The Contrary Mate

Chapter 13 Conflicted


I didn't really want to talk about my family. If I let this thing with Jack go ahead, they weren't going to approve. Well, my dad would come around to it, but my mother was probably way too worried about what the other fae thought to be genuinely happy for me. And then Ash, my brother...I didn't even want to think about what he was going to say. And then the extended family was a mixed bag. Who knew about my grandparents? Even thinking about the coming loud confrontations or silent condemnations made me feel stressed out.

Most of them probably still wouldn't be super excited if I'd ended up in a relationship with some regular werewolf who lived in the forest, but this particular werewolf was on a whole other level.

My family wasn't even the real problem, either. They wouldn't make a huge deal about it, but the village would be in an uproar if I dared to bring Jack there. It would be an entire mini-scandal. My ex was going to be furious when he found out, guaranteed. Not that it was any of Rex's business, but he'd probably make his displeasure loudly known.

I could practically feel the headaches this was going to bring coming already. And the idea of facing so many negative reactions made me nervous.

"I can't change who I am, but I'll be there whatever comes," he said, watching me closely as if trying to read my mind.

He could say that, but what could he do against the fae and their opinions? My people's minds were not likely to change and they were all I had in this world. I felt discouraged. I really should have just told him this wasn't going to work and gotten it over with. If only I really wanted to, maybe I could have managed to get the words out.

"Would you like to go to join the party?" he asked. "Only if you're comfortable. I'd happily stay anywhere you want to be."

What I really should say is that I needed to go home, but instead I found myself curious to see Jack with his pack. He was clearly high status, so they way he treated other members and the way they reacted to him would be a good way to gauge his true personality when he wasn't trying to impress me.

My stomach was tied up in knots as I nodded. "I am a bit hungry."

He looked as excited as a puppy at my words. I grimaced. I wasn't doing him any favours by stringing him along with the promise of time, but I couldn't make my mouth form the words to caution him not to get his hopes up.

It would be nice if we lived in a world where he was someone else so that we could be together without any issues. If only he were a fae, then no one would object.

But no matter how much I dreaded the reaction I was going to have to endure because he wasn't a fae, he wouldn't be himself if he were. I sighed.

"What's wrong? I can get someone to bring you something from the buffet if you don't want to go in there. But you don't have to worry about the pack, I promise. We can get a bit rowdy around the full moon, but you're with me, and no one will dare harm you."

"Why? You the alpha?" I teased as I stood up, even though I knew otherwise. I wanted to ignore the way his concern for my comfort kept finding its way through my defenses. Turning him down would have been so much easier if he were an ignorant bloviating male, but he just kept being so thoughtful. All I'd have to do if I wanted to keep revelling in this care for the rest of my life would be to turn my back on everything I ever knew and live in a cold mausoleum on the city limits. I didn't like that future any more than I liked the idea of turning him down.

"No, I'm just a regular pack wolf with fighter training, although I don't get to practice as much as I used to." He held open the door for me to precede him.

"Sounds like you miss it."

"It's nice to be with the pack. Of course, I live with a lot of them, and some work at my offices, so I'm never really living the lone wolf lifestyle." He crocked a smile as I fell into step beside him, and we headed back to the hall. The music reached my ears before we even got to the main doors, although it wasn't that loud, probably in deference to the werewolves' heightened hearing.

We entered, and it didn't escape my notice that anyone who glanced in our direction looked away just as quickly. I leaned close to his cheek. "Do they know?" I whispered, hoping the sound of the music was enough to cover my voice.

"They know you're a fae, and a couple essentially know, and it's likely everyone else is assuming, but I haven't confirmed anything." His low husky words whispered across my skin and I shivered. "And I won't until you agree."

Again, my heart somersaulted. I nodded, and he offered me his arm and led me over to a table with multiple platters with a feast on them. It was a popular corner of the large hall, there were wolves switching out empty platters for full, and a dozen other people chatting loudly while piling food on their plates.

Jack passed me a plate and I looked around. There was everything from chicken and bacon to thinly sliced strips of steak, and a bunch of meats I didn't recognize and frankly revolted me, the feeling of death hanging heavy in the air. I searched around until I found a platter with cheese and crackers, and there were vegetables tucked here and there. As I moved along, I was happy to discover fruit and a bunch of desserts that thankfully appeared to be mercifully meat free, other than a couple with gelatin that I avoided.

He led me to a table, tucked away amongst other tables near the edge of the wall, with no one sitting directly next to it. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Please, just a glass of wine. No fairy juice."

He smiled. "Don't consume your own product?"

"About two would put me under the table," I admitted.

"Wouldn't want that. I like you conscious." He cast another interested look that burned at me before walking off to the bar to get me a drink. While he was gone, I tried to control my ridiculously pounding heart. I didn't know how to deal with him. I'd been attracted to Rex, but he had never affected me like this. It had to be the bond. I barely knew this werewolf.

I had only a moment to look around the room and watch the werewolves who were talking amongst themselves, acting as if there wasn't an unknown fae in their midst before Jack returned and set my drink down on the table in front of me. I took a sip of the fruity cocktail and began to eat. I snuck peeks at Jack between bites. He clearly had the appetite of a werewolf, since he'd eaten as much in one sitting as I'd eaten all day.

When we were both done, he glanced at my drink. "Want another?"

"Yes, please."

"Want the same? I'll get it for you."

"Maybe I'll come with you?"

"Your wish is my command." He winked at me.

"Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say wish," I commented. "It was a vague preference at best."

"Well, then your vague preference is my command."

I laughed. "Was it also your command that everyone pretend there wasn't a strange fae at a werewolf celebration? They must have noticed I'm here but no one's meeting my eyes."

Someone snorted behind me, clearly perfectly capable of hearing our conversation over the music and conversation all around us. Jack chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "Well, I wouldn't say commanded. More like requested? I was just trying to keep you from being swamped by an entire curious pack."

Maybe it was my first drink working its way through my bloodstream, but I was feeling reckless. I questioningly glanced back to meet the eyes of the one who had laughed. He was good looking, but nothing overly remarkable with brown hair and eyes, and a pretty woman with a baby beside him.

I met Jack's eyes. "I think I can handle basic interactions."

He nodded sheepishly. "That's Vander. He's my business partner, and the lovely werewolf beside him is his mate Kylie, and she's holding their daughter Nadia. They're here on vacation for a few weeks. This is Aura." He stopped suddenly, as if he had been about to say more.

We exchanged greetings, and Kylie shot me a knowing smile. The baby was sleeping on her shoulder with her tiny mouth hanging slightly open. Like everyone else, they'd obviously both guessed what I was to him. He was probably right that his whole pack had already guessed.

When I finally broke it off with him, poor Jack would have to endure pity from all these people and they would hate me. The thought bothered me, even though I wouldn't be around to see it. But if I didn't break it off, my people would be the ones who thought I was a traitor to everything we believed.

I was conflicted.

And in spite of that, I still felt oddly happy where I was.

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