The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Jara Jara

When we got back to the female housing, I have Seth follow me to Hana's room. As with the others, as soon as we enter the room and he smells her scent, he takes a deep breath and his eyes roll back in his head.

"Lay her down for me. Let me take a look at her." I tell him.

I hear a knock downstairs and one of the guards lets me know that the medics are here. I look at Seth and I can see his stubbornness coming out.

"Seth, I'll stay here with her. You're a mess. You're still bleeding all over the place. Get downstairs, let them stitch you up and I'll be here while they look her over."

He looks down at himself as if he's just realized he's injured. "Cover her. I don't want them looking at her naked body."

"Fine." I say, knowing that they will have to uncover her when they look her over.

He passes the medic in the hallway, and I hear him threaten to kill him if he tries to take or mark his mate.

"I'm already mated, Alpha Seth. They only let those of us who are mated near the females." He says calmly.

I hear Seth moving quickly downstairs. No doubt wanting to hurry his own medical attention up so he can get back to Hana. The medic comes in and nods to me. "I'm going to look her over." "No problem, but I told my brother I'd stay here and make sure she'

s okay."

"Typical Alpha. Always possessive and protective of their mates. Not that I can blame them, especially now, with so few of you left." He says as he begins looking Hana over.

"Some scratches and bruises. Those will heal. Help me roll her over, please."

I do and we find a g*sh on the back of her thigh that I hadn't seen before. He cleans the g*sh and stitches her up before we roll her back over and cover her.

Seth is back in record time, stitches covering the slash marks on his chest and thighs. "How is she?" He says, coming to sit beside her on the bed.

"One g*sh on the back of her leg that needed stitches. She's dehydrated and malnourished. I can give her an IV while she sleeps, or you can wait to complete your bond until she's stronger and has had time to eat and drink on her own." He tells Seth.

"She's mine. I've told her we can wait as long as she needs to complete the bond and for her to mark me. So, I'd rather let her heal at her pace."

"Of course, Alpha. Will there be anything else?"

"She can shower when she's awake?"

"Yes, and the stitches should be able to come out in a day or so, depending on how quickly she gets her strength back."

"Thank you doctor." I say and walk him to the door. Before I walk out, I turn to Seth.

"Do you need anything? I'll bring up some food and water for both

of you."

"No, that's all." He finally tears his eyes away from Hana. "Thank you, Jara. For everything. I can't believe she's finally mine."

I smile as he turns back to her. I can only hope I feel the same way in a week.

Hana takes most of the day to become strong enough to take a shower. She and Seth don't leave their room and I make sure to leave them food and clean their dishes that he leaves by the door for me. I have nothing else to do other than fret about my claiming, so I'm glad for the minor distractions.

The next day is filled with social gatherings for the ones that were in Hana's claiming. There were only fifty-three of them still alive, and of those, three that were injured have backed out and left the territory. That leaves 50 for me to see today.

The groups are smaller, 10 in each social gathering, so I can spend as much time with them as possible. Many still seem a bit traumatized from Hana's claiming process. I finally got to spend some time with Mason's Beta, Elijah. I hadn't seen him since he was pulled for Hana's lottery. When we started talking, I remembered immediately why I had liked him. Mason made a good choice with his Beta.

By dinner time, all I want to do is spend time with Mason. I'm exhausted with the events of the past week and his presence always calms me. I decide to sit at his table for dinner, hoping to take the edge off of my rising fear. Things are going well until Elder Jason announces that I will enter the claiming territory


When I look at Mason, I can see that he knows I'm terrified. I'm terrified for him, knowing so many of these wolves will be after

him and I'm terrified that someone like Typhon will claim me.

After dinner, I ask Mason to walk me back.

When we're far enough away, I finally turn to him. "I'm so scared, Mason."

"I know love. But just think, this will all be over soon. Stay strong, be fast, be smart and when I finally catch you, you'll be mine."

"Will you stay with me? I barely slept last night. I feel safe when you're here."

"I'm not sure Seth will be okay with that." He says, looking up at the house.

"Seth has barely come out of their room. Trust me, he'll only know you're there if we tell him. Although," my nose wrinkles at the thought, "I hope I don't hear them completing their bond. No one should have to hear their brother doing that."

He chuckles at that. "I'll cover your ears if they do." He says and walks me inside.

Before we reach my room, I hear Seth's warning growl. He's smelled Mason, an unmated male near his mate.

"It's just Mason, Seth." I call out.

The door opens and a half-dressed Seth looks out. "How did you get permission to be in here?" He asks Mason.

"I've been doing this every night since you all went into the claiming territory. Jara was alone here, and I've been keeping her company."

"Elder Jason allowed it?" He asks.

"He did." Mason replies. Seth nods and goes to close the door.

"Hey Seth." I wait until he looks at me. I can tell he's anxious to get back to Hana.

"I'm going into the territory tomorrow."

He steps out of the room, coming to wrap his arms around me. "You'll be okay, Jara. You're smart, strong and vicious when you need to be. And if this dope doesn't catch you, then he's not worthy of you." I hold on tight to my brother, knowing after this, everything will change. If it's not Mason that catches me or if I don't walk out of that claiming territory on my own, there's a risk that I'll never see my brother again.

"Remember what I said before we got here. If it's him or anyone else that doesn't treat you right, I'll find a way to get you out." He whispers in my ear.

I swallow the lump in my throat before stepping back. "Thanks Seth." I say, looking up and see him and Mason having a silent conversation over my head.

"Goodnight." Mason says to Seth as he walks back to his room, closing the door. We step into my room, and I begin to change out of my clothes and into Mason's shirt. It still smells like him, but only because he's been lying next to me all week. He gave me a second one when he said the first one needed to be washed.

He takes off his shoes and lays on my bed, tapping his chest. I crawl into bed, pulling the blanket over both of us before laying down. I don't know when I drifted off, but when I woke, Mason was gone. It's time for me to get ready to enter the claiming territory. The

fight of my life is about to begin.

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