The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 46


Sparring with Mason is fun. He's good. Really good, and he is helping me to become a better fighter, something I will need in the claiming territory if I'm to walk out unclaimed.

When I finish sparring with Alpha Luke, Elder Jason indicates that sparring is done for the day. I'm dripping in sweat. Having Mason and Luke back-to-back gave me quite a workout. Luke extends his hand to shake. When I clasp it, I ask him if stay back with me for a moment.

He agrees and the others begin heading inside to shower and get lunch. I see Mason turn and look at me before heading inside. Something in my stomach clenches at the look on his face. It's not hurt exactly, but I've never given anyone special attention except him until now.

When the group is far enough away, I gesture to the stage. "Will you speak with me?"

"It would be my honor, Alpha Jara."

"Please, call me Jara."

"Then you must call me Luke."

I give him a smile as we lean against the stage. "I wanted to know how you are doing, taking over as Alpha." I tell him.

His back is to the stage, and he pulls one leg up, propping his foot against it as well, his demeanor relaxed. He looks out over the training field before answering. "It's not as easy as I thought it would be." He says looking at me before looking down.

"I thought shifting from Beta to Alpha would be a fairly easy transition. Don't get me wrong, I know that I have huge shoes to fill replacing Alpha Cameron, but..." "But?" I question gently, putting my hand on his arm.

"When you're a Beta, you make decisions every day, but you always know your Alpha has your back. If you screw up, he's there to support you or to make it right. Now, I'm the Alpha and there is no one else. I'm that person who has to get it right. My decisions have to be the best every time. It's more pressure than I thought it would be." He turns to me again.

"I'm up for the challenge, I know I am. I just didn't truly understand the pressures of being an Alpha until now."

"Do you want my opinion?" I ask him.

"Please." He says and I can almost see the relief on his face.

"If you make decisions that are always meant to put your pack first, to be the best decision for them, then, even when you make the wrong decision, your pack will follow you. They will trust you because they will know that even if you make a mistake, and you will, it was with their best intentions at heart."

"You make it sound so easy."

"In some ways, it is." I say, thinking of Seth and some of the decisions he's had to make. "And in some ways, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do." I say, thinking of Mason and how he's talked about having to put down his pack mates who have gone feral.

At that moment, one of the kitchen staff comes over, two trays in his hand. "Excuse me, Alphas. Alpha Mason thought you'd both like to take your lunch out here. He made sure that I sent extra water out for both of you." He says, handing us each a tray with

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sandwiches, pasta salad and chips.

"He doesn't miss a beat, does he?" Luke says, taking the tray before thanking the staff member.

"He's been an Alpha his entire life." I say, setting the tray on the stage, my stomach growling as soon as I smell the food. I'm starving after my morning of sparring.

"We all know you are showing him favoritism, Jara. And I understand why. He's a good Alpha, a strong Alpha. He'd be a good mate to you." I can't help but raise my eyebrow at him. Is he telling me I should choose Mason over him?

He takes my hand in his. "But I would be a good mate to you, too. I would treat you well, make you my Luna, listen to you, let your stand beside me as leaders of our pack. Don't discount me, please." I put my free hand over his. "I wouldn't be here speaking with you if I didn't still have you at the top of my list of claimants, Luke. And, as you know, you never would have been given the special time in my social gatherings if I didn't think highly of you. That hasn't changed."

We finish our lunch, talking and laughing over pack events and things we've overheard at the claiming. Talking with Luke is easy, and I can see how easy it would be if he claimed me. Being his Luna wouldn't be a bad thing. But, in the back of my mind, I can't help but compare him to Mason. Luke is a wonderful man, he'll make a great Alpha, but Mason... Mason has already started worming his way into my heart. I don't know that there is anything that Luke can do to change that now.

When we're done, we walk back toward the main house. I need to head back to my housing to get showered before the afternoon

social gatherings begin.

"May I walk you to your housing, Jara?" Luke asks, as we come to the turn off.

I smile up at him. "I would like that." I tell him, and I mean it. I've enjoyed our time together.

"Alpha Jara." I hear my name, as we turn to begin walking back.

I turn and see Alpha Typhon striding toward me. "Alpha Jara. I demand equal time to the other Alphas that you are showing favoritism to."

I step forward, Luke right beside me. "Alpha Typhon, I have no intention of giving you even a moment of my time. I thought I'd been very clear about that."

"It will only be in your favor to know me before I claim you, Jara." He says purring his words, but it does nothing for me.

"Let me explain something to you, Typhon." I spit out his name. "If you try to claim me, I will leave your shredded, battered, bleeding body on the claiming field. Don't come near me."

As we're talking, a group of people have overheard and begin moving in our direction. I see Typhon's pack move to stand behind him, a show of solidarity.

I turn to look at all of them. "I understand you must follow your Alpha's command but know this. If any of you attempt to help Alpha Typhon claim me, you're shredded bodies will be left on the claiming field beside his."

"Am I clear?" I snarl at his pack. No one answers.

I see Typhon's smirk as I push my Alpha aura out over all of them.

"AM. I. CLEAR?" I shout, my aura causing many of them to fall to the ground, most of them yelping at the force of my aura and even Typhon is showing me his throat in submission. His face is full of fury at being forced to submit to me.

I turn my attention back to Typhon. "You will never claim me."

"You think too highly of yourself, Jara."

I step up into his space. He's not that much taller than I am, not being a true Alpha. I believe I remember that he's from Beta blood, maybe even G*mma blood, but not Alpha blood, and it shows.

"No, Typhon, you think too highly of yourself. I am not my sister. She was gentle and kind, and you betrayed her as your mate, killed her with your selfishness. I am strong and vicious and will not hesitate to kill you on the claiming field." I turn to his pack. "Any of you."

As I've spoken, I've felt other Alphas stand behind me, Mason and Seth among them. If Typhon wants a fight, he'll now have more than just me and Luke to fight.

"Alpha Typhon. I believe I have warned you once already about trying to force yourself onto the contestants. You are now banned from all social gatherings." Elder Jason's voice rings out over the field. Typhon's head whips around to look at him. "You can't do that." He growls.

"I can, and I will. Cross me again, break one more rule and you're out, Alpha Typhon. For good."

Typhon snarls, his claws coming out before he turns to me. "I guess I'll see you on the claiming field then, Jara.”

I don't say anything as he turns and pushes his way through the crowd. His pack members following. I notice some of them turn to look at me, fear in their eyes. I wonder if they will withdraw from our claiming. It is their right, but they'll still have to face Typhon when they return to their pack.

"Come on, Alpha Jara. I'll walk you back to your housing. You probably want to shower before your social gatherings begin this afternoon." Luke says, gently taking my arm and grounding me, helping me calm down.

I nod, turning to walk with him toward my housing.

I don't miss the look of hurt on Mason's face as he turns to head back to the main house.

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