The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Mason


Where is she? Where is she?

When I wake, the sun has already started to rise. Some- where in the back of my mind, I realize that today is the last day for me to claim my mate.

I look up into the tree, sniffing. Her scent seems more faint now. I move to the tree next to this one, jumping into the air and I smell it. She was in this tree very recently.

I yip excitedly as I begin to follow her scent to the front of the territory. When I get close, there are too many wolves moving around, trying to find her scent. They don't seem to realize that she's in the trees. I know my mate. She won't hide near them. My mate is smart, she won't put herself in a situa- tion where she could be caught easily.

As I follow the scent of where I think she went, I walk out of the forest line and begin searching the trees. The noise of the wolves gets louder and louder. Fools, they'll never hear her with all that racket going


And that's when I see her. She's in the tree, just like I knew she would be. She has made her way to the lowest branch and she is looking at something, waiting.

I take a few steps toward her, waiting for her to make her move before I give chase. My body twitches in anticipation, my muscles bunching, ready to run. I take a couple more quick steps, snarling when any wolf comes too close to me.

Just as I return my attention to her, she leaps to the ground. I'm after her in an instant, but so are others, and they are closer to her than I am.

However, where they are chasing her from behind, I am coming up on her side. She's so focused on getting to the en- trance of the territory that she doesn't even see me.

When the other two Alphas get close to her, she turns, looking at them over her shoulder and that's when I make my move. I push off with all of my strength, leaping into the air, and hitting her with enough force to sending her flying out of the way of the other Alphas.

I shift mid-air, wrapping my arms around her, burying my

face in her neck.

MINE! I scream in my head. I hear her scream just before sinking my teeth into her neck. I feel the bond kick in just as I feel her body go limp in my arms.

I twist, before we land, pulling her on top of me, so I land on the ground, and she lands on top of me. My teeth are still in her neck, but when I hit the ground, I pull them out, moving to stand over my mate as I lift my head to the sky and howl my victory. She is mine!

As I refocus, I see that the other two Alphas are still com- ing after my mate. I push her body behind me, snarling and letting my claws and canines come out. One of the wolves leaps at me and a shot rings out. The wolf yelps and falls to the ground.

The other Alpha pauses, shaking his head, trying to get out of the haze. I watch as he shifts, the red of the haze still on the edges of in my peripheral vision. I'm not completely out of

the haze either. When he stands, I see it's Alpha Luke.

He nods at me, glancing at Jara, before turning, a defeat- ed slump to his shoulders. Other wolves come running up to see if my mate has been claimed. In a moment, there are guards standing in front of me, their guns raised to the wolves. Someone shoots warning shots into the sky and that seems to help pull most of them out of the haze.

I wait until I feel the threat to Jara is gone before I turn, picking her up and begin carrying her out of the claiming ter- ritory. The guards give me a wide berth and so do the other wolves that are coming out of the haze.

As I step over the claiming entrance, Hana walks slowly toward me.

"Alpha Mason. Do you know who I am?" She asks me.

"Beta Hana." I say.

"Luna Hana." Seth, her mate, says from behind her.

I look back at her. "Luna Hana."

"Alpha, I'm going to check her." I nod, knowing that this is needed. I don't want anyone touching her, she's naked, scratched and unconscious. Hana comes up to me, pushing her hair aside. "She'll need food and sleep. I know I was exhausted when I came out of the claiming territory." She says, looking up at


I am watching the wolves coming out of the territory, making sure none of them are going to try and take what is

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mine. When I don't respond to her, Luna Hana takes my chin in her thumb and forefinger turning my head to hers, her eyes laser focused on me.

"Did you hear what I said, Alpha Mason? Your mate needs food and rest. You are responsible for her well-being now. Can I trust you to take care of her?"

I look down at this beautiful woman, this woman who is

mine forever now.

"Of course I'll take care of her. She's my mate."

"Luna Hana? Is the marking legitimate?" Elder Jason asks.

Hana looks back down at Jara, pushing her hair aside. "Yes, Elder Jason. The mark was made in human form. It is a

valid claim."

"Alpha Mason, when you have taken care of your mate and completed the bond, I'd like to speak with you."

I nod, turning to follow Hana back to the female's hous- ing.

When we get there, I take her to her room. I remove the disgusting shirt she's wearing and while I know she'll want a shower when she wakes up, I put a clean shirt on her for now. It will have to do until she's awake.

"I'll send some food and water up for you." Hana says, walking to the door.

"She almost did it. She almost walked out of there without a mark on her." 55 99%

Hana smiles, looking at Jara. "She'll be mad that she didn't

get marked on her terms, but she'll be happy that it's you that caught her."

"I can't believe she's mine."

"It's been a week since Seth caught me and I still feel that way." She looks at me. "I'll send a doctor up. Do I need to come back up or are you going to let them look at her."

I can't help the low growl at another male touching my mate. I'm newly mated, our bond isn't complete, she's practi- cally naked and unconscious.

"Okay, I'll come back up then."

I nod, knowing it's useless to argue.

When the medic comes, I learn that Jara has some scrapes and scratches, mostly on her feet and legs, but noth- ing that won't heal in a day or two. I apparently have a g*sh from where I fell out of the tree. I never felt it, and it was al- ready healing so they just cleaned it and put a bandage on it before leaving.

Once they are gone, I drink a bottle of water that Hana sent up in two gulps before jumping in the shower, cleaning off all the sweat, dirt and grime of the claiming territory.

When I'm done, I crawl into bed, pulling my mate against me, laying her head on my chest and wrapping my arm around her. I don't care that she's still dirty. I want her close to me and I want her to wake up feeling safe in my arms.

I can't believe she's mine. She's really mine!

It's the last thought I have before I fall asleep, happier

than I've ever been in my life.

Typhon POV

I watch as he claims what's mine. He sinks his teeth into

her neck then he howls in victory.

Doesn't matter, she's mine. My mate! MINE!

I drag my broken body back into hiding, pulling myself along as I watch him carry my mate to the place where the fe- males stayed.

As I watch, the red and black in my vision begin to merge. I have a moment of clarity to realize I'm still in the haze and I'm going feral before my conscious mind shuts off again.

He will pay for taking her from me. And then, she will be mine. With the a*shole Alpha dead, I will claim her, and she

will be mine.

I growl, as I watch them walk into the house together.

She will be mine!

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