The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 12


I watched Jara throughout the night. I watched as she kept an eye on the omega females. I watched while she basically cut most of the males during the evening. I did notice that if the male omegas were polite, she was kinder to them than she was to the ranked members, but if they tried to act tough or self-important, she was just as harsh with them as she was with the others.

When we got back to our room, Elijah couldn't stop talking about Layan. He's really hoping he gets pulled for her lottery. I hope for both their sakes that he does get pulled. The next morning, we all congregate at the pavilion. The Master of Ceremonies, Beta Michael, takes the stage and announces that it is time to pull the second contestant. He makes a point of putting his hand into a bowl with only two contestants. When he finally pulls out the name, he takes his time opening the paper before looking out at all of us. "Layan is our next contestant." She will be second to enter the claiming territory.

I feel Elijah's excitement beside me. "Anyone who does not want to be in Layan's lottery, please go to the tables set to my left and have your name removed from the pool."

I immediately move to have my name removed, not surprised when Elijah doesn't follow me. I know Elijah is hoping to be called. As they prepare to draw for the lottery, I focus on Jara. I can tell, like all Alphas should, she feels a protectiveness for Layan. Unfortunately, not all Alphas recognize the need to protect the weaker members of the pack. But Jara does, and it's just one

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more reason why she's perfect to be my Luna.

Layan comes to the front of the stage as her claimants are called. I listen, but I'm watching Jara and her response to the names. When an Alpha is called, I watch as Jara's eyes narrow on him. Then I watch as she makes eye contact with Beta Hana. They are not happy with this Alpha being pulled into the lottery.

At the end, Elijah isn't called, and I can feel his disappointment. "Hey man, there's still Beta Hana.”

"Yeah, of course." He says.

Beta Michael then comes back to the microphone. "Gentlemen. Beta Hana and Alpha Jara are going to be sparring for the next two hours. Anyone who would like to be in the pool to spar with them should move to the tables and have their name entered into

the contest."

I turn and immediately head to the table. A chance to spar with my girl. Hell yeah.

When they are ready, Beta Michael comes back to the microphone. "Okay, we hope that all of you, but especially our ranked members will take the time to spar. There is a lot of testosterone in this group, so this will give everyone a chance to burn off


Beta Michael stutters over his words, trying to say that this group of males is sexually frustrated being around these she-wolves. without outwardly being offensive to the contestants. "There will only be four males identified for each of the two contestants. Each individual pulled into the sparring lottery will have 30 minutes to spar with their allotted female."

They pull the names and I'm not one of the names in the lottery for

either Jara or Hana. I notice Seth is pulled for Hana's sparring.

Rather than sparring with Elijah, I stand aside and watch Jara spar. Her first opponent is a Beta and she overpowers him easily. She doesn't even break a sweat. Her second opponent is another Alpha and now I really get to see her skill. She's good. Really good. She will be difficult to defeat in her claiming.

As I watch, I see her assessing and testing the Alpha before finally bringing him down. He's ready to jump up and take her down, but his time is up. She taunts him by giving him a finger wave as the guards escort him away from her. As she's waiting for her next contestant, I see her checking on the other four she-wolves. She watches Beta Hana a moment, seeing her fighting her opponent before turning to find each of the omegas.

In this moment, I know I have to win her. I wanted her before, but now, I know she will only strengthen whatever pack she ends up in. She is loving, caring and watchful. She's a perfect Luna, a perfect companion to any Alpha. To me.

I watch her next two sparring sessions, beginning to see a pattern in her fighting. It's to my benefit to know her strengths and weaknesses when we get to her claiming, so I make notes of the ways in which she takes her opponents down.

When she's done, I watch her take a towel and dry her face. As she does, she begins searching for the omega females again, checking on them. I step up behind her.

"You're watching out for them." It's a statement, not a question. I know she is.

"It's what any good Alpha would do." She says, turning to look at


"Lagree, Anyone who cares about their pack watches to ensure

that their weaker pack members are safe at all times."

She looks at me more intently. "Not all Alphas feel that way."

"I do. It's why I have every intention of making you mine in your claiming."

She looks at me a moment. "So, you weren't lying when you told Hana that you weren't planning to be in her claim? We weren't sure about your honesty."

"I'm here for you, Jara. Only you."

"Because I'm an Alpha female?"

"Yes, but not for the reason you think."

"Why then?"

I nod my head, asking her to step away from the group so we can speak more privately. She looks at her guard before stepping aside with me, away from the others.

"Why?" She asks again.

"I believe that having a strong mate, a strong Luna will help my pack. I could be wrong. It may be wishful thinking. But I believe that if I take a strong mate, then my pack members will be less likely to go feral. I think there is something valuable to having a strong Luna leading the pack with the Alpha."

"With the Alpha? You mean, you want a partner, not a bed warmer?"

"Yes. Someone to lead my pack at my side. That's not to say I don't want pups. Of course I do, as many as my mate can and is willing to give me. But mostly, I want someone at my side who is willing to

fight for our pack, ensure their safety as much as I will and who I know will always put the pack first."

She looks at me for a long moment. "You remind me of Seth.

"Is that a good thing?" I ask, hoping that it is.

"Yes. That's a very good thing."

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