHAT? I’M FUCKING BUSY!" He barks.

"We got to go man. You can do her later. Come on." The voice yells back.

He hangs his head and groans. He turns back to me. "You ride with me." He spins me around and holds the back of my neck as he escorts me back to his pack.

When we return to the spot where I was freed, his men look me over. Their eyes spread their filthy thoughts all over my skin. It makes me cringe.

He must sensed my discomfort with their stares because he lets out a loud Alpha growl and they avert their eyes.

He stops at the head of the pack, turns me to him and points a finger in my face. "Any funny business and I snap your pretty little neck. Got it?"

"Yes, Alpha." I say.

He cups my cheek. "That's my pup. You ride on my back." He shifts and his massive wolf lays down. I climb on barely able to wrap my legs around his girth.

Once he feels I'm stable, he starts running and the pack follows. I really don't know where we are, but as we run through the trees, I take in landmarks. Just in case.


As night falls, the pack stops and decides to camp for the night.

Desmond’s men build a fire. They caught a deer for dinner and the men were cooking it up.

I notice the rogues all disappeared to the outside of the camp. They must not like hanging around these guys.

I sit off to the side and try my hardest to not draw attention to myself. My legs curled up to my chest and I rest my chin on my arms. A shiver runs through me when the wind blows. I’d shift, but I feel like this guy would only make me shift back. It's cold where we are. The chill in the air, pierces my skin. I’m tired, I'm scared and I want to go home. I bury my face in my arms to warm it.

"You're cold." The deep voice I fear says.

I look up at him. "I'm fine." I say softly.

He wags his finger at me as he sits down beside me. "Don't lie to me, pup. I sense your body temperature. You're cold. Come here." His voice was oddly soft.

Reluctantly, I crawl into his legs. He gathers me up into a ball, pressing my body into his. He wraps his thick arms and legs around me.

He looks down at my face as he pets me. He rests his chin on my head. "There. That's better, right?"

I barely nod Yes because it was warmer than nothing and I hate that he's making me feel better.

He looks into my eyes as he moves a lock of my hair and strokes my cheek. "You really are a beautiful creature, aren't you?" He smiles. "Get some sleep. We leave for home in the morning."

"Where's home?" I ask innocently.

"The Colorado mountains. You'll love it. It's beautiful when it snows, just like you." I feel a sense of care from him. It made me feel weird.

I don't know what this guy's deal is, but he's not acting like the murderous leader of a rogue pack. I have to get away from him, before he gets worse ideas.


I must have only been sleeping a couple of hours because when I woke it was still night.

Everyone was passed out, the fire was just coals and Desmond was snoring.

I look up at him then down at my body. His arms have fallen to his sides and his legs are loose.

Now’s my chance.

I carefully pull myself from his body and step out of his circle.

I'm so careful to not make any noise as I step into the trees.

When I'm far enough away, I run for my life.

I run so fast, jump and shift. I find a creek and splash into it. I'll follow it as far as I can to mask my scent.

The creeks turns into a river that I really can't follow without swimming so, I jump on the bank and follow that.

After what feels like an hour, I find a small cave. I crawl inside and curl up in the back of it.

I'm lost, cold, hungry and I want Jayson.

I tuck my nose in my tail and close my eyes. Sleep finds me because I'm so weak. I'll have to find food tomorrow. If Desmond doesn't find me first.


The suns light fills the cave entrance. Water drips from the ceiling and my nose twitches as the smell of moss and wet fill my nostril.

My blue wolf eye cracks open, but I'm afraid to move. Desmond has to know that I'm gone by now. Hopefully, he believes I'm more trouble than I'm worth and moves on.

I unfurl myself and stretch my muscles. I cautiously approach the entrance.

I poke my head out and don't smell anything off.

With the wind at my back, I run again, getting as much distance between me and Desmond as possible.

After a while, I manage to catch a small wild pig. I eat my fill and drag its body under a thick bush to hide it.

Continuing on, I look for anything familiar. I see nothing. The smells are all different. Even the trees look different. I don't know how far I am from home. I'm also the worst navigator on the planet. It took me a week to learn my way around my high-school.

All I know is, right now, I need to keep moving. I can only hope I run into someone who can save me.


I stroke Jayson's cheek as he holds me. His deep blue eyes gaze into mine as a smile tugs at his lips.

He leans down and kisses me so softly, placing his large hand gently on my cheek.

He pulls back and his fingers tickle my skin.

"I thought I lost you." He kisses me again. "I was so scared."

I look into his eyes. "All I wanted to do was find you. I can't live without you." I run my fingers through his soft golden-brown hair.

His hand travels down my side and around the outside of my thigh. He lifts my leg as he deepens his kiss.

"I'll never leave you again. I promise you that. I love you so much." He plays with my lips as his hard member slips inside me slowly.

We make love in the sheets and I feel all of his love, his warmth as he slowly pushes in and out of my pussy. He kisses my neck and I moan.

I'm surrounded by his scent. His arms are strong and safe. I'll never again be alone. I'll never again feel fear.

I'm finally safe with Jayson.


I'm jolted from my sleep. Still groggy, it takes me a minute to realize it's not only dark, but it's pouring rain. The bush I'm under is filling with water.

I get up and step out, shaking the water built up in my fur.

I'm filled with sadness as I realize my time with Jayson was just a dream. My reality is I'm a lost wolf, now drenched to the bone.

The ground bounces as huge drops hit the ground splashing up. I walk through the rain with my head hung low. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls in the clouds above.

Eventually my luck has to turn around at some point, right?

‘Jayson. Help me.’

My wolf whines as she walks into the night and disappears into the forest.

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