The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 35πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

(Chapter song β€˜Calamity’ by King Shelter)ο»Ώ


I feel it. Just under the fur. An itch. Like an addiction bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

I gnash my teeth at muzzles and paws as my wolf asserts her power. Whines and growls follow and move on.

I feel the wolf course through my veins and take hold. The animal grows as it gets comfortable outside. The satisfaction she deals leaves me placid and unquestioning.

The instincts rise and make themselves known. The job at hand is being dealt with by the best possible soldier. The leader in her takes control. I can only think of how proud Jayson will be to see me now.

She chews as she raises her muzzle. Blood pours from her lips , down her chest, and turns her blonde fur red. She swallows and growls as she lowers her head to tear the flesh of the dead rogue at her paws. Tearing the meat off the corpse feels so good since we haven't eaten in two days.

I lick the blood from my lips and take look around the open field. The graveyard of rogue pack two is covered in blood, mud and filth. I watch over my pack as they fight over the scraps of flesh left on the bones.

The forty rogues will sustain us as we move on the next pack.

I bark and my blood covered pack members raise their heads. I motion to get out of here. I bark at the trackers and they search a heading. They take off barking and howling with my pack right on their tails.

When we hit the wall of exhaustion, we stop at a place with a small pond. I decide we could use some cleaning up.

When everyone was done and out of the way, I stand in the middle pond, slowly washing away the blood from my chin and chest. I pour water over my head and run my hands down my hair. The red water flows down my skin. I watch it meld with the pond and think how majestic it feels. Washing the blood of your enemies off your skin feels like a higher state somehow.

As I stand in a feeling of confusion and anxiousness, my wolf is filling me with a sense of wild, almost beast like, emotions. I feel her control and don’t know what to do with it. It feels primal in a way. I’ve never felt this from her. She’s calling the wilderness and making me feel like it’s home, but it’s not, is it?

I feel her instincts and her fight. I don’t think my human side should be feeling this way. Can I fight it? Do I need it to fight? It makes me feel stronger, maybe I should let it build. I need every bit of strength I can get. Things are different now.

When I started this, I was a little girl. Now, I feel like a hungry wolf that's never satisfied. With every kill, with every pound of flesh I eat, it's never enough.

I feel it growing inside me. It scares me, but excites me at the same time. For every animal impulse I give in to, I feel empowered.

I close my eyes and pour water over my hair when I hear a throat clear.

My eyes shoot open, I turn and search the bank.

Sean is standing on the bank. His hard body is covered in mud and blood.

I duck down into the water up to my shoulders. I never cared before, but suddenly I feel nervous. My middle does a flip as I watch him scrub his dirty hair.

He put his hand up. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Do you mind?" He points to the water.

"No." I watch him cautiously. We haven't really talked since our breakup a couple of months ago. I don’t know if I should interact with him in this way.

He swims out to me and stops, keeping a bit of a distance as he floats his arms in the water. He dunks himself and surfaces. My eyes watch the water flow down his sun kissed skin as he squeezes the water out of his hair.

"Everyone's sleeping, so I thought I'd have the place to myself, but..." He wipes the water from his face and smiles. "Can't sleep?"

"No." I mumble as I tread water.

He keeps the distance, but starts to float around me. My eyes lock with his as I turn in the spot.

"Why not?" He pushes himself in the circle

I shrug. "Don't know. Just disturbed, I guess."

He nods. "It's your wolf. She's unsatisfied. She's antsy."

I give a half smile. "Maybe."

He floats a little closer. "I can help." He whispers. I feel his eyes on my chest as he gently bites his lower lip.

I swim back a tiny bit. "I can't." I whisper.

He swims even closer. "Jayson left you, Sarah. I'm here. With you. Let me help you."

"Sean... I still love him." I move back a tiny bit more.

He smiles, swimming close enough that were inches apart. His breath on my wet skin makes my body tingle. "I'm not saying I want to start something. I just want to help relax you." He runs the back of fingers down my cheek. I lean into his touch. "Let me help you."

β€œI could use relaxation.” My words are barely audible.

β€œYes, you could.” His lips brush mine as my core heats up. My lips part and he put his mouth on mine. Our tongues meet and twirl together.

I wrap my legs and arms around him as I melt into his kiss . He plants his feet on the bottom and pushes us back to a rock wall at the back of the pond.

As he presses his warm body to mine, he bites and sucks on my neck.

"Sean." I moan.

I don't want Sean, but right now, I need this. I need to feel wanted again. I've felt so alone. I missed being in the arms of someone who cared about me. Even if it’s just for a single moment. The warmth of another body is too much to refuse.

"Sarah..." He pants as he licks his way back up to my lips and bruises them. "I want you so bad." He mumbles between kisses.

His hand travels up my inner thigh to my pussy. Even in the water, it's slick with desire. I angle my hips to him and feel the tip of his finger brush my entrance. He inserts his finger into my pussy and rubs my clit with his thumb.

The shock of being touched like this sent shivers all over my skin.

"Yes, Sean." The pleasure he's giving me fills my body, making it red hot as my climax builds.

He bites my lower lip. "You're so beautiful." He kisses me hard as his finger pumps me faster.

I break the kiss and roll my head back. "Yes... Right there... God, Sean..." My fingernails dig into his back as my orgasm fills my muddle.

He rubs my clit faster and faster. "Come for me, Sarah." He places his forehead on mine while he holds my ass cheek. Our eyes lock and his thumb on my clit pushed me over the edge.

"Yessss!... I'm coming!..." I grind. I want to scream, but I don’t want to wake the camp.

My body shakes and water splashes all around us as I bite my screams into his shoulder.

β€œFuck, your so wet!” He growls. β€œSoak it, baby.”

He wrings as much pleasure out of me as he can before covering my mouth and he fists his rock-hard dick.

"I need inside of you." He says as he lines up and shoves himself in.

I scream into his palm as he thrust himself deep into my pussy.

β€œFuck me.” He clenches as he grunts out his thrusts.

His girth fills me and I scream even louder. My pussy gushes more and tightens as he fucks me harder.

The water splashes in between our bodies as he's slams me against the rock.

It's primal. Barbaric.

In this moment, Sean is marking his territory. His wolf is staking claim. This female is his and the way he's fucking me, his wolf is making it known.

His dick is so hard, it swells as my pussy clenches.

"Fuck, Sarah, you feel so good." He grits as he grabs my leg and lifts it up on his arm. His finger bruise my ass cheeks as I hang onto him. He pulls my hips into his as he thrusts even harder.

β€œFuck, Yesss!”

"Your pussy's so sweet. Come for me again, baby." He growls.

He reaches between us and rubs my clit hard.

I crest again. β€œYessss!”

My pussy clamps and my juices flow all over his dick and as I scream into his hand.

"Turn around." He nips my ear and pulls my hair as he bites my neck.

He spins me around, plants my hands on the rock and pulls my ass out. He grabs my mouth and shoves his dick in again.

"Come for me this way, baby." He rubs my pussy again.

I can't take it. His dominance is overpowering. My orgasm rips through and he stops rubbing and fists my hair. My pussy's so tight.

His dick pummels me faster and harder as I scream into his hand.

"That's it Sarah... Come on my dick. That’s it, baby. Give it to me."

His muscles flex as he takes my body. His hands grip at it like a man possessed. He runs his nails down my spine, drawing blood. He leans down and runs his tongue along the scratches as he fucks me hard. He reaches around and he grabs my breast, pinching my nipple. He runs his hand up and down my spine then smacks my ass cheek.

I'm screaming into his hand like a banshee. What he's doing is such a turn on, my wolf is going ballistic.

He slaps my other cheek. "Yeah baby. Fuck that dick." He growls. I feel his power with every thrust. His strong hand grabs at my soft flesh.

The water wakes around us, splashing up between my ass and his hips as he slams me hard.

He pulls me back to his chest, still fucking me hard. His lips brush my ear. "One more." He growls. His hand goes to my pussy again and attacks it like a man on a mission.

With every thrust, his wolf growls more. He's possessive, dominant. "Scream baby." He bites my ear and I let out the biggest orgasm I've ever had.

"That's it. Fuck, Sarah. Come!" His breath shallows as he hangs on to my ass. I feel his dick turn to stone and swell. I feel heat fill my pussy. He presses my chest against the wall. Gripping my breast and squeezing hard.

"Damn, sexy baby! I'm coming inside your hot pussy.” His grip on me tightens as his dick explodes.

His head rolls back. "Goddamn!" His male dominance resonates off the walls as he coats my inner walls with come.

It was so animalistic. We were like two wild wolves eating each other alive. I don't know how I should feel about it, but right now, it's what I crave. It's what my wolf craves. Like the flesh of the rogue running down my throat, Sean fucking me was so satisfying, my wolf was craving more even though we just finished.

He lets go of my mouth and pulls out. I spin around and back onto the wall.

"That was hot." I smirk.

He leans on the wall, putting his hands on either side of my head. "You're hot."

He leans down and kisses me, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me into his lips.

The animals inside us are insatiable. If I don't leave now, I won't be rested enough.

I pull back and start to swim away. "Get some sleep." I say as I seductively look over my shoulder at him floating in the dark water. I slowly walk into the clearing, leaving him in the pond.


My wolf purred the whole time I slept. When I woke, she was hungry again. Not for sex. She was hungry for blood. We had three more packs to kill and I mean to do just that.

I stood waiting for everyone to get ready with Shane at my side. I've noticed his face getting darker over the last few days. In fact, I've noticed all of us getting darker.

Sean walks by and smiles. I side eyed him and the corner of my lip ticks up. My eyes float over his naked body and chew the inside of my lip.

"What's that about?" Shane asks

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I mumble and straighten up.

"Ok. You ready?" He folds his arms.

"Call it."

He looks to the clearing. "SHIFT!!" He growls.

My pack shifts and the trackers do their jobs. We all follow them out, eager for our next pound of steaming flesh.

We breeze through the trees. It's like our wolves are now more in tune with the forests. Cutting through them like sharks cut the ocean. As we run, some wolves catch the odd squirrel, rabbit or mouse, eating them as we go. We're ransacking the forest and we couldn't care less.

We approach a pasture and see something that has us all drooling. A herd of deer.

We crash through pasture like starving animals. The deer take off. Normal wolves would be left behind, but we're shifters. The deer didn't stand a chance. They don't get very far before we have them circled. The bucks stab at us with their rack of sharp antlers. Fawns cower under their mothers. The mothers scream and but their heads at the snapping jaws.

We descend on them like one giant monster. Blood and fur fly as the circle tightens and the wolves devour their way to the center of it.

The stags didn't leave this earth without some revenge.

Three of the kids, Mike, Taylor and Whitney, took horns to the ribs. Bleeding, they shift, holding their wounds.

Shane and I look them over. Two had broken ribs and one had a punctured lung. Whitney wasn't looking good.

Shane looked up at me. "What do we do?"

"They'll heal, but it'll be a few days." I look at the hurt faces. "There's a search party behind us about a day or so behind. Leave them."

Shane stands up. "Sarah, we can't just..."

I bend down to the three. "You'll get help, you just have to wait here for it. Ok?"

They nod. I smile. "You did good. There's enough food here for that time and there's a creek back that way for water. Once healed, come find us."

Again, they nod. I get up and start walking. Shane's jogs to catch up. "Sarah, what's wrong with you? We would never..."

I spin around and glare my dark eyes at him. "We can't afford the dead weight, Ok. If you want to stay with them, fine. But this pack has to be strong. We can't have the injured slowing us down."

His eyes study my face. "Sarah, you're scaring me."

"Get over it." I turn to the pack. "SHIFT!!"

I shift and start running. After a couple of beats, I look over and Shane's right beside me, running at the head of the pack.

We share a glance and our blonde wolves bear down, running fast back into the trees.

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