The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 151

The Council Chapter 58 Elijah


Things are starting to get back to normal. Isabella returned to her pack already and sadly, it's time for Layan to return as well.

I had tried everything I could think of to keep her here. But today, she's leaving, and I don't know when I'll get to see her again. "My pack needs me, Elijah. You know that. I'll see you soon. Plus, you showed me how to video call you, so I can do that now."

"It's not the same." I say, putting my hands on her hips and gently pulling her toward me. I've been testing out the 'I'm not scared of you' philosophy by doing little things like this. She never flinches when I touch her. I love that.

"I don't want you to go." I say. I'm trying to stay strong, but I feel like my heart is breaking. What if this is the last time I get to hold her in my arms. What if someone else claims her this year.

I look into her sweet, soft eyes. "Can I kiss you, Layan?" I ask her, hoping she'll say yes, but also prepared for her to say no.

A smile graces her face, and she nods her head.

Never taking my eyes off of hers, I lean in, touching my lips to hers. I hold myself back from pulling her to me and kissing her passionately like I want to. If this is her first kiss, I want to make it memorable, special, something she wants more of, hopefully dreams about.

I gently slide my tongue over the seam of her lips, and they open, letting me tickle them further, gently sliding my tongue into her mouth. Her sweet taste of apricots nearly brings me to my knees. My hand goes into her hair, and I tilt my head to get a better angle. My other hand wraps

around her waist, pulling her to me. Her arms slide around my neck, and we kiss until we both come up gasping for air.

I lean my forehead against her as we catch our breath. "I love you, Layan. You don't have to say anything, I just..."

She touches her finger to my lips. "I love you too, Elijah."

I feel my throat close with the emotion I'm feeling. I pull her to me and hug her tightly. I don't want her to leave. It takes everything in me to stand back and open her car door.

I help her into the car, watching as she puts her fingers to her lips. Yeah, I can still feel her warm lips and taste her sweet apricots on my lips too.

We both watch each other as the car pulls away, and it's not until they turn a corner, and I can no longer see her that I turn to go back inside.

Mason and Jara are here, having said goodbye for Layan and now, waiting for me. I move to walk past them, my head down. Mason falls into step beside me.

We walk in silence for a moment.

"I hate that she had to leave." I say.

"I know. She's welcome back any time."

I nod. "I have to claim her. I have to, Mason. If anyone else...." My throat clenches at the thought of anyone else touching her. "I have to."

"I understand that very well. I've asked Jara to be there for her meeting with the council. They want to wait until it's closer to the time of the claiming, to give her time to heal and to feel more comfortable, but we don't know what's going to happen. Maybe they'll let her make a choice."

I shake my head. "They won't. They can't. There are still too many of us

who need and want mates. Not to mention, I'm up against at least one Alpha. And I'd be surprised if Alpha Luke and Alpha Quinton didn't try for her too. She'd be a good Luna. There's no doubt in my mind that she would. And I know I should want that for her, but I just want her."

"Well, it looks to me like that's what she wants to. And sometimes, that makes the difference. Look at Hana. She chose Seth. When she was cornered, she ran to him and chose him. You never know what will happen in the claiming."

"And that's the problem, Alpha. I don't know. I can't control what happens there, but inside the territory, there is no alliance, there is no working together. It was different for you and me. We were working together for the pack. We knew Luna Jara wanted you and I wanted Layan, even back then. This will be different. Alpha Davis, Alpha Luke and Alpha Quinton won't be helping me to claim her."

"You forget. She still has to choose to allow them into her claiming. She may not. Maybe she chooses only omegas just to give you the edge. You don't know what it will be like this year. It will be a whole different claiming." He says.

"If you need to take some time, Elijah, do it. You've been running this pack while I was out of it. I'm ready to step back in now, so if you want to get away, take some time, whatever you need right now, you've got it."

"Thanks Mason." I say, knowing he's talking to me as my friend, not my Alpha. "But I need to work. The more I work, the faster this year's claiming will come. And hopefully, the sooner the claiming occurs, the sooner I can bring Layan home."

"Okay, then, we need to start prepping for an attack. We know it's imminent. Alpha Gunnar won't let this go. We have all the she-wolves, we killed the Elders, he has nothing to lose." Mason says. He turns, taking my arm and holding me in place. "If anything happens to

me, you need to take care of Jara. I need to know that you will look after her. I trust the pack, but you are the one that has the best chance of protecting her, just like you did against Typhon." "Nothing's going to happen to you, Alpha." I say. He may think our Luna will survive his death, but I know she won't.

"There are three Alphas that will be coming, Elijah. I'd be a fool to think that they aren't all coming for me. Gunnar made it clear that he has no problem stealing another Alpha's Luna. If anything happens to me. she's at risk. Can I trust that you will protect her?" He asks and I can see his fear for Jara in his eyes. He's not worried about himself, he's not even worried about dying, he's worried about what his death might mean for her.

"Always." I say, looking him in the eye so he knows I mean it.

He nods, relaxing. "Good. And if something does happen to me..."

"It won't." I insist. I won't allow it. I failed them once. I won't fail them

again. Ever.

"But if it does, make sure Jara takes another mate. She's too important. Alpha Luke, at least, is one that I know she likes. He would be a good choice."

"You know Luna would kick your ass if she heard you talking like this." I say, seeing her walking up behind him. I watch as she narrows her eyes. "So, don't tell her." He says.

"He doesn't have to. She already heard." She says from behind him.

He turns to her.

"And let me explain something to you, Alpha." She says to Mason, her own voice has gone full Alpha. "There is no one for me, but you. So, nothing better happen to you." She says, getting in his face.


"No, Mason. Nothing better happen to you. Period."

"Yes, my love." He says, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

I turn, leaving them alone. This is why Mason is such a good Alpha. He knows when to fight and he knows when to raise the white flag.

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