The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 117

The Council Chapter 24. Mason


"No, it wasn't on the agenda and today, we do have some important things to discuss. First, without realizing it, both Mason and I absorbed members of Alpha Shawn and Alpha Gunnar's packs. Not only that, we got their mates and both of them had she- wolf pups."

Asher whistles. "If they didn't hate us before, they sure do now."

"It's worse. Luke, Jara's guard at the claiming, indicated that things in Alpha Shawn's pack are not healthy. And while his mate, Brynn is adjusting here in my pack, there is another she-wolf who has a daughter, one that will be going into the claiming next year, a Gamma. Based on what Brynn told Jara, this Gamma female wants out of their pack and is willing to leave her mate to protect her daughter. I'll tell you, Brynn is very skittish around my pack members, especially with her daughter, and Melinda is only two."

"Two? And she's worried about your unmated males around her?" Antonio asks in disbelief.

"It's the same for Hana's guard and his mate. They arrived last week, and while their daughter is a bit older, she's still a pre-teen. She, Alexis, is terrified to leave her daughter with any of my pack members except my mother." Seth says.

"They came from Alpha Gunnar's pack?" Davis asks.


"How many others are still there?" Quinton asks.

"According to Alexis and Randal, they were the only two, so now

Alpha Gunnar has no she-wolves in his pack." Seth says.

"Good. It keeps our mates from wanting to go into that snake's territory." Antonio growls.

"Agreed." Zaire says.

"So, we need to decide if we are going to help this she-wolf or not."

I say.

"What are you thinking?" Asher asks.

"Well, it's against the law to keep someone in your pack against their will. And that should be enough, except, Luke also told me that Alpha Shawn cheated to win his place as Alpha. And Elder Carson helped by allowing the cheating to occur and keeping it within his pack instead of taking it to the council." I state.

"I bet Elder Jason would be interested to know that. He seemed like the only one that had a brain in his head." Davis remarks.

"Except, he's in Alpha Saul's pack." Quinton says.

"I can help with that." Zaire says. "Alpha Saul and I are friendly. I will put the bug in his ear, so to speak and let him tell Elder Jason that his fellow council members are abusing their power."

"I'm sure he already knows, but he is one of five. He could continue to be overruled." Seth says.

"It would still be good for him to know." Antonio says.

"So, back to this she-wolf and her nearly of-age daughter. What are we going to do?" Zaire asks.

"Jara wants to go into the pack. I'm not thrilled with the idea. There's no way that Alpha Shawn will allow her to have access to

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this Gamma without his influence and presence, so it won't be helpful. Not only that, but he's already unhappy with us, and there is no way he'll let me into his pack. I won't allow her to go there without me. So, I'm open to suggestions."

"Gia and I can go." Zaire says.

"They'll let you in?" Seth asks, echoing the question in my mind.

"Why not? Maybe I can get Saul and his mate, Tessa to join us. We can make it a pack tour. We can leave Alpha Shawn's pack and then go to, say, Alpha Seth's pack so Gia and Tessa can learn from Luna Nina about managing the feral-fever in their packs."

"I like the way you think, Alpha Zaire." Quinton says.

"Okay, let's go that route. If that doesn't work, we'll meet and come up with another idea." I say.

"That's fine, Mason, but please, have your mates schedule a Luna call before then. I want to make sure my mate and Saul's are very clear about their roles and their rights when they enter another pack." "Jara will be thrilled." I say, thinking of how excited my mate will be to have her first Luna meeting.

"Hana, too."

"They all will." Antonio says. "It's the first time they've ever had a say. The first time that this many Alphas are supporting them."

We all take a moment to let that sink in. It's true, the change that will come is only possible because we are giving our mates the freedom to be the strong, independent women they are. "There's only one other item on the agenda for today." I say.


Brynn POV

I'm sitting outside the back of the packhouse, watching Melinda run around. Some of the warriors are tentatively playing with her. I know they are worried that I will stop them, and I want to, but I trust Luna Jara and so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, but still being very careful.

It's hard not to notice the difference between these pack members and the ones from Alpha Shawn's pack. Here, they look at Melindal as if she's a daughter, a niece, a little sister. In Alpha Shawn's pack, there was a hint of lust, a look of desire as if Melinda would become their mate in the future. If she were sixteen or seventeen, I might have understood it more, but at two years of age, it was disgusting.

Almost as bad were the looks they'd give me. I began to worry that they might kill Luke, just so they could take me as a mate. I'm thankful that he is the strong warrior that he is and of true Beta blood. No one was ever able to take him down, not even Alpha Shawn.

Here, the pack members look at me as if I'm a treasure, something to be cherished, but not in a sick or disgusting way. It's as if they truly believe that I am special, that we, as she-wolves, are their salvation. And, in truth, we are.

As I watch Melinda play with the warriors who have become bolder since I haven't stopped their playing, I hear the howl of warning.

Every warrior is immediately at attention. I see one racing toward Melinda and as I get up, I see another racing toward me.

"Miss Brynn, you have to get inside. We have to get you to a safe room," He says, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me inside.

"MELINDA!" I scream, trying to turn to see what's happening to my daughter.

"She's coming. Warrior Tyler has her, Miss. Please, we have to make sure you are safe."

The moment we step inside, I have several other males corralling me into a safe room. I see Alpha Mason and Beta Elijah rush past me, shifting as they go.

I'm fighting, trying to get to Melinda until one of the warriors, Tyler I guess, brings her to the room, handing her to me.

"Stay here. We'll keep you safe." He steps out of the room.

"Closing the kitchen safe room door!" He announces loudly, to whom, I'm not sure, but just then Stella rushes in with Jace.

The door closes with a resounding boom before Stella rushes over and throws the lock. It's dark, but she finds the light and turns it on. I realize there are other omegas in the room with us. While this pack allows all of its pack members to spar, not all omegas as strong enough to fight. The ones in here are small, older or weaker than those outside fighting.

"Oh, hello." Melinda says. I can tell she's shaken, but instinctively, she wants to help the omegas feel more comfortable. She squirms. in my arms until I put her down. She walks over to the omegas and begins speaking to them, calming them.

As I watch my daughter, I realize that she is acting more the Beta than I am, and I know that it's time for me to retake my place in a pack. I'm a Beta female. I should be leading by example, not running and hiding. It's time for me to begin sparring, regaining my strength and protecting my pack. My pack that is willing to give

their lives for me and my daughter even though they barely know


An hour later, the knock comes on the door and Gamma Stella opens it for Alpha Mason and Beta Elijah.

"Is everyone alright? Is everyone safe?" He asks, looking first to Melinda, then to me, Stella and Jace.

"Yes, Alpha, we're safe." I say. And I realize that I truly believe it. This pack isn't the same as the one I was in before. This is a pack worthy of its she-wolves and now it's time for me to be worthy of them. I reach down, taking my daughter's hand and I exit that safe room. as the true Beta female that I am, ready to take my place as a leader in this pack.

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