The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 107

The Council Chapter 14: Jara


I'm not surprised at the response of the Alphas. Declaring war, or the intent of war is a serious thing.

It takes the Elders several minutes to regain control of the room.

It's Elder Rudy who stands up and looks at our table. "What is the meaning of this." He says, his face going red with his indignation.

"This is a way to ensure that these laws are actually implemented." Mason says.

"We're all aware that you, as the Elder Council, do not enforce the laws. Without the laws being enforced, what's the point of having them?" Alpha Antonio says.

"And I would add, what's the point of having a council. It's your job to uphold the law, if you don't do that, then you're as useless as Alpha Gunnar feels a she-wolf is." Seth says.

That stops everyone short. There's a lot of blustering and grunting, but it takes a moment before anyone can finally regain themselves enough to respond.

"The four of you are in agreement with this?" Elder Jason asks, looking at Mason and the others.

"We are." Seth says. "We signed an alliance agreement yesterday. Our packs will enforce these laws if you, as the Elder Council, fail to do so."

"I joined their alliance as well." Alpha Quinton says, and I swear I see steam coming out of Alpha Gunnar's ears.

"As did I. Things need to change. We're dying out too quickly and with only a few females that are in childbearing years, we'll kill ourselves off if we don't start protecting them." Alpha Davis adds. "Should I be offended that I wasn't invited into this alliance?" Alpha Luke asks with a smile.

"I've got your paperwork right here, Alpha. In case you're interested." Alpha Antonio says, holding up some documents.

Alpha Luke nods, looking satisfied.

Alpha Gunnar looks around. "Are you seriously going to sit by and let this happen?" He says, looking at the Elders.

"There is nothing in the laws that says that packs cannot form alliances with each other. It used to be a standard practice. However, in recent years, that practice has died out because leadership in our packs changes so frequently." Elder Jason says.

"As our leaders have died, so have our standard practices. Things like alliances and mate bonds have fallen into the history books." Seth says.

"You're saying that we should let the females choose their mates now?" Alpha Conrad asks, looking appalled.

"Not now, not today. But if we can rebuild our numbers, start birthing young faster than we're killing each other off, then maybe, one day, we could have the life that our ancestors had. But in order for that to happen, we must make changes now. We are at the brink of extinction. I don't know about you, but I have no plans to go gently into the sunset. I'll fight it every step of the way. Not only for our generation, but for those of my children and their children." Mason says, looking at every Alpha and Elder in the room.

"So yes, I will fight for our few remaining she-wolves, whether or

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not they are part of my pack. They are all that stands between a future or the elimination of our species." He adds.

"Let's vote." Elder Jason says and it's another close one, eight to six. Surprisingly, Alpha Saul voted against this part of the petition. Alpha Zaire voted with us. It makes me wonder if he wants to join. the alliance as well.

"This item will be put into law, although I would be ashamed if it ever comes to this because it would mean that me and my Elder brethren are not doing our jobs properly." Elder Jason says, looking at his peers I get the feeling he's putting them on notice. that he would side with us if they don't do their jobs and start protecting the she-wolves. He's part of Alpha Saul's pack, so it's even more interesting that his side would be against his Alpha's.

"And the final item for discussion today states, 'At least two council members should be female'."

I had thought that they room would erupt into chaos again, but instead, you could hear a pin drop. I'm not sure if it's shock or if it's disbelief, but in the moment that it takes for the Elders to regain themselves, Alpha Gunnar begins to laugh, clapping slowly.

"Bravo, Lunas." He says looking up at the Elders. "I guess it's not just the Alphas they want to overthrow. How does it feel to be in our seats, Elders?" He asks sarcastically.

"I don't understand." Elder Colton says, looking over at us, frowning.

"What's to understand, Elder? The petition states that two of the five seats on the Council will be held by she-wolves." Alpha Asher


Elder Carson begins sputtering. "That is preposterous. The Elder Council is held by Elders."

"The Elder Council has only been called that in the recent past because there were so many ranked members going feral, that only those past a certain age could be counted on to survive a year on the council. It was never meant to be a seat that was held indefinitely. It was meant to be a rotation of ranked members. In that sense, why wouldn't a Luna qualify?" Seth asks.

"And even if we decided that the council should remain a team of Elders, there are she-wolves that could take a seat on the council. Seth and Jara's mother, to name one." Mason adds.

"Let's take it to a vote." Elder Jason states. The Elders are still sputtering because now it's up to the Alphas if their seats will be overthrown by a female.

In the end, the vote was an even split, seven and seven for the Alphas. When it was sent up to the Elders, they immediately denied it, looking relieved that they had dodged a bullet.

"You may have saved your seats today, Elders, but let this meeting put you on notice. Many of us are unhappy with the direction that the Elder Council is going. Your lack of responsiveness and care for the people you supposedly oversee is appalling. I suggest that you make some changes amongst yourselves before it's too late." Mason says, standing and reaching out a hand to me.

"Are you threatening us, Alpha?" I furious Elder Stanley asks.

"Yes, you moron, that's exactly what he's doing. And it's about time too." Elder Jason says, looking at his fellow Elders. "We need to start doing our jobs instead of walking around acting all superior because we're Elders. We'll have nothing to do and no one to oversee if we don't make changes quickly."

He turns back to the room. "Meeting adjourned."

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