The Devil's Wolf

Chapter 37

She woke to Elior leaning over her, stroking her hair back out of her face.

For a moment, she thought she dreamed, reaching up until her palm touched his skin, feeling the faint bite of stubble, and then she cried out, pulling him to her, her fingers tangling in his hair and dragging it out of the band that held it at his nape so that its silk fell down around them both.

"How is that you are here?" She released him, yanking at the tie that held his collar closed, until its knot gave to her, allowing her to tear at the shirt below, buttons popping free and ricocheting across the room. She devoured his skin as one desperate for its taste, dragging her tongue along his collar bones and closing her teeth on his flesh with a growl.

"F-k, Ashlyyn," he caught her hands by the wrists, laughing. "Cael decided that your mother needed to be here to help your father's warlock with the shield and opened a portal to transport us. Ease up a little, my mate, before you shred your father's clothing entirely."

"Get it off you," she demanded not at all discouraged from her desire to make him naked. "And get you on me."

He released her wrists and stood to undress, his loose hair falling over his face, revealing inch by delectable inch of skin and muscle as he removed the remains of his borrowed shirt and draped it over the bedside table, his movements seeming in no hurry, although she could tell from the sideways glance he sent her and the way that he tented the fabric of his trousers that he was not as unaffected as he pretended to be.

"Oh, f-k, you are pretty. Come here." She stripped off the borrowed sweats, throwing back the covers and pulling him in as soon as he was free of his trousers.

He half fell against her, his laughter ringing out in surprise. "Your strength has increased with your manifestation of your wings."

"That is not all that has increased," she pulled his mouth back to hers, and moaned against his tongue as he filled her. "Oh, yes," her eyes went to half-mast. "Oh, yes, that is exactly where I want you, my vampire," she purred, gripping him close to her.

He used the sharp points of his teeth to graze her lips, drawing just a taste of her blood and immediately soothing the wound as he began to thrust. She saw his pupils dilate within the silver-grey of his eyes, reacting to the potency of her blood.

"How convenient," he murmured with a smile. "As it is exactly where I want to be."

She wrapped her legs around him, pulling his hips flush to hers, forcing him to stay close and stroked his hair back from his face. "So pretty," she kissed each of his eyes and then his mouth. "And mine."

"Mine too," Cael filled the bedroom doorway. "Looks like fun." He was eating takeaway chicken and leaned his shoulder against the door frame grinning, watching with blatant enjoyment as his mates f-ked on the bed.

"You are welcome to join us," Elior offered, glancing over his shoulder before nudging his way beneath Ashlynn's jaw and sinking his teeth into the vein there. He drank and f-ked, groaning wetly, his thrusts setting the bed to groaning in complaint, the mattress beneath Ashlynn giving until she thought he would drive her into its fabric.

"I am happy watching," Cael replied licking his fingers. "For the time being."

Ashlynn gripped Elior's shoulders, entranced by the sensation of his body against hers. "Your bite is very gentle really in comparison to other vampires," she breathed it out as he drew deeply from her. "It is sort of nice once you get used to it." She felt the stroke of his tongue as he sealed the wounds.

"I could be jealous and complain about you sharing with others," he remarked, moving his hips against her grip with enough force that the air was pushed from her lungs. "But I understand it was extenuating circumstances."

"Mmph," she found his mouth, tasting her blood on his lips, and chased the flavor of it on his tongue. She wondered how it tasted to him, to her it was simply salt and metal, nothing remarkable, and certainly not a flavor to inspire the desire he seemed to have for it.

Elior picked up speed, driving his body hard against hers, and she clung, caught by her building orgasm, her head thrown back, as it overtook her. She felt him groan as he followed her, and then the mattress depressed as Cael slid in next to her, his skin coming up against them both. He had stripped off his clothing on his way across the room, leaving it scattered on the floor like fallen leaves.

"My turn," the devil prodded the vampire who had collapsed over her. "Unless you are volunteering."

"F-k," Elior rolled to the side, and lay, his eyes closed. "Stoned, hey?" She nudged him with her knee.

"Mmm," his hand found hers, his fingers intertwining.

Cael positioned himself over her, and his lips, meeting hers, tasted of the chicken he had just eaten. Now that, she thought as she returned his kiss and he pushed into her, his entry deliberately slow, his eyes on hers wicked and his grin mischievous.

"Where did you get the food?" She asked.

"I was hungry when I woke, and there was no food in Elior's kitchen, so I flew out for takeaway. And then it occurred to me, that I should fetch your mother to help your dog-father's pet warlock as we discussed earlier. I brought our vampire and his slaves back as well, as I thought you would like that," Cael was smugly pleased with himself. He withdrew. "Roll over."

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She released Elior's hand in order to comply and moaned as Cael curved over her back, his skin against hers hot whereas Elior's barely passed for warm. Thinking of the vampire, she turned her head, and found Elior watching, his hand wrapped around himself and his pupils eclipsing the grey in his eyes.

"Stoned and horny," she commented with a fond grin.

Elior was unrepentant, smirking as he stroked into his hand.

"This is how my people prefer to f-k," Cael said near her ear, his skin against hers blissful, and his arm curving around her stomach pushing her towards another orgasm. "With wings, this works best."

"Oh, it works very well," she agreed breathlessly.

His chuckle was evil, and he leaned back abruptly, seizing her hips and increasing the force of his thrusts into her, until, even with the strength Elior told her she now possessed, her arms wanted to give beneath him. His wings spread, striking the air, working as an extension of his body to aid his motion, tossing the edges of the sheet and causing the strands of her hair to dance over her face.

Elior laughed drunkenly, his hair stirring under the current of air Cael's wings generated. "Now that is new. And I had thought, after so many centuries, there was nothing that could surprise me in the bedroom anymore."

"Oh, f-k," Ashlynn bit the pillow through her orgasm, smothering her cries into the feather filled sack. Cael cried out as he followed, his breathing heavy as he sank over her.

"Move," Elior told the devil, and laid himself over her prone form, his teeth returning to the curve of her throat as he pressed into her again. She moaned against the pillow, as he rocked against her and drank deeply.

"I am sorry," he murmured as he stroked the wounds closed with his tongue.

"I am not complaining." She was aware of Cael leaving the room and returning with more takeaway to watch from the door as the intoxicated vampire had his way with her.

On the fifth round, when Elior drank longer than previously, she realized that the ravishment was not without purpose. She stroked her fingers through the fine silken strands of Elior's hair, his body heavy over her, and warmed by her blood and his f-king.

"What has happened? Cael didn't just decide to go out for take-away and picked up you on his way back. Nor is this a happy-to-see-you f-k. You are dosing yourself on my blood in preparation for a fight."

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

"You are right. Diplomacy has failed," Elior said into the curve of her neck. "Nearly every country in the world is now systematically targeting vampires, rounding us up like cattle, forcing us into our strongholds. They mean to end us. I have no choice but to use our military forces before they are successful."

"Shit." It was ice in her heart. She turned her head to look at Cael.

The devil shrugged and licked his fingers. "The humans will lose, we will live. I brought more chicken if our vampire is done f-king you."

"I am starving," Ashlynn admitted. It seemed like such a trivial concern in light of Elior's revelation, but after his taking her blood, she knew she needed to eat in order to recover her strength. Cael slid off the bed, walking naked and completely uninhibited in his skin, out of the room.

"I am sorry, Elior," she said to her vampire lover. "I know you worked very hard to avoid this happening."

"Thank you, Ashlynn," he paused, his hand stroking her skin. "I am not disappointed with the outcome. I always knew that there was a likelihood that it would come to this which is why I prepared the military force. I cannot say that I think it is entirely a bad thing that we now have no choice but to use it. The vampires could not stand between humans and the Other world forever more, the situation was going to come to a head sooner or later. Now, hopefully the Other world will step forward to aid us and not leave us to fight alone."

Elior rolled off to the side as Cael returned to the bed, carrying two boxes of chicken, and she sat against the bed head, shoulder to shoulder with one lover with the other laid out on her other side, and tore into the chicken.

"My wings are gone," she realized as the edge of her hunger was sated.

"It is not unusual for them to retract during sleep in juveniles," Cael smirked.

"I am not a juvenile," she bumped her shoulder against his.

"You have the equivalent experience," he corrected archly.

"A man with chicken between his teeth shouldn't be so smugly superior," she teased him.

"F-k," Elior laughed. He lay on his back, his eyes closed.

"Intoxicated," Ashlynn snickered.

"Yes," Elior agreed. "Which makes this situation even more humorous. If you had told me a week ago that I would be lying in this bed, with two mates eating chicken and discussing their wings, whilst I was stoned from blood from a new font, and the world imploded around us, I would have thought your mind addled."

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