Their mother's eyes was filled with tears as she saw her two daughters looking breathtaking in their wedding gowns. She only had her dad to witness her own big day and she was glad she was able to be there for her kids.

Even Damian too couldn't explain the feeling in his heart as he kept looking at his daughters, he was proud of them and his Joy knew no bounds.

"They look pretty right?" His wife asked as he hugged him slightly and he drew her closer. "My babies look beautiful, I am suddenly jealous of Ethan and Min ho" he replied sincerely without tearing his eyes from them as the make-up artists tried putting the finishing touches on their faces.

The whole family decided to have a double wedding for the twins and they loved the idea of getting married on the same day.

"I wish them all the happiness in the world" she replied and he nodded.

Nothing mattered more to him in the world more than his family and he would do anything to make them happy no matter what it takes.

As Damian walked his two daughters down the aisle, a lot of clap could be heard from the background. Everyone was happy to be among such a joyous occasion and the two grooms standing at the altar couldn't take their eyes off of their brides, they looked so pretty and beautiful under our long veils that covered their faces. "The two of you should take care of my daughters and if any of them shed a single tear because of either of you, I won't spare that person" Damian said teasingly to his son in law and they smiled. "Be rest assured father in law, they won't ever have a reason to complain" Ethan replied happily as he continued to stare at his wife to be, he couldn't take his eyes off of her even for a minute. "Good" Damian replied as he placed their hands on each other before walking to his seat, it was their big day after all he wouldn't want to keep them waiting. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join in holy matrimony these two couples who have found favor in each other eyes" the priest started as the whole church became quiet and everyone was listening with rapt attention, "if you have any reason why they should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak up now or forever remain silent".

For a brief moment Ethan looked around to see if anyone was against his marriage and he laughed at himself lightly, he thought someone from his past life would come to ruin his big day but thank God none of them was here. Terry who understood what he was thinking also chuckled at his naivety before turning to the altar, after all she was getting married to her Playboy lover.

"You may now kiss the brides" the officiating priest announced and everyone began to clap happily as the newly wed got busy with themselves, it was a sight to behold and it would be in everyone's mind for a long time to come. Cody was so happy for the two of them as she ran to envelope them in a tight hug, it was always a jolly sight being with the two of them.

"Congratulations the news Mrs in town" she beamed happily and the two twins blushed, they were no longer miss but Mrs, how time flies.

"Thanks Cody" Amy mouthed as her eyes searched the crowd for her husband who was busy chit chatting with Damian and Ethan and they seern to get along well.

"My babies are all grown up now, I feel so happy" her mum squealed happily as she pulled the two of them to themselves, no matter how she tried she couldn't stop the huge grin on her face. She was a proud mother after all. "Thanks mum" the two girls answered still In her embrace.

Soon enough the whole church was filled with the clicking sound of the camera as they all struggled to capture the memories.

The reception was filled with lots of important people, after all Damian Martins was a big business man and everyone in the business world knew him. The whole place was filled up with both American and Korean people and everyone was happy, it was a joyous occasion after all.

"You should hurry and give us grandkids soon" Jem whispered to the two of them as he led them to the space specially



decorated for them. "Stop teasing them mum" Cody chipped in. "Don't worry aunt, we are working towards that" Ethan added as he quickly stole a kiss from Terry. "I bet my daughter in law would give me one first" Min ho's mother chipped in and they all laughed. It turned out she was the sweetest person and Amy was just scared for nothing, the little time that the two of them spent together before the wedding was awesome and their relationship was already very strong just like a mother and daughter. She doted on her more than her own son.

"Don't worry, my sister's will make me an uncle soon," Damian added as he hugged the two of them. With the triplets around, they was bound to be a good show.

"Hello" a voice said from the stage making all of the guests turn to the direction of the voice.

"Dad?" Amy muttered under her breath.

"I bet he wants to praise us, you see," Teresa replied.

"Twenty three years ago when I first came across my wife, I had no idea I would be standing here today to witness my own children get married. We didn't have any desire to feel for each other but when we did, it produced three amazing children and today being the most special day of their lives, I want you guys to know that Daddy loves you a lot. I will do everything and anything to keep all of you happy and safe from any harm. It actually breaks my heart that I won't wake up every morning to the banter of my kids on the dining table or with Terry always using my credit card instead of hers nor will Amy always come sit with me in my study to have a father daughter time" he was getting emotional as he spoke and his eyes turned Misty, he loved his kids so much and everyone could see it. "I just hope that I will always be around to protect you in this lifetime and the next" he was still talking when his two daughters ran up to him and hugged him tightly, both their eyes were also Misty as they were listening to what he had to say. To them he was the best father in the world who loved them more than his own life and nothing could ever change that. "My babies, my princesses, your father will always be a call away and don't hesitate to tell me if you ever need anything. I love you so very much" he added, still hugging them, not minding the whole crowd. Right now he wasn't the almighty Damian martins who was ruthless and feared by all, he was the father of these two ladies who just got married and he was emotional for that.

His wife who was also standing far off couldn't stop her own tears because it was a beautiful sight to behold, she knew that till the very end he would always be there for all of them and she couldn't have asked for a better life partner than him.

"We love you too Dad" Teresa muttered to him as she clung onto him tightly like she didn't want to be separated from him, the feeling of having a loving and doting father was something not everyone enjoyed but these triplets enjoyed it from both parents.

"Ethan and Min ho, I am warning you in front of all the guests available, if you hurt my babies you have to answer to me" he threatened teasingly and the whole hall erupted in laughter but to an extent his threat was true, he would not allow anyone to mess with the apples of his eyes. "Be rest assured father in law, Amy would never shed a single tear of pain" Min ho replied confidently as he climbed on stage alongside Ethan who had a bright smile on his face, he loved the sight in front of him. Right from day one, he already made a vow not to ever make Terry cry and he planned to keep it for the rest of his life. "What about me dad?" Damian asked teasingly as he joined them on stage but Cody pinched his waist teasingly," Your mum dotes on you, don't make a scene?" She added and he smiled at her, it was true though. "I am really so blessed to have such a big family" Amy muttered from where she was standing as tears of joy welled down her eyes, no matter how she tried to stop it it wasn't not possible. This was the ideal example of a perfect family and she hoped it would remain like that forever and ever.

Soon enough the whole hall erupted in another clap as everyone watched the family on stage happily, this was a wedding to remember for a lifetime.

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