The Daughters of Merlin

Chapter 33: The Prince

Two years passed by and whenever Viktor wasn’t away on his studies, he often came and spent time with Adrian and his uncle Dyke. Adrian had told Viktor that he would wait as long as he had to as long as Viktor promised to stay true to the Prince, to which he did.

Tiberius on the other hand, seemed to not want a long term courtship, let alone marriage, though he was often seen with a girl in town or bringing her to the palace though it was rarely ever the same girl as the day before.

Grace rounded the corner of the hall to see Tiberius pull a girl into his room before closing the door behind them. Grace sighed. That was the third girl that he had brought to the palace that week alone.

Grace walked down the hall and to her son’s room. Without so much as a knock, Grace opened the door and wasn’t surprised to see that Tiberius had already taken off his shirt and was in the midst of pulling the girl’s dress down. Tiberius had the girl pinned to the bed as he kissed her chest, her eyes closed and hands tangled in his hair.

“Tiberius Arthur.” Grace said, her eyes slightly narrowed though her tone was calm, with a slight edge to it.

The girl gasped in surprise when she saw the Queen. She pulled her dress up as Tiberius turned to look at her, also surprised. “Mother!”

Grace ignored him for the moment, looking at the girl. “I suggest you leave.”

“Yes, My lady. I’m so sorry.” She said, bowing her head to the Queen as she held her dress as she ran from the room.

Tiberius groaned as he sat on the edge of the bed. “You allow Adrian and Viktor to be in his room alone.” Tiberius complained before his mother could say anything.

“Adrian is officially courting Viktor and has been doing so for two years now. And, besides, at least he hasn’t gotten a princess pregnant!” Grace said, raising her voice as she said that last part.

Tiberius’s eyes widened as he looked at his mother. “What?! Who?”

“You know, I must say I’m very disappointed in you. I thought we raised you better than this, so, maybe it’s my fault.” Grace sighed, shaking her head as she picked his shirt from off of the floor. “I’ve been turning a blind eye, thinking it would just be a phase. After all, Virgil, Zana, Merlin, Arthur, nor I ever acted like this. But clearly it can’t be ignored anymore. Alita will be here within a fortnight. You have until then to figure out what you’re going to do and whether or not you are going to take some responsibility for your actions. I suggest you choose wisely.”

Grace handed him his shirt before leaving the room and the Prince to his thoughts.

Tiberius stood at the bottom of the palace steps, waiting for the Princess Alita to arrive. As he did so, he nervously fiddled with the sleeves of his suit.

“I never thought I’d see the day when you would be nervous to meet a girl.” Adrian said, smiling as he walked down the steps to stand next to his brother.

Tiberius shook his head, running his hand through his hair. “How did I get myself into this mess?”

“One of the joys of liking guys is that I don’t have to deal with this so I don’t really know what to tell you.” Adrian replied, shrugging.

Tiberius smiled at his twin teasingly. “Some help you are.”

Before Adrian could say anything else, they were interrupted by the sound of horses trotting in their direction, pulling a carriage, not stopping until they were in front of the palace’s front steps. Adrian sent his brother a wink before going to open up the carriage’s door.

Tiberius’s eyes widened slightly as he looked upon the Princess, remembering now why he had been interested in her in the first place. Alita was truly beautiful, with long wavy blonde hair the color of sunshine and hazel colored eyes. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that hugged her figure, accentuating the small bump that had begun to form in her belly, though clearly she wasn’t too far along.

Alita grabbed Tiberius’s outstretched hand, allowing him to help her down from the carriage.

“So much for a one night stand.” Alita said, smiling at Tiberius.

“Oh, something tells me you and I are going to get along great.” Adrian said, coming to stand on the other side of Alita, smiling first at his brother then at Alita.

Tiberius rolled his eyes. “Alita, this is Adrian, my annoying younger twin.”

“Correction, sometimes I can be annoying. Also, I may be younger but I’m more powerful. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess.” Adrian said, taking her hand and exaggeratedly kissed the back of it.

This caused Alita to laugh. “The pleasure is all mine.” She said with an equally exaggerated wink.

Alita stayed in Camelot for a month when Tiberius told his parents that the two had decided they would get married after the baby was born. Alita was seven months pregnant when she and Tiberius finally settled on a name. Virgil, Grace, Zana, Valia, Adrian, Tiberius, and Alita were all sitting down having dinner when the two decided to finally tell them.

“So, Mother, Alita and I have decided on a name for our daughter.” Tiberius said.

“I told you it should be a girl. There are no guarantees though. I have been wrong before.” Zana said, sharing a look with Virgil.

“Well, if it is a girl we have decided on her name.” Alita corrected.

“You’re acting awfully strange. What is it?” Grace asked, glancing at her husband who shrugged before looking back at her eldest son.

“We’ve decided on Laria Pendragon.” Tiberius answered with a smile, glancing at Alita as he grabbed her hand before looking back at his parents.

Grace’s eyes widened, tears gathering in them as she let go of the fork in her hand, it clattering to her plate as she then covered her mouth with her hand, a tear managing to fall down her cheek.

“I did not see this coming.” Zana said, also looking at the two with wide eyes though clearly not as emotional as her sister was. She turned and looked over at Grace. “Snowflake?”

“I thought I wouldn’t see her again.” Grace said quietly, practically whispering.

“Angel.” Virgil gave her a bittersweet smile before he got out of his chair to hug Grace, Zana doing the same.

Valia, Tiberius, Adrian, and Alita all got out of their seats as well, hugging the Queen as she began to cry freely. The tears were not that of sadness however, but of joy. Grace had never felt happier nor more loved than she did in that moment, surrounded by her family.

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