The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 32

(Chapter song ‘Roots' by In This Moment)


I run my fingers through my hair and scrub a hand down my face as I stand in dread. I look to the handle on the door, not wanting to grab it.

I grew up in the shadow of this asshole.

River and his parents always sat on their high horses. Taking fake ass pity on the smaller packs while Damian spent years trying to influence the Alpha council to take them over under the guise of Alliance security. White Rock was built on the destruction of some smaller, earlier packs.

At least Torrent was honest. He wore his evil shit like a banner on his chest. Damian is a crafty son of bitch who uses political influence to take over packs. He won’t be getting mine.

I can’t blame River, really. His dad’s head is so big, it makes the moon look small. That apparently rubbed off on his only son. The Blake’s have been milking Torrents death for all it’s worth. Unfortunately, River and Anna are sucked right up in the celebrity and now they’re riding the power high. Sooner or later, someone’s going to knock River right on his ass.

I hesitantly raise my hand and rap on the wooden door.

"Come." I hear from inside.

Before I open it, I sneer at the gold name plate with black writing. ‘Alpha Blake, Operations Leader'

I scoff and turn the knob. I can't believe I have to take orders from this douche.

He’s sitting at an oversized desk. He's wearing a designer suit. Apparently, he’s too good for the military uniform.

"Beta Duke. I was expecting you. Please. Sit." He motions to a chair in front of his desk. “I’m sorry, I’ll have to make this quick. I have a council meeting this afternoon.”

“Right. Council Alpha and local celebrity.” I side eye him as I saunter into the room.

I look around the large office. The huge conference table. The book shelves. The carved oak desk. Can he be any more narcissistic?

“A little more than local, but who’s counting.” He shrugs.

“Right.” I mumble.

I move in front of the oak arm chair across from him and sink into it. I glance at the expensive artwork and unnecessary knick knacks on the shelves.

"Admiring the office, huh? My dad helped. Honestly, it's a bit much for my taste." He grins as he sits back and puts his hands behind his head.

"Seems fitting." I fake a smile.

"So. Jay. How are you? It's been a while. We haven't had time to catch up. I've been so busy running my pack, the council and of course, Anna. Man, she drives me crazy. I swear." He chuckles. "Drink?"

I can feel the vein in my neck throb as my jaw ticks. I swear this office is way too small for this guy's fucking head. "Please." I fake another smile.

He brings me a glass of whiskey. "So, how's things? How are you adjusting?"

He leans on his desk in front of me and raises his glass.

"It could be better." I down my glass and put it on his desk.

"Right. Jayson, I'm sorry, man. But, you know we don't want to do this. You have to know Black Lake is a weakness in the area. Today, it's rogues. Next, it’s Dragons. It's a soft target we can't have." Just before he takes a sip, I swear I saw a grin behind the glass.

"Yeah. It's not like it's full of actual people or anything." I lean my elbow on the arm of my chair and rest my temple on my fingertips.

He sets his glass down. "Jay, the council plans to take good care of your pack. Each and every one will have a choice as to where they want to go. Every town is open to new members. We won't judge any refugee."

I narrow my eyes. "River, we both know you wouldn’t just fold if it was your pack."

He presses his lips together. "Point taken. Jayson, I realize over the years, we haven't done much for Black Lake, but here's your chance to make your people happy and safe. You got to be Ok with that."

"I am." I sit up. "But if you expect me to just roll over and let you rub my belly, you have another thing coming. For however long, Black Lake is still mine to command and I refuse to sign over anything that says different." I sit back and lay down my Alpha Son as thick as I can. Unfortunately, it won’t affect him much since he’s a full Alpha now, but it will show him the last thing I am is scared. No. I’m pissed off.

He shakes his head. "I'm afraid I already did. Force you onto your back that is." He walks around his desk and pulls out a yellow file. He tosses it on his desk and points to it. "From the council. I'm presenting it today."

My brows cinch and my gut feels sick. I slowly pick up the file and open it.

Inside is a single sheet of paper and I feel like puking.

'Transfer of all land and property within the territory lines of Black Lake to the Alliance of Falcon Ridge.

Ownership to be determined and divided among the territories of White Rock, Red Rock and Falcon Ridge.

All powers of the Alpha will be dissolved and each pack member will be given new Alpha blood transfers effective immediately.

Any members refusing to join one of the three packs mentioned after Black Lake is dissolved, will be revoked Alliance privileges and protection.

All powers and treaties pertaining to Black Lake are to be deemed null and void effective immediately. "

My brow sweats. My chest heats. My hands shake. I roll my eyes up to River and my hands almost crush the paper. "What the actual fuck?!" My eyes shoot daggers at him.

I hold the paper up to him. "This can’t be real.” I growl.

River leans his elbow on his desk and props his cheek up with his knuckles. "Look at the signature." He motions with his chin.

I turn the paper around and my eyes float to the bottom of the page. "Alpha Edward Duke"

"No!" I lay the paper inside, close the file and with fury, I toss it at his head. It hits his chest as he tries to catch it and it spills all over his desk.

My wolf is raging at the thought of losing his pack control. This is the biggest insult to a shifter.

I lean on my knees, stare into the abyss of his office as my laced fingers cover my lips. I’m thinking of how many ways I can spill his blood right now.

"This doesn't have to be the end, Jay. Eventually, once you establish a territory that’s secure, you can put in for a pack relocation. I’m sure the Alliance will allow it." He says quietly.

"Relocate?" I glare at him. "You took my fucking pack! You took my fucking home!" I shoot up out of my chair and lean on his desk. "You fucking destroyed me and now you want to fucking help?!"

He drops his arm. "Stand down, Jay. I'm still your superior."

I put my hand on my hip and ran a hand through my hair as I laugh sarcastically. "Yeah. You took that from me, too."

I turn from his desk and walk into the room.

I sharply face him. "You fucking love this, don't you? The whole time, growing up. You were always so fucking smug. Always showing off to the poor kids from the nothing town. Well, congrats. You wound up on top."

"Jay. You're a friend. I didn't do this to hurt you. You knew for years your pack was just circling the drain. Isn't it time you give your people the respectful life they deserve? Come on. You know this is right. You still an Alpha. You can rebuild another pack and we will help you every step of the way. You can form it any way you want, just with more of our input and resources." He motions his hands out and leans back in his chair.

"I can't fucking believe this." I pace his office.

My thoughts of murder are interrupted by Rivers desk phone ringing. "Diane... Yes, of course. Patch her through." He covers the phone. "It's my Luna." He grins and winks at me as I narrow my eyes and cross my arms. "Hey, baby girl. I miss you."

Sure. Rub you’re Luna in my face, too. Fucking dick.

He sits up with a concerned look on his face. "What? How long?... All of them? Every single one… Ok... We'll get our trackers out there...Don't worry. Anna, don't worry. We'll find them....They’re kids. How far could they have gotten…”

My ears perk up and I step to his desk. "Kids? My kids? What happened? What happened to my fucking kids?" I lean my hands on his desk then punch the top of it.

He holds a hand up to me and I sneer at him. "Anna, baby. Calm down, Ok. We'll get them back… Yes… Just sit tight… I love you." He slowly hangs up and stares at his phone.

"River, what happened to my kids?!" I demand.

He stabs his fingers through his medium length black hair. "They're gone." He utters quietly.

"What? What do you mean gone? All of them?" I search for his eyes as concern and a little fear fills me.

He raises his eyes to me. "Yes. All 100 kids were gone before morning. So far, there's been no trace on the property. We have no idea how they got out. It's suspected they tampered with the security."

I punch his desk again. "Fuck, Sarah." I turn placing my hand on my forehead.

"Sarah. Who's Sarah?"

I turned back as I give a half laugh. I shake my head and toss my arms out. "Of course. I knew she wouldn't sit back."

I flop in the seat and lean on the arm, rubbing my forehead as I think about what I’m going to do to that little girl when I see her. My head feels like it’s about to explode at the thought of Sarah and my kids off somewhere across the country.


I sigh and adjust myself in the seat. "Sarah Reynolds. My girlfriend and the biggest pain in the ass in the goddamn Alliance. This has her written all over it."

"This is your girlfriend?" River arches a brow.

I lean my head on fingers again and chuckle. "If I don't kill her first, yes."

"What's she doing, Jay?" He questions.

"Honestly, I have no clue, but whatever it is, she managed to get a hundred kids to follow her." I chew my cheek as I sit helpless to stop Sarah from the fucking Mount Everest of bad ideas.

He sits back and plays with his pen. "Sounds like an army."

His words hit my brain and then fear shot through me. My brows shoot up and I jump from my chair. "No. No. No. Shit, No.”

River tilts his head and looks at me curiously.

I stride to his desk and point to him. “Tell me you have a map of the Alliance."

He pulls out a map and unfolds it across his desk.

I spin the map to face me and look it over. "Baby, what are doing?" I ask myself out loud.

I grab his pen from his fingers and he scowls at me. I completely ignore him and try to remember my pack meetings. "Ok. Our last known Intel on the rogue packs said that they were seen here... here... here, here and... here.”

I circle the locations of the rogues as I get into Sarah’s head.

I point to Caledon and meet Rivers eyes. “The Northeast corner of the property is almost impossible to get cameras in so, that's their exit point. There's a cave just outside the security fences which is a perfect place to stash supplies. If they managed to down the fence, and if I know Sarah like I think I do, she's leading these kids to intercept the first rogue pack... here." I point to the map.

River looks totally confused. "How do you know this?"

I throw his pen down, lean my hands on his desk and jut my chin out. "It was my fucking plan. Sarah's initiating it."

A look of confused shock fills his face. “That’s crazy. They have to know how dangerous that is."

“That's Sarah Reynolds. Outspoken, completely insane and thinks she’s fucking invincible.” I growl.

I lean a little closer and tilt my head to the side. "And now, you’ve ripped her family out of the only home she ever knew and destroyed it.”

“You took her from me.” I grit as I point to my chest. “The only man, besides her father, she's ever loved.”

I shake my head at River, feeling sorry for him for landing on Sarah’s hit list. “Sorry, buddy. You've unleashed the Terror of Black Lake. Anything that happens now, is on you." I smirk at him as his eyes widen.

"The Terror of Black Lake." He mutters then looks at the map.

"Oh, yeah.” I whisper in a cautious tone. “You think Anna drives you crazy? Wait until you see what an 18-year-old, hot headed, blonde with nothing to lose, can do."

His mouth shrinks as he absorbs my words. "What do we do?"

I stand up, wrap an arm around myself and rub my chin as I think. "Depending on when they left, we might be already too late. They're too far out."

I flop my arm to the side then cross them. “We've trained them to be ghosts. We've trained them to be fast and man, they're fast. They can shift on a dime, there's no terrain they can't cross and all of them have the conviction of teens on a mission. We're looking at a literal wall of teenage angst. It won't be easy now that it's in motion."

River rises from his chair. "You don't think the Mission Unit can stop them?"

I nod as I consider. I know they’d probably stop for me, but the Alliance is the enemy, too. "You can try, but if you know anything about teenagers, they don't listen too well and it wouldn't look very good for the Alliance to mow down a bunch of kids from its own packs."

"Well, we can't just leave them out there." River motions a hand out.

I shake my head then lean my hands on his desk. I stare him in the eyes and tilt my head. "No. We intercept them. Help them. They have a plan, Blake. It's a damn good one. We hit them first and take out the packs before they can join up instead of waiting for them to come to us."

River folds his arms and nods. "Ok. We'll mobilize a search team. One that's equipped to fight. We'll try and stop them first, but if it doesn't work then we'll assist, but our main mission is to get these kids safe."

"I want to be on that team." I glare at him

He shakes his head. "No. Special Ops only. Your orders are to report to Black Lake."

"Damn it, River! My girl’s out there!" I yell at him as I hit his desk then point out to the room.

He holds a hand up. "And we will bring her back safe. We need you somewhere else."

He mirrors my posture as he delivers his stern warning. “You are a soldier first. I get this girl is special, but you have a job to do. Unless you want to be brought up on charges for insubordination, I suggest you stand down and follow orders.”

I hang my head and shake it before I raise my eyes to him. "If you so much as hurt a hair on her head, I'm coming after you, River. There will be nowhere you can run. Sarah may be crazy, but I’m fucking psychotic. Remember that.”

“Is that a threat?” River snarls.

“That’s a goddamn promise.” I give him one last look and push off his desk.

As I walk out, I curse Sarah’s very existence for making the dumbest mistake ever.

When I get my hands on her, I’m going to shove my tongue down her throat and drown in her kiss…

Then I’m going to punish the shit out of her.


I walk down the hall, stop at a window and look out to the trees across from the building.

Sarah's out there hunting an animal she has no business fighting and I can't get near her.

My anger and fear builds.

My guilt for leaving her floods every inch of my body.

My fury for allowing her home to be destroyed makes my skin burn red hot.

My wolf rises and starts to rage out as I put my forehead on the window and close my eyes.

Images of Sarah having to fight for her life run through my mind. I swallow as terror fills me.

My mind fills with blood, flesh and murder knowing I can't be there to save her.

My face heats, my teeth grit and my hand balls into a fist.

From the pit of my stomach, my wolf rips, tears and shreds at me.

A deep growl builds. It grows louder and louder as I fight the immense emotional build up.

My fist raises to my side as my growl starts to shake the walls and the floor.

With my wolf pushing on me, I let it all out in a tidal wave of emotional pain.

My fist goes through the floor length pane of glass with my head still on it. My roaring Alpha growl fills the hallway as the glass shatters and large pieces barely miss my head. The window explodes into shards out onto the glass and floor.

I stand there, not daring to move as I try to contain the beast who wants to tear through those trees to find our girl.

When I finally contain him, I turn to see people stopped in their tracks and staring at me. I eye them as shock fills their faces. Some even bow, showing their necks because I'm sure I'm reeking of Alpha right now.

I feel blood and look down at my hand. It’s shaking bad and my knuckles are cut. I look to the glass. Shatter proof, apparently not.

I ball it back into a fist and drop it down to my side. My mouth is small and my eyes, pained. I don't say a word as I start walking down the hallway with their eyes following me.

I get to my room and unlock my door. Terrible scenarios are bombarding my mind as I walk in. I'm oblivious to anyone may have passed or the fact that I'm smearing and dripping blood everywhere due to the shards of glass in my knuckles.

Brad opens my door just after I close it behind me. "Jesus, Jay."

He walks over to me and grabs my arm. I glare at him and rip it out of his hand as I eye him up and down.

"What the fuck did you do?" He points to my hand and I don’t respond. I’m completely numb.

He leads me to my chair and sits me down. I stare at the floor as he searches my drawers and comes back with tweezers and a towel.

He glances at me as he holds my hand and removes the glass. Little winces cross my eyes as each piece is removed. "You going to tell me what that was all about?" He asks, tossing a shard in the garbage.

"There's an army out there and my 18-year-old girlfriend, who I can never see, is on her way to fight it with a bunch of other 18-year-old kids." I respond darkly.

Brad stops and his lips shrink. "You serious?"

I slowly turn my head to him. "And there isn't a damn thing I can do about it."

"Damn, bro. I thought my hangnail was a bad day." He hands me the towel. "I think I got it all."

I glance at him as I wipe the blood off. "Thanks."

Brad sits on my bed and leans on his thighs. "So is the Unit doing anything?"

I watch the blood disappear and my knuckles seam together. "They're searching for them, but they won't get to them before the kids get to the rogues."

I throw the towel at my hamper and it lands on the floor. "I just hope she knows what's she's doing. They're first years. Not exactly soldiers."

I sit and play with my fingers. "I can only pray I've trained them well enough to survive."

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