The cursed Moon.

Chapter 17

Moon woke to find Zions body curled around hers, his chest rising and falling against her back. She had missed him terribly while he was gone, she had felt as if she were starving without his prencense. He alone was the only thing that would ever sustain that hunger.

Every inch of her wanted to stay here, with him. Wrapped up in him, she was safe in his arms. Once they left this room she would be preparing for danger, her security lost to the day that lay ahead. Training would begin this morning, she could no longer stay in this dream, instead she would face her reality.

As she moved to free herself from his embrace, he groaned. It appeared he felt the same way, this room was now a haven for them, their room. Moon loved that it reflected him, the cold stone walls that held beautiful works of art, down to the sturdiness of the wooden beams that held it place. His scent was heavy her, it almost made her dizzy, intoxicated by it.

“Stay.” Zion sighed as her feet landed on the floor.

“Although it is awfully tempting, and I would love nothing more, we both have responsibilities, a God to slay.” she remarked as she collected her clothing that had been tossed about the evening before.

“We have time, and if we don't we will take it.” he said as he approached, running his hands down her waist, a look of desire in his eyes.

It was her that bit her lip, she knew where this was going, time no longer mattered.

He crashed his lips onto hers with more force then usual. He had his fill of her in the hours before, yet he was still hungry for more, as was she. Moon deepend the kiss, as she moved her hands slowly from his chest to his waist. She looked at him with a pleading in her eyes, she felt him shudder under her skin in response.

He lifted her with his large sturdy hands clasped firmly under her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist, as they devoured each other. He moved to place her down on a dresser, leaning over her. His body brushing against her, hers tingled in delight.

They were feverish, desperate for each other. He couldn't hold back, when he entered her she gasped with pleasure. He was done with being gentle, he needed her, wanted her, he took her. Moon had liked the way he had gently touched her in the night, but this was euphoric. He was commanding, powerful, this did something to her. She felt like a sexual being, animalistic, like the only thing that mattered was desire.

The room filled with their combining scents, their moans, it only fuelled the fire. It was passionate, Moon was blinded with the fire of it. Zion was holding her gaze, stopping only to kiss her neck and chest. She relished in it, pushing her fingers deeper into his back, following her primal instinct. It wasn't long before they reached climax, falling against each with the release. Dazed and panting he gave her one last longing kiss before pulling away from her.

“Now we can go.” he said with a smile, pushing one a kiss onto her head.

Moon watched him collect his clothes. She was breathless but completely satisfied.


Training was grueling, Kat did not go easy on anyone. She pushed them to their limits, inflicting real, physical pain. Swinging swords, shooting arrows, teaching the women how to protect themselves from any and all attacks.

“Get up.” Kat said as she pulled Reign from the ground, having knocked her down once again.

“When will we learn to fight?” Reign asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.

“When you learn to defend. Our role is bait, we will be sitting ducks. If you do not learn how to defend yourself from an attack, you will be dead before you get the opportunity to fight….now again.” Kat said.

Reign turned her back to Kat, all the women did, who she assaulted from behind, they wouldn't know until she had struck.

Moon knew, Moon heard, saw where she would strike before her hand flew, what way she would would dodge a blow. Moon no longer read Kats mind, the memories of Zion and Kat lived there. Kat was easy to read in battle though, a predictable fighter. Defense wouldn't be an issue for Moon, and she had proven she could kill.

What Moon needed to learn was control, every moment that passed she felt her power grow. If she couldn't channel it, learn to use it then all of this would be for nothing.

“I see Kat is putting the women through their paces.” Atlas commented as he joined Moon's side.

“She is tough, yes, but so are they.” Moon felt it, their determination. They wanted to do this and not one would cave, not one would give up. She admired them greatly.

“Should you not be training too?” Moon asked as they watched on.

"Ah, like you, there is not much for me to learn. I can see attacks. My own have become more powerful, strangely so have Zions” Atlas said in a low voice.

“As has Reigns, she is easily the strongest she-wolf in the group. Training her was not a mistake” Moon added.

“Now, why do you think that is?” Atlas asked, Moon knew he already had the answer, if she knew, then Atlas knew.

“Mmm could it be that their strength, their speed, increases as we become more powerful? But you knew that already brother.” Moon answered teasingly.

“I did, I also knew that you knew. Reid is ready for us.” Atlas informed her.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Moon smiled as she followed Atlas into the woods.

Mena stood in front of the crowd of men, shifter men, nervous but determined. They had every reason not to trust her, every reason to despise her, but at their Alphas request they agreed to listen, to follow her commands.

Ronan stood on one side of her, Zion on the other. It gave her a little comfort to know that if one of the men decided to attack her, Zion would interfere. Ronan on the other hand, she wasn't so sure of.

“I know my presence here is unsettling for some of you. I know that until now, I was considered the enemy, and I will admit I was. I will carry the regret, the guilt of my actions against your kind with me always. Now know this, I have first hand knowledge of how the hunters think, how they fight. I know their strategies, there is not a single hunter's tactic that I do not know. With my help, you will know this too, with my help you will have an advantage. For if you know your enemy, and you know yourself, you need not fear battle.” Although she spoke with confidence, Mena also knew half the battle ahead of her was getting the warriors before her to trust her.

“Very rousing speech huntress, let's just see how you fear once the training begins. These men will not go easy on you, I assure you of that.” Ronan lent in whispering into her ear, the same mocking smile on his face as the evening before.

“Alpha Ronan's here has just volunteered for demonstration.” Mena grinned back at him. He was trying to break her, now it would be her that broke him.

“Shall we begin?” Mena addressed the warriors once more, as she threw a sword into Ronan's hand, lifting the one in hers.


Moon and Atlas sat in the clearing, the sun filtered in through the trees, a light breeze swarmed around them. Since shifting, everything was heightened for Moon, her hearing, her sight, even in human form she felt connected to everything around her. It had been a little overwhelming at first, but now she felt more in tune, at peace with her abilities. Reid as promised, stood in front of them, their first lesson had begun.

“You are here, with me, to learn how to use the power that has been bestowed on you. Although I was not blessed with this force first hand, my sister, your grandmother was. As her abilities grew, her mate became stronger, then myself, until it spread through every shifter in the pack. These men who are going to battle, every one of them are part of your pack now. It is your responsibility to harness your power, learn to use it, to make us all unbeatable.” Reid explained.

“There are three packs here Alpha.” Moon reminded Reid gently.

“Yes there are Moon, but in war we are fighting as one unit. We will not be separated by our packs, we share a common goal, to defeat the enemy.” Reid explained, his wisdom as an elder on full display.

“Freya had many abilities, she drew power from the elements, like you did yesterday Moon. It's instinctive, but you are capable of things you could not possibly imagine. Freya tore men apart with just her mind, if she drew enough power she could send out enough energy to send ten men flying with such a force that not one would survive. You have a few advantages over my sister, only time will tell what you are truly capable of.” Reid continued.

“What advantages?” Atlas asked with curiosity.

“First, you have the gift of knowing, a gift passed from your mothers and fathers side, that alone should make you stronger. Second, you have each other, you can draw power from one and another, all you need to do now is learn how.” Reid spoke with enthusiasm, he was excited to see the twin's abilities on display. He was here to teach them how to tap into their full potential, to him, it was a privilege.

The twins practiced their craft all day, drawing power from water, the earth, from the life around them. They started small, first channeling the energy of air into gusts of wind, shaking the trees, stirring up the dirt beneath them.

By the end of their first lesson both Moon and Atlas could raise the stones, the debris from the ground, and send it all hurtling through the trees just by exchanging earth and air energies. Exchanging power took awhile to pick up, Moon had to learn to send it without force to Atlas, Atlas had to be ready to recieve it.

Reid was impressed, he had his doubts when they began, but he now had none. They would surpass Freya's abilities in just a few days. Moon was a natural, the leader of the two. Reid could feel it, she was unlike anything he had encountered, and he found himself thankful she had found her way to the shifters, to the truth. No one who crossed her path would survive her.


The group met on the grounds after all finishing for the day. Moon, Atlas, Apollo, Zion, Reid, Ronan, Kat and Reign stood in a circle, exhausted but exhilarated.

“Only two dozen more days of this at the most, do you think we will be ready?” Apollo panted.

“The woman fought well today, I believe they will be capable of what we need of them.” Kat replied.

“As did the warriors, they are very quick learners. Ronan I never thanked you for your role in training them today.” Mena spoke with amusement.

“My role? You mean for using me as a live, moving target?” He replied.

“I agree with Mena. The men seem stronger, more focused, even faster than in their previous trainings” Zion added, ignoring the back and forth.

“And what of the magical duo?” Ronan asked Reid.

“They are right on track, ahead even. They will be ready” Reid replied, both Atlas and Moon feeling the pride that radiated off him.

“The packs will all be living together, everything they do will be as one, not three. Things may get messy tonight as they readjust so be alert, we don't need scraps within the warriors, they need to stay united” Zion added.

“I have arranged for us to all dine together tonight. We must lead by example, if we can live with one and another, they can too.” Apollo remarked, his gaze set on Ronan.

“Everyone great work today, go home, wash, change, and we shall all meet in my private dining area shortly.” Zion patted Apollo on the back as he finished up his speech.

The group disbursed, Moon following behind her mate, until she felt a tug on her arm.

“And just where do you think you are going?” Mena asked.

“To get changed.” Moon answered innocently.

“No you don't, you will get ready with Reign and I. Zion had you last night and this morning, Atlas, all day. It is my turn.” Mena said with a smile.

Moon looked at Zion, he nodded, indicating that she should go with the women, spend time with her sister, her friend. Moon gave him a light smile before being dragged towards Reigns home


“I am not sure about this Mena.” Moon said with uncertainty as she held the green silk against her frame.

“Well I am, it matches your eyes, trust me.” Mena said as she finished brushing lipstick onto Reigns mouth.

“I think it will look beautiful on you Moon.” Reign added as she pulled on her dress.

Moon looked in the mirror, already unable to recognize herself. Reign had fixed her hair, leaving much of it flowing down with a complex braid wrapped around the back of her head. Mena had applied a light amount of make-up to her face, something she had never worn before. Her eyes seemed to sparkle more, her lips a vibrant red.

“What if Zion thinks I look ridiculous?” Moon asked as she slipped into the silk.

“He won't, no man in there right mind could.” Mena assured as she fastened the back of Moon's dress and directed her back to the mirror.

Moon gasped when she caught sight of herself. The silk clung to her, hugged her figure, the sleeves delicate, transparent. It fell at her feet, a split in the material on one side, exposing her leg. Never had she seen such a dress, it was daring, simple, but she fit it so well.

“Well ladies, don't we look ravishing?” Mena exclaimed as she joined Moon in the reflection.

They did, Mena's gown of red lace, perfectly fitted on the bodice, spilling down at the waist. Her hair arranged in a purposely untidy bun on top of her head.

Reign looked angelic in her white gown. It flowed and billowed. She was the image of perfection with her hair left untouched, straight and reaching the small of her back.

“For someone who fights among men and can drink like one too, you certainly know what it is to be feminine.” Reign said teasingly to Mena.

“You will thank me later, so will your mates.” Mena replied with a wink, as she ushered Moon and Reign out the door.


Zion sat at the table with the men. Kat had not long joined them, Reid's eyes fixated on her. She had always dressed seductively, tonight was no different. Zion didn't even take a second glance when she walked in that evening, but he could strangely feel Kats eyes on him.

“Are we to wait all night for the woman?” Ronan asked with impatience.

“They are here now.” Atlas assured him as he smelt the air.

Zion straightened in his seat as Moon's scent crept into the room. Mena entering first, Reign next, then Moon.

He felt his eyes widen as he took her in. Zion had always thought her beautiful, but tonight she was more than that. Nothing he had seen before or after would ever compare. He felt his heart rate increase as she met his eyes. He swallowed a lump of desire as she moved towards him, everything about her was intoxicating.

She took her seat next to him, her head down. He could tell she was unsure of her appearance, but he was more than happy to dispel any uncertainty she may have had.

“You are the most exquisite creature I have ever laid eyes on.” he whispered.

Red flooded her cheeks as she smiled widely at him.

“And you are handsome as always.” she replied, slightly flustered.

Dinner was going well, the group laughed, the room was light, even Ronan seemed to behave.

Moon studied him while Apollo and Zion conversed. He had walls like Zion, but some thoughts slipped through, as if he couldnt hide from her. Moon could tell he wasn't used to company, he lived a life of solitude. He knew what was socially acceptable and what was not, he just didnt care. That and he liked to test the limits of others.

What she did notice was the glances he stole at Mena, he teased her yes, but teasing her commanded her attention, something he seemed to relish in. He enjoyed the rise he got from her, but then again he enjoyed any reaction he got from anyone, good or bad. Moon decided he must be lonely, he angered people into speaking to him, he found pleasant conversations a bore.

The group had just finished their meal when they heard a loud commotion downstairs. It sounded like fighting, like the battle had already begun beneath them.

They rose from their seats, rushing out the door. Once they reached the dining hall their concern turned to anger. It appeared Zion was right, the packs were having a hard time readjusting, the scene before them chaos.

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