FOUR DAYS EARLIER Amy stood in front of the door, she could hear the pants and moans of the two people behind that closed door. Her fiance was cheating on her right in her presence and that too on her birthday. Since morning he hadn't called her, to wish her a happy birthday and she was worried. Who would have thought she would come here and find him in such a position. They started dating three years ago and Delvin showered her with so much love that she was willing to do anything for him. When he proposed to her six months back, she was over the moon and told him not to bother about the wedding plan, saying her father would take care of everything. Who would have known she was going to be married to a lying cheat?.

She laughed at herself for being a fool all these years. She opened the door with so much force, the people inside were startled.

"Amy" Delvin stuttered as he jumped off the woman's body.

She could see the sweat evident on their bodies and she felt even more disgusted.

"Who is this woman, Delvin?" The woman, who's name was Mira, asked, using the duvet to wrap her body. She felt a little uncomfortable with the way Amy was staring at her.

"So this is what you have been busy with,that you didn't pick my calls, Delvin?" She asked with a mocking tone. She was supposed to be angry and mad at her fiance right now but she only felt disgusted by him.

"It's not what you are thinking, Amy" he was sweating profusely, she was supposed to be mad but why was she calm.

" 'Delvin, why don't you throw this bitch out" Mira snapped, she didn't like the way Amy was staring at her and saying nothing.

"Get up and get out” he snapped and began to throw her things out of the room.

Amy just stood and watched the scene unfold in front of her. She so badly wanted to laugh but part of her was hurt to find out the man she has given three years of her life was fucking another woman in her presence. "When you are done with whatever you are doing, let's have a chat".

Saying this, she walked out of the room. She couldn't stay in the same room with these two cheats anymore, the air in that room was filled with the stench of their love making and it made her nauseous.

"That is Amy, you dumbass❞ Delvin snapped angrily, the moment Amy was out of earshot.

Mira's eyes opened wide.

"Amy, like Amy your fiance?" She asked to be sure, Because if that was the case, she is done for. Because for the past three years, she has been leaching off of Delvin. They were both in a relationship until he came across Amy and finding out that she is a daughter of Sabastian Wilson, the richest man of New york. They both decided to deceive her and get Delvin to get in a relationship with her and get married, amounting to him getting some shares in the property. Who would have thought that a single mistake like this would ruin all the years of hard work.

"You have to do something, Delvin❞ Mira said as a matter of fact, she wasn't ready to go back to living the life of a pauper.

Then you better get dressed and get lost,I can't calm her down when you are still here" saying as he walked out of the room. Different thoughts were running through his mind as he descended down the stairs, why Amy didn't react like how other girls would if they found their partners cheating, did she already know long before now?.

Amy sat in the living room, patiently waiting for him. She had only one question for Delvin and that was why he did it. She had had her suspicions for a while now but didn't really put much thought into it. Seeing the evidence today, she only had herself to blame for turning a blind eye to her instincts. Still in her train of thought, she felt the space on the sofa beside her get a little less, Delvin was sitting beside her.

"Amy, I am really sorry, it's not what you think. I was under the influence of alcohol and I thought it was you".

That was the best lie he could come up with right now. His brain was muddled up and he couldn't think of anything else.

She scoffed, looking at him" did you just say drunk, Delvin?".

The man seated beside her must be taking her for a fool to sprout such lies.

"Well that's Delvin, I just have only one question and I want you to answer with all honesty. Why?".

Part of her wanted him to say sorry and genuinely apologize, she was willing to let it go because she loved him so much but what he said next shocked her.

"She is my ex. she was in need of comforting because she broke up with her boyfriend and came to me.

In Spite of the situation on ground, she couldn't help but laugh,

"you look really pitiful right now Delvin, well let me make it easy for you, it's over".

With that, she picked her bag and made to go, she didn't want to stay in the presence of a cheat a little longer, the stench could linger onto her.

"Are you throwing away three years of our lives for something so small?" He asked in a surprised tone. Really he has underestimated her.

"Something so small Delvin?Well, it's not your fault, you can go back to your ex. She needs you more but I promise you Delvin, I will make you pay for what you have done. Mark my words' she left in a hurry before the tears threatened to fall,she wasn't hurt because he was intimate with another woman and not her but because of his audacity.



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That was the scene she met four days ago on her birthday.

It was a Friday, after being done from the spa, she was on her way to her father's company to ask him of possible ways to deal with Delvin. She was oblivious of what was about to happen. Both father and daughter pair were best friends, she could confide in her father for anything and now she needed his advice on how to make Delvin pay.

"Ma'am, a car seems to be following us. Her driver said, retrieving her from her train of thoughts. She looked at the rare mirror and spotted the black van following them.

"Just change the lane, let's use the old road," she replied and closed her eyes as her thoughts went back to Delvin. The two were like an inseparable pair and now she has seen his true colors.

The screeching of the tires made her open her eyes.

"What happened...".

The Words hung in her throat. Her car was completely surrounded and that too by some unknown men. It happened so quickly, she found herself in the van of the kidnappers and her driver was lying dead on the ground in the pool of his own blood.

"Who are you people and why have you kidnapped me?" She asked in a fearful voice. "Yes, her father is a very rich man, so these kinds of things were not unavoidable. But these people didn't look like they wanted money or could it be Delvin that wanted to kidnap her?" All these thoughts lingered in her mind as they made their way to God knows where.

The van came to a halt in a remote area. Looking around, they were surrounded by trees and a cliff. Why had they brought her here? She looked at their faces, trying to get any kind of expression from them but she didn't see any. "Who do we have here?" A voice asked behind her. That voice sounded familiar, where had she heard it?She turned and got another shock of her Life. It was her step mom, she wasn't alone, her step sisters, Jennie and Gwen were with her. "Mum" she called out of disbelief.

"Oh stop it Amy, I am not your mother" Kathleen replied moving towards her.

Oh how she hated her husband's first daughter and this time she wasn't going to allow anything to spoil her plans.

"We have never really liked you Amy" Gwen said, cutting to the chase. She hated Amy the most in the world.

"Why?" This is the question she had to ask everyone in her life. Why were they all behaving like this?.

Moving towards her, Kathleen thrust out a knife.

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

"In order for my daughters to have a share in their father's property, you have to be out of the picture, Amy. I have pretended to love you all these years but not anymore" she moved closer to her with the knife. "What are you planning on doing?" She asked in an alarmed tone. Everyone was showing her their true colors.

She couldn't trust anyone any more and here was a woman she had called mother for several years now pointing a knife towards her, all for what?.

"I do not want my daughters to have to struggle with you over their father's inheritance".

"I really do not want the inheritance, you can have it" she replied, as a matter of fact. "If giving up on the inheritance would spare her life, then she will readily do it".

"Mom, why are you exchanging words with her? Let's get it over with and leave," Jennie retorted, also moving towards them.

She and Amy have been the closest ones but after being brainwashed by her mom, she also wanted Amy out of the picture.

"Jennie, even you?" Amy asked in disbelief.

Truly, humans are not to be trusted.

Jennie grabbed the knife from her mother's hand and thrust it into Amy's stomach and blood began to ooze out. She had a disapproving look on her face as she did it, like she wanted Amy gone forever.

"Why Jennie?" Amy asked as tears welled up in her eyes. These were the people she knew as family and grew up together. Now they wanted her dead because of some inheritance.

"Say hello to your dead mother" Gwen called out and pushed her down the cliff to her death.

The three women watched as her body descended down the cliff with blood splattered on her white gown, her ponytail hair which she tied was already loose and moving in sync with the wind.

Amy found herself floating on the air, the wound on her stomach was so painful that she felt she might die before she actually reached the foot of the cliff.

"Mother, I hope I meet you" she resigned herself to fate as she felt tree branches cut into her delicate body. Closing her eyes, she fell unconscious.

"What has happened here today, you all must take to the grave" Kathleen said, turning towards them. Both the kidnappers and her daughters nodded in affirmation. With one last look at the cliff, the mother and daughter trio walked away.

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