The Curse of 1977 (Book 2)

Chapter 41

With the slightest of ease Lynnette pushed open a door and let herself inside another vacant apartment. She then shut the door
as gently as she could behind her before limping over to the first window that she could spot within the room.Outside it was pitch
black. Only the bright full moon could provide the adequate lighting she required in order to see. Lynnette could tell that they
were facing west because Downtown always led out of the city.
She could still hear the beast rummage and growl about the apartment they had just escaped. What furniture and appliances that
were still left inside the room were by then being destroyed by the thing's blind and furious attempts to search for its
nourishment.Still, Lynnette made sure to not only keep Isaiah's mouth covered but also her own in the hopes that the beast
would somehow, someway move on. But even she at that point in their madness knew better.
With her face pointed outside the window, Lynnette thought to herself, "I wonder what time it is. We couldn't have been inside
this place that long."She then gazed down at the dark ground. "If that really was the fuzz that showed up, then where in fuck is
their backup?" She asked herself while grinding her teeth back and forth.
Lynnette pulled away from the window and inhaled more thick smoke that seemed to be seeping its way down onto their floor.
She then took Isaiah, looked the boy deep in his eyes and grunted softly, "If your fucking father isn't in hell already, I'm gonna
make sure he will be when I see his black ass next time."
Isaiah only smiled back at his mother while wiping his bleary eyes. Lynnette did all she could to keep from crying out loud for the
boy's well-being. He was tired and in the beginning stages of becoming fussy, something that neither of them really could afford
right then.
"Just hang on, sweetie, God will get us out of here." She whispered into his ear.
All of the sudden, the loudest crashing noise erupted from outside the door. For a moment it sounded as if the ceiling were
caving in. Just before Lynnette could take one step forward the roars of the beast from out in the hallway blared out.
"Doggy," Isaiah shouted. "Shh, boy," Lynnette covered his mouth.
Lynnette stood, shook and listened as the creature stomped about outside. But soon she realized that something was off kilter.
First off, it possessed a keen sense of smell, it knew exactly where they were, which was exactly why it sounded as though it
were outside the door. And second, there was smoke filtering in through the bottom of the door; thick, black smoke that was
filling the room rapidly.

Lynnette placed Isaiah down onto the floor and carefully crept towards the door. She just had to examine with her own misty
eyes just what was taking place on the other side. With her right hand she touched the knob to notice it scolding hot. Quickly she
withdrew and stood back for a minute.
"If I remember correctly, all three of these buildings had elevators." She thought. "I probably missed this floor's altogether."
Covering her mouth and nose from the smoke Lynnette once more grabbed the knob and twisted before flinging the door wide
open to find not only a wall of flames before her, but also half of the ceiling lying on the floor and the beast lurking about beyond
the flames.
Lynnette's very first instinct was to scream and slam the door shut, but instead she paused and looked. Between both her and
the beast was about six or more feet, all of which had them both separated by the blaze.
The creature stood up on its two legs and roared while swiping at the flames in a furious manner trying to get at her.
"Fire, mommy," Isaiah squealed from behind.
The beast only roared all the louder at the sound of the child, but it was just as helpless as its human counterparts.
"Now I can scream as loud as I want to, motherfucker!" Lynnette bawled her lungs out before slamming the door shut and
Dragging herself over to the window Lynnette peered outside and looked down. It was a long way to the ground, jumping from a
great distance wouldn't have been wise...but then again.
"I...I think I saw the elevator out there." Lynnette said to Isaiah as she began searching all over the living room, the kitchen and
eventually the one bedroom to find a dingy, white blanket lying on the floor right next to a dead rat.
She swiped the thing from off the floor and made her way into the tiny bathroom where she opened the toilet seat and reached
inside. The second her hand connected with scant traces of something wet she quickly dipped the blanket inside in an attempt to
dampen the cloth as much as possible. It wasn't much, but what she managed to get would have to do. The blanket by then had
the stifling stench of age old, stale urine.
Lynnette hobbled back to where Isaiah was seated on the floor before she gathered the boy and wrapped both herself and him
inside the rancid blanket.

She could hear the flames outside the door crackle and spurt with such intensity that for all she knew the entire floor could have
been swallowed up by fire.
"Okay, baby, just hold on to me and don't let go." Lynnette said into Isaiah's ear. "We're gonna have to be brave and make a run
for it. It may hurt...but at least we'll be one step closer to getting out."
She couldn't see the boy's face due to it being covered in the filthy blanket, but she could definitely feel him gripping her t-shirt
which let her know that he was still coherent.
Making sure the wet portion of the blanket was to the front of them Lynnette twisted the scorching hot knob and opened the door
to see even more flames in front of her. She tried her best to see just where the beast was, but with all the flames it was hard to
pinpoint its whereabouts.
Rather than stand and wait for her blanket to dry, Lynnette braced herself and darted past the fire. The woman yelled out in
agony as she passed along the flames before making it through the clear.
Just before she reached the steps Lynnette took the steaming blanket and tossed it to the floor before looking back at the fire. A
great portion of the sixth floor had succumbed to the blaze. The elevator shaft that she needed was partially blocked by portions
of the collapsed ceiling. Isaiah coughed and hacked so much that he began losing his breath.
"Hang on, sweetheart! We'll be outta here soon!" Lynnette panicked before hearing something from behind her scratch and move
At first she figured it was the other part of the ceiling about to give way, but as she looked back there was still one apartment
door open. Out the door appeared the beast that was growling and gnashing its fangs back and forth.
The woman had seen enough. Without hesitation Lynnette took off in the opposite direction towards the opened elevator shaft
with the beast racing in behind.
Lynnette struggled to climb past and over parts of ceiling and crumbled walls in an effort to at least get inside the shaft. She
managed to wedge her way in between the broken wood and cement before falling about twelve feet down onto the top of the
stalled elevator.
Lynnette cried out in pain before looking up to see the creature looking down at both her and Isaiah roaring and howling like an
enraged animal. It was shoving debris out of its way in order to squeeze itself into the shaft.

Picking both her and her son up, Lynnette frantically threw open the elevator's top hatch before jumping inside. The car toppled
and teetered from side to side as if the cable that was holding it could snap at any time. Isaiah was a bawling mess, and she
herself was racked in pain, and still it never once crossed Lynnette's mind to ponder her next move as she stood up and tried to
open the elevator's doors.
The poison that had inflicted her earlier was still having its laborious effects. Her legs were feeble and wobbly, her eyesight was
dim and her arms still felt as if they were chained to the floor, and yet, with her child wailing out in pain and a demon on their
tails, the woman had not one notion of slowing down.
Lynnette could hear the beast above her as well as the wreckage that it was throwing down onto the car itself causing it to waver
even more. With her miniscule strength the woman took her two hands and tried to pry open the elevator door. With every roar
Lynnette fought all the harder until the door ever so gradually parted revealing that the car was stuck between two floors with
only three feet of space to the floor above.
"Isaiah, get up!" She screamed at the boy who was still lying on the floor crying. "I said get up, Isaiah!"
Lynnette used her back and two feet to keep the doors open while Isaiah rolled over and got up only to be snatched by the arm
by his mother. Lynnette then simply hoisted the child up onto the floor above them.
Then, just like that, the beast landed on top of the elevator car. Lynnette could both hear and feel the car's cable begin to give
way. She looked up to see the beast's snout protruding through the top hatch of the car.The young woman glanced up at the
floor where Isaiah landed and made the leap of faith herself. She jumped and climbed to the ledge before the door behind her
quickly slammed shut.
Lynnette then listened as the beast somehow managed to fall into the car. It ferociously pounded on the closed door while
roaring. Lynnette picked Isaiah up from off the floor before she slowly backed away. She could hear the already frayed and weak
cable that was holding the elevator twinge and snap.
The steel car banged against the stone of the corridor it was inside of before the cable itself finally snapped sending the car
crashing down.It took no more than seven seconds before it finally hit the bottom most floor of the building.
The loud collision sounded like tons of steel being crushed at a junkyard. Lynnette snuck over to the stairwell and peeked down
to see the beast that was supposedly guarding the first floor clamor and skulk about wondering just what on earth had just taken
place. The thing meandered in and out of the lobby area like a crazed and confused animal.

With Isaiah's mouth muzzled Lynnette watched and waited. There wasn't a single fiber in her body that didn't want to make a
daring escape past the creature during its rampaging tirade. But the woman thought and kept thinking. She and her son were
trapped inside a burning house of horrors; freedom had to come at a high ransom.
"Mommy, I went potty." Isaiah whimpered into his mother's chest.
Dragging back down the hallway, Lynnette muttered, "So did I, baby... so did I."

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