The Devil's Wolf

Chapter 5

"Yes, well, that was the plan," she pointed out with a grin, laying back on the carpet and holding herself up on her elbows. "I don't know about you, but I normally stay dressed unless I am intending to f-k at some point in the near future, so have at it, pretty man." She dragged her toes down his shin in invitation. "I am assuming you know what to do and don't need pointers."

He shook his head as he laughed. "You are not what I expected."

"You had expectations of me?"

"I have met both of your parents," he lowered over her so that they both lay on the carpet before the fire, its heat a contrast to the coolness of his skin against hers. "We did not get along." His lips explored her neck and chest and she arched into the touch of his lips as they closed over her nipples, his tongue stroking the tips to points, and the ends of his hair brushing her skin. "I suspect you and I will not experience the same problem."

"Mhm," she arched into his touch. "I am normally very easy to get along with."

His hand stroked between them, to the v of her legs, and with the experience of centuries, knew exactly how to touch her for the greatest reward. "Oh, f-k," she exclaimed, caught between his touch and his mouth, her fingers closing in his hair. "I have never taken a vampire to bed before, there is a lot to be said for a man with experience."

He laughed as he lifted over her, positioning himself between her legs. "We haven't been formally introduced. I am Elior Cohen," he said, before bowing down to claim her lips.

"Ashlynn," she replied when he released her mouth. "Ashlynn Grenmeyer."

"Ashlynn," he repeated, his grey eyes fixing on hers. "It is nice to meet you," his smile was lazy and wicked. He held his weight on his elbow, the muscles of his arm standing out, and adjusted against her. She lifted her hips and he chuckled. "Impatient, Ashlynn. I have to be careful, my strength... If I am careless, I could hurt you." He eased into her with a moan. "So hot. It has been a whilst since I have f-ked outside my species, I've forgotten how pleasurable that heat is." "Oh, god," she sighed as he continued to stroke into her, slow and careful, so that the sensation was strung out exquisitely between them until he was seated fully within her, their hips flush. She felt his muscles bunch beneath her hands as he pressed against her, his eyes losing focus and his pupils expanding.

He stroked out of her suddenly before plunging back into her, causing her to cry out in surprised pleasure. "Oh, yes," he moaned, repeating the rapid motion with rhythm, the slap of their flesh meeting loud. "Harder," she writhed beneath him. "So good."

"Yes," he said between his teeth and complied, the motion pushing her along the carpet, so that he lowered onto her, his body weight holding her pinned and his buttocks clenching beneath her heels as she wrapped her legs around him. There was a knock at the door.

"F-k," the red Other in his eyes flashed and he snarled. "Go the f-k away!"

"Oh, god," she gripped his hips, her body arching against his seeking more. "Don't stop."

"Elior," a woman's voice spoke. "I am sorry, but it is Raiden Grenmeyer on the phone, and you said..."

Ashlynn groaned. "Only my father would time it so perfectly."

"Tell him I need to call him back," Elior called back in response, and his grin was wicked as he withdrew and then rocked his hips back into her making her cry out. "If only he knew why," he commented, and closed his mouth over hers as he found rhythm, stealing her breath as his tongue stroked against hers.

He was gaining confidence, measuring himself against her tolerances, and lowered onto his elbows, driving his hips against her with increased force.

A werewolf or human lover would have worked up a sweat, but Elior did not, she noted as she stroked her hands over him, though the fire was beginning to warm his skin and hair. He was flawless under her touch, not a scar, freckle or mole. Born a vampire, then, she thought, rather than made one. Sure enough, there was a gold signet ring on his smallest finger.

His teeth grazed her skin several times, fighting his instinct to take blood, and his tongue stroked against her pulse point as he kissed her there, tasting her flesh. He would be curious, she knew, wanting to find out if she shared the special qualities of her mother's blood.

"F-k," he said a muscle working in the corner of his jaw as he lifted onto his hands, removing himself from temptation whilst also changing the angle of his stroke into her. She cried out, the angle bringing him just where she wanted him, and he moaned, feeling the changes within her body that proceeded her orgasm.

"Oh, yes," his eyelids sank to half-mast and the red glittered between his eyelashes as he pushed his hips against hers, seeking depth. She dug her heels into the carpet, lifting into him, working to bring her body to orgasm, and he ducked his head, dragging his tongue up her sternum, tasting the salt of her sweat.

"You taste sweet," he groaned. "I wonder if your blood holds the same power as your mother."

Her mother and father believed it did, she knew. And their number one rule was no vampires. Oops, she thought without regret.

"I don't want to discuss my mother right now," she replied, avoiding the unasked request. "Sort of the wrong topic of conversation for this moment."

He laughed and did not press it, lowering onto his elbows and seeking her mouth instead, his tongue meeting hers as his skin did. She moaned into his mouth.

"Oh, don't stop, don't..." She directed the movement of his hips with her hands and threw her head back as she came.

"F-k." His eyes closed as he followed, pressing against her hard as he forgot himself in his release. His seed was cooler, she realized, not entirely surprised, the sensation different to her previous lovers, but not unpleasant.

He lowered his face into the curve of her neck and relaxed over her. She stroked her hands up and then down his back, enjoying the feel of his skin beneath her palms, the landscape of bone and muscle narrowing into his waist. "I have to call your father back."

"Yes," she did not stop stroking his back, and he did not move. "I imagine he is a bit frantic at the moment. I haven't been in touch with them since the car accident. I haven't had the opportunity to call them."

"If he thinks you are missing, and has discovered I am here, he may think I have something to do with it."

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"Or he is calling to ask for your help, seeing as he is not here."

He chuckled. "I doubt that, very much. He does not think well of me."

"He does not like vampires in general after what happened to my mother, but of them all, he has said that he finds you tolerable." Her father wasn't alone in that, she thought. She found this vampire very tolerable, very, very tolerable. So tolerable, in fact, she would like to tolerate him again very soon.

"High praise."

"From him, it is."

"It places me in an awkward position."

"How is that?" She arched her eyebrows.

"If I admit that you are here, I will have no option but to see you safely into his hands."


"I do not want to."

"You don't want to?"

"No," he lifted and met her eyes as he stroked a lock of her hair back from her face. "I find I quite like this. Lying on a carpet before a fire, buried to the hilt within you. I want to make a habit of it. Returning you to your father would interfere with that."

She smiled. "Ah, but politics."

"Yes, politics," he stroked his tongue over her bottom lip. "I want to taste you."

"I know," she admitted. "But we both know why that is unwise. Politics."

"Hmm." He leaned on his elbow. "I had a discussion once with an enemy over his obsession with your mother, and he told me that he just knew that she was his. I did not understand at the time what he meant. I do now." "Vampires don't have mates."

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

"That is a fallacy," he replied. "We just don't call it that. We bond, through the exchange of blood between vampires."

"But only between vampires."

"We can only procreate with our own kind."

"Handy because we didn't use protection, and I am not on a contraception," she pointed out practically.

He smiled. "So how are we to resolve this problem, Ashlynn?"

"I have to return to pack lands," she sighed heavily and sifted his hand through her fingers, the fine stranded slip of it like silk. "I don't want to, but I need to work out how the Wingless, if they were the Wingless, found me and find a solution to that problem before I can leave again."

"I can keep you just as safe as the pack can."

"Elior," she laughed it out. "I have no wish to become a part of your harem of blood slaves." She had heard, in depth about the vampires' harems. Her mother had spent two weeks in Lucian's before she had escaped. Her mother still had nightmares of that time, and it was not uncommon to find her parents in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning, having tea whilst Cecelia recovered from her fear sufficiently to return to sleep.

"I don't keep a harem," he began to move against her again.

"Well, well," she murmured with a smirk. "Someone is quick on the reload."

His grin was brilliant. He was more confident this time, taking her with a speed and force that stole her breath and had her sobbing out her moans as her body arced in orgasm twice before he came again, laughing as he did so. "Oh, my god," she groaned. "You will ruin me for Other species."

"Vampires do have an advantage in the bedroom," he replied smugly. "We may not be able to shift, but we can move faster than werewolves."

"Who knew that a quick f-k could literally mean speed?" She replied.

"We need to call your father back." He lifted off her and walked magnificently bare across the room, to where a landline phone rested on a table. He dialed from memory and waited for it to ring as he brought the cordless over to where she lay.

"Raiden," he greeted and paused, rolling his eyes. "I was busy, my apologies. I have someone for you to talk to."

He held the phone out to her. She pulled a face and put it to her ear. "Hi dad."

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