The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 1778

Chapter 1778
It finally dawned on Lil liana just how serious the situation was when she heard what Sherlyn said.
"Sherlyn, I'm going home right now. Make sure your father doesn't meet those women before then, okay?"
Sherlyn nodded. "Don't worry, Mom. I know what to do."
After hanging up on her mother, Sherlyn called her father.
Marvin was out fishing, and he finally got a catch when his ringing phone scared the fish away.
"Why are you calling me?" he said irritatedly into the phone. "You scared all the fish away!"
Sherlyn had been depending on Marvin ever since she could not get a job. He did not dote on her like he used to, so she was naturally humble toward him.
"Dad, I'm just calling to ask when you'll be back."
Marvin scoffed and said, "I was going to stay out here for some time, but you ruined the mood for me, so I'm going home now! Tell your mother I expect a pork roast to be waiting on the table for me when I get home!"
Sherlyn immediately started panicking when she heard Marvin would be home soon.
"Uh... Maybe you should continue to fish for a while, Dad. The weather is so nice, you know? Plus, Mom's out too, so she won't be able to make pork roast for you."
She could not let Marvin go home. Otherwise, he would have run into the two women outside her home.
"What is your mother doing outside? Well, can't you cook the pork roast? It's not like you're doing anything anyway. All you do is spend my money, so you better learn how to cook! If not, what's the point of keeping a good-for- nothing daughter like you?" reprimanded Marvin.
"Dad... You know I can't cook. The smoke and grease is really bad for my skin. I won't look good on the movie screen if my skin gets old and wrinkly, " replied Sherlyn pitifully.
"Huh! Do you really think you can still be in the movies? No movie director wants to hire you anymore! I can't believe you still think you're a star. You should learn other skills instead of slathering all those lotions on your face. I'm warning you: If you can't find a job by the end of this month, you and your mother can pack up your bags and leave! I'm not going to keep spending money on you useless people!"
Sherlyn really panicked then. She was really afraid that her father would throw her and her mother out of the house.
Even though Marvin was not super rich, he had some properties left by his father. The rent alone could guarantee the entire family an easy life.
Sherlyn was hoping to inherit those properties after her father's passing. Thus, she would never want to leave home.
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"Dad, how can you say that about
me? It's not like I'm not getting a job on purpose. You know I've been be you
going to casting calls every day. It takes time to get a movie role! I'm confident that one day, a director is going to hire me!" The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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This made Marvin even more
annoyed. "You need to wake up to the
fact that no movie director ever
wants to hire you anymore! Or have
you forgotten that you crossed Corinne? She's married into the
Holden family, and you know how powerful that family is! She only needs to have a word with all the movie directors to have them never sign you on! I highly suggest that you face the reality and get some other run-of-the-mill job instead." The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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Sherlyn could not help but get angry
at what Marvin said. Even at this
moment, she still felt Corinne had stolen what should have been hers in the first place. She was dead sure Jeremy meant to marry her instead of Corinne. 2 The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
'That d*mn Corinne! Not only did she steal my life, but she's using the Holden family to kill off my career. Why won't she just drop dead?!'

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