When Ethan entered the house, his mum and dad were both seated and chatting the night away unaware of what his mum had done behind his back and how implicated he was already in the situation. "Mum, where is Cody and Amy?" He asked angrily not bothering to greet his father, they could talk later.

"What has gotten into you son?your father is here and can't even greet him, how rude". "I asked a fucking question mum" he bellowed again, he couldn't bear the fact that Terry was mad at him.

"I don't know what you are talking about and you should not say such things in the presence of your father" she added and walked out on them.

Her plan was already in motion and no one could stop her. "What is going on?" Elder Kim asked in a low yet dignified manner," that you can't even pay your respect when you saw me".

"Look dad, we can catch up later but this involves people's lives, mum had my fiancee's sister and friend kidnapped, what should I do?" He asked in faustration as he ruffled his hands through his already disheveled hair.

"Don't you dare insult your mother like that, you have always been an insolent child" Elder Kim rebuked and also walked off, he didn't want to hear any bad word about the woman who had been with him all these years. "Shit is fucked up" he muttered under his breath as he walked out, he didn't know where he was going to start from, little did he know shit was more fucked up than he thought.

When Jennie later called Amy, she ordered her to quietly leave the house without alerting anyone or else she would kill the two girls.

It was past eleven but the whole house was still lit up but looked empty, taking one last glance at the house, she stole away into the silent night unaware of the eight pairs of eyes staring at her.

When she was already at a distance, Damian and the others came out before following her, that was the only way to get the girls back. The address led to her an old warehouse in the outskirts of New York and she couldn't help but shudder as she walked towards it, it had a kind of eeri feeling that she didn't like but she was doing it for her family.

Sighing heavily, she made her way into the house, little did she know what was installed for her.

Jenni was already watching her every move as she entered the house, for so many years she has been planning her ultimate revenge on her and now she has gotten a chance and won't

allow anything to stop her, not even Ethan. "Where are you?" She yelled the moment she entered the room, it was desolate and she could make out some figures in the dark, immediatly the lights came on and she screamed back in horror, bombs were tied to the two girls and they both looked lifeless. "Amy, cody" she called as she ran towards them, her daughters almost looked dead but she couldn't help but blame herself," don't worry I will get you out of here" she added. "No mum, it's already too late. The bomb has already been activated" Amy said almost in a whisper.

"I won't allow anything happen to either of you" she said again, she couldn't accept the fact that she would lose them in such a cruel way. "Mum" Cody called softly, her eyes filled with tears and Amy's heart broke seeing the two girls suffering for her own crimes.

"Well Well well, who do we have here?" A voice asked behind her and she turned to see Jennie, she changed alot over the years and looked more wicked.

"Let them go Jennie, it's me you want and I am here now please" she begged in tears because that was the only thing she could do now. "Why do you think I would do that Amy?I didn't take them to let them go in the end, you ruined my life sister so it is only right I return the favor" she replied sinisterly enjoying the look of pain on her face." Jennie" she heard someone yell her name and the four men entered the room including Terry. "What are you doing here?" Amy asked as she saw her whole family. "You thought I would leave you to fight with this woman alone?we will get our daughters out.

Damian and Min ho quickly ran to the tied girls but Jennie stop them in their Tracks." Since the whole family is here, it's a good way to kick start the show". "Aren't you afraid of rotting in hell Jennie?" Teresa asked in a disgusted tone, she didn't even want to imagine she would be daughter in law to someone who wanted her family dead. "You just shut up all of you" she screamed," since you are all willing to die together it would be my pleasure". "Mum, stop this nonsense" Ethan shouted as he ran into the room with his dad. He was able to convince his dad to come with him to see the kind of person they have been loving all these years. "Jennie, what nonsense Is this?" Elder kim asked in disbelief, when his son told him the first time he didn't believe her but now he felt disgusted seeing what she was doing. "You both shouldn't interfere" she blurted angrily, glaring at all of them.

"Mum, if you stop now, nothing will happen please".

"Oh stop your pretense Ethan, we all know you are in cohorts with your mother" Teresa said

rolling her eyes at him. "What?is that what you think?" He questioned in disbelief, how could they even think that?

"Hey man, you broke my trust" Damian said, still standing near Cody. Ethan was just speechless, little did he know his mother sowed that seed of discord in their minds. "Any last wishes?" Jennie asked later as she brought out the detonator, she was done listening to their nonsense.

"Don't think you would go scot free if you kill anyone here" Min ho threatened, his eyes were bloodshot after he saw Amy and he just wanted to kill Jennie.

"Please, let everyone go, I will stay here with your" their mother begged in tears, she didn't want any of her family members to die because of her. "Twenty three years ago you threw me and my family in prison, did you stop to think how we were going to survive? I lost mum and Gwen because of you so forgive me if I can't let either of you go". "Mum please" Ethan begged as he knelt in front of her, he just couldn't contain the whole information and he didn't want anything to happen to anyone. "Ethan honey, I really love you but I can't grant that wish of yours" she replied and faced the two tied girls with a satisfied look on her face, she would make sure the whole family die today and nothing was going to stop it" Fear was evident on everybody's face as they all prayed and hoped for Jennie not to do anything funny until the police or soldiers arrive, they just needed a little more time." Jennie" Damian said after a while, "I will make sure you don't go to prison if you let everyone go I promise". She couldn't help but scoff, "brother in law, I know you are smart but I am way smarter than you think, none of you is leaving here alive" saying that she brought out her gun and pointed it at them simultaneously, by now the army were already making their way into the house and it all happened quickly, a squabble occurred between her and Ethan and in a struggle for the detonator, a loud bang was heard, one of them was shot but now the solders were already trying to take the bomb off the girls and the rest were trying to know who was shot until Ethan fell down in his pool of blood, he was shot by his mum. "Ethan" Terry screamed and ran to him as elder Kim's eyes opened wide in horror, his son was in the pool of his own blood.

"I will not spare any of you" Jennie screamed angrily but before she could do anything, someone hit her hard on the head and she immediately passed out.

"Ethan, open your eyes please" she begged as she clutched his body to hers." Ambulance" Amy said and they set to work, at least for they were all safe except for Ethan who was losing a lot of blood.

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Darnian had to carry Cody in his arms as they made their way outside, she fainted due to exhaustion and Amy was being supported by her mum and Minho. They needed to be rushed

to the hospital for checkup and Teresa kept clutching onto Ethan, she didn't want to lose him, she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Everyone was waiting in anticipation for the doctors to say something and it was super painful for Teresa, she misunderstood him and now he was in the ICU because of her, something she would never be able to forgive herself for. "Teresa" Elder Kim called as he walked up to her. "Yes father" she replied avoiding his gaze, she felt embarrassed to stand in front of him. " You shouldn't beat yourself up because of what happened, if I was in your position I would have suspected him but you were also wrong to blame him openly. "I am sorry father" she said in a low tone as another set of tears escaped her eyes. "It's okay, let's just hope he is okay".

Just then the operation room opened and a group of doctors filled out and the whole family rushed to them.

"How are my children doctor?" Damian asked almost impatiently, he had never been this apprehensive about anything in his life like he was now. "The two ladies are perfectly fine" he replied and they all sighed happily as a tear escaped Jem's eyes, she thought she was going to lose her daughter. "Who is Cody's husband?" He asked again and Damian quickly rushed forward. "I am, is something wrong?". "Congratulations sir, your wife is pregnant". For a while, everyone was happy about the news, it was like a new lease on life has been given to them.

"What?She is pregnant?" He asked happily, he suddenly felt like a fulfilled man and his Joy knew no bounds.

"What of Ethan?" Teresa asked almost impatiently. "We need a twenty four hours observation, the bullet missed his internal organs by luck and now we have to keep him under observation, the next twenty four hours is crucial" he replied and walked off.

Soon enough, the whole family visited the girls while Terry decided to see her love first, she was wrong in accusing him and she didn't know if he would ever forgive her.

When she entered the room, her heart broke seeing him breathing with the help of an oxygen tank and she couldn't stop the tears. "Ethan" she muttered under her breath as she walked up to him, just a few hours ago he was alright and now, he couldn't even talk to her,

"I am sorry for accusing you falsely, it was just at the spur of the moment and I didn't know

what I was thinking. I really thought you were in cohorts with your mom but seeing you lying down like this, I feel like I am the most foolish fiancee in the world" she couldn't stop the tears falling as she laid her head on the bed and continued to cry. "Stop crying too much, you might fall sick" she heard a voice and quickly stood up and she was surprised to see him awake.

"Ethan? Are you awake?" She asked amidst sobs. "How could I be asleep when you are crying so much, wifey?" He asked back as he smiled a little.

She couldn't contain her joy and hugged him, "I am sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier, it wasn't intentional and I promise never to do that ever again". "It's okay baby, I understand," he replied softly and gently kissed her hand. He knew she didn't mean what she said and the most important thing was that everyone was okay. "Is Cody and Amy fine?" He asked after a while and she nodded happily. "Cody is pregnant" she added and Ethan smiled happily. "And my mum?"

If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

She sighed," she was taken by the soldiers, they would treat her in their hospital and make sure she never comes out again".

She could see the look of pain In his heart and she felt very bad, "I know you loved her alot but some things just can't be forgiven Ethan". He faked a smile, I understand perfectly well Terry, it's just hard to digest everything that has happened. I mean when my mom died and she came into our lives I loved her more than I did my own mum but maybe this is what fate has Installed for me and you know I love you so much and since she has wronged your family, she should pay for her crimes right?"

She caressed his cheek softly as she smiled, " you are a good man Ethan and I am proud to have you in my life, just get well soon so we can get married". They were still talking when the door opened and the whole family entered, they all looked happy and he was glad he was able to save them.

"Dear" Amy said as she sat down near him, she had him to thank for saving her daughters," thank you".

"No thanks mum, I am glad that I was able to do something meaningful". "Sorry man for what I said earlier, I am sure you understand". Ethan smiled, " just call your unborn child my name and I won't hold grudges" he replied and everyone laughed, they took turns in wishing him a quick recovery until it was his dad. "We will be outside" Terry said before leading everyone outside, the father and son duo needed time to themselves after all a lot had happened today. "Dad, I am sorry" he said the moment they were outside.

"It's okay son, we were just blinded by her love and didn't know the kind of person she was all these years, maybe I was never destined to marry someone who isn't Korean. Your mum was American and she died, Jennie too. It's just too hard to digest but what can we do" he answered in a concerned tone. t

"I will be the best son to you dad from now on" he replied as he held his father's hand.

All these years they never had a strong relationship but now they would both work on it to be there for each other. "Your fiancee is a lovely lady" he said after a while and Ethan smiled as her face appeared in his head.

"She is my first queen after all" he replied happily, from now on no one would threaten their lives again.

As the four elders stood in a distance and watched how their kids were being taken care of by the man in their lives, they knew from now on only good things would happen in the family and with the addition of their grandchild, nothing could be more ortant.

"I am really happy that all this is over" Amy muttered to her husband who wrapped his hands around her shoulders as she leaned onto him. "From now, nothing wrong will happen" he replied as he watched them happily. Min ho was trying to feed Amy, while Damian wouldn't even allow his wife to get up from where she was sitting talk more of Teresa who was clutched to Ethan's embrace,they couldn't ask for anything more than the happiness they were experiencing now. "May no one cast an evil eye on this family anymore" Jem also said, smiling at the kids.

"Amen" Rubby muttered. It was good seeing everyone happy after such a turbulent stress but now they would focus on happiness and nothing more, it was a joyous occasion after all".

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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