Chapter 40

CHAPTER FOURTY. The man whose name was jimil was laid on the cold hard floor, the stench of blood could not be ignored. He has been kept in this room for two days now without water nor food and no sunlight, it was like he was in the land of the dead with no one to guide him. Suddenly the door to the room opened and two hefty looking men entered and dragged him out.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked but none of them answered," no matter what you do to me, I will not say anything so you are just wasting your time".

They pushed him into a room, this time it was sparkling clean and he was the only atom of dirt in the room.

"Where have you brought me now" he asked as he kept looking around, all the men in the room looked terrifying and he found himself gulping his saliva. If Pete had told him he would be dealing with these kinds of people, he would not have agreed to go on the Mission but he couldn't show his fear now. He was still in his train of thoughts when the door opened again and this time it was someone he had never expected that entered, Damian Martins. The undisputed king of the business world and also a ruthless man who never allowed his enemies to go scot free. Beside him was another woman who's aura he could not ignore, she looked as ruthless as Damian and the two of them made him shiver in fear. "Was this the people he offended?" He asked more to himself. He only knew he was to shoot the person on the photograph Pete had shown him, he didn't bother to check out the information about the person and he ended up offending these two couples.

Amy kept looking at him with disdain in her eyes, at that moment she just wanted to put a bullet through his brains. How dare he touch someone who was related to her and more so her own father.

"So you are the scum who shot my dad right?" She asked angrily as she walked up to him and gave a tight slap across the face. Jimil's face turned sideways due to the effect of the slap and he could taste something metallic in his mouth....blood.

"Relax wife, have a seat" Damian said and led her to a seat, she sat down and was facing jimil directly. He couldn't look inside her eyes because the way she was glaring at him was already deadly enough.

"I asked a question right?" She thundered. Her husband was taken aback for a while at his wife's feistiness, he always knew she had this side but he was just seeing it from up close right now and he was pleased.

"It was just a contract that was given to me and I had to do my job" jimil replied, looking down. Even if these people were going to kill him, he wouldn't show them he was scared. " Hubby, did you hear him? A contract" she had a very sinister look on her face, it contained ridicule for jimil.

"Who sent you?" Damian asked, he already knew but he wanted Amy to get a wave of it.

"Don't ask him hubby, I already know that.

Now is the time to torture him and make sure in the future he stops getting contracts" she replied smiling and Damian smiled back, who said his wife wasn't smart?.

"I thought you had no idea". She scoffed," who would be responsible for such an act if not Kathleen? You know she is scared of father finding out the truth about her daughters right and believe me when I say the three are involved but Kathleen is the mastermind behind all of this". She answered and turned towards jimil whose face was as white as a sheet, truly husband and wife were both ruthless.

"So why did you accept the contract and

Who contracted you?" She asked again, this time the tenderness she had in her eyes when talking to her husband was gone, it was all replaced with anger.

"We don't sell out our work" jimil replied with fake boldness.

"Very well then, you get me a pliar" she ordered to one of the men standing and he quickly went out and came back almost immediately.

"Here ma'am" he handed her the pliar.

"Wife, you do not need to dirty your hands with this scum, let them do it for you" Damian said lovingly and she smiled.

"Okay then" she handed the pliar to the man standing closest to her," chop of his pinky".

"What?" Jimil's eyes almost bulged out of the socket.

"Do as she says" Damian said and the man moved into action.

"This is assault, leave me alone" Jimil screamed but no one answered him. In less than three minutes, his pinky lay on the floor covered with blood and he was screaming loudly. "Are you ready to talk now?" She asked again. No iota of remorse was evident on her face and Damian loved the part of his wife he was seeing. "Please let me go" he begged, his clothes were already soaked with blood and his finger was still bleeding profusely.

"Chop off the other pinky" she ordered again and the men set to action. This time his wailing was more than the first time, jimil thought he was going to lose his life, to him this woman was a nutcase.

"Do you want to die before you say something?" This time it was Damian who spoke up. He wasn't having the nonchalant attitude he had when he first entered, his face looked serious right now and jimil subconsciously moved away from him a little.

"Chop off his entire right arm"..

"I will tell you what I know please" he screamed loudly, he was already in so much pain and cannot afford another one being added to it.

"I am all ears" Amy replied and relaxed her

head on Damian's shoulder and he used his hand to secure her In place.

"I work for Pete, he and Kathleen are acquaintances, it seems she is trying to hide something

from Mr Sabastian and wants him dead, so Pete asked me to do the job" he replied in tears, the pain was unbearable for him.


How long have you worked for Pete?" Amy asked. "Fourteen years". "Tell me everything you know about him" Damian spoke up," I mean every single thing about him".

"Okay boss, he is an active member of the underworld and people fear him, he has not been participating in the activities for a while now until Kathleen came to look for him. From what I know they used to be lovers until she married Mr Wilson".

"So it means she was also involved in the underworld with him?". Amy asked and she nodded.

"Have you ever had an encounter with her?".

"She used to be a bully and a rogue. Because she had Pete's backing she always looked down on the rest of us. There was a time I overheard them talking about duping Mr Sabastian and that was the last time she stepped foot in our base not until recently". "So much skeleton in the cupboard, tch tch" Amy muttered under her breath.

"Will you please let me go, I am really sorry for hurting Mr Sabastian, if you let me go I will live the rest of my life quietly".

Damian scoffed, " just keep praying nothing happens to my father in law or you will also be dead, take him away" he ordered and the men set to work amidst jamil's wailings and shouts.

"Hubby, are you thinking what I am thinking?" She asked once the men were out.

"Pete is the father of Jennie and Gwen" he replied.


These two couples already had their plan set in motion and were just waiting for the bait to catch the fish.

"But I hope you didn't forget what I told you yesterday," he asked. "No hubby, I will step down for you and you can deal with them how you want, I will just be behind the scenes" she replied smiling. "Okay then, let's get going. You look tired". She smiled happily," my pregnancy is just a month and half hubby". "That's the reason why we shouldn't be careless” he replied and helped her up. "Will you prepare chicken soup for me if we get home?" She asked childishly and he smiled. "Of course wife," he answered as they both walked off. Even in the midst of all the chaos, the two of them know how to love each other.

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